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Document Record

Date Filed:  2/25/1992 7:51:35 AM
Document Type:  ENT-Entry
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Number of pages:  000000
Case Numbers: 
Entry scheduling a prehearing conference on 4/7/92 at 10:00 a.m. and a hearing on 4/7/92 at 1:30 p.m., both at the Commission offices; that notice be published in accordance with Finding 7; that any party intending to present direct expert testimony comply with Rule 4901-1-29- (A)(1)(j), O.A.C.; that Thomas Cochran represent himself at the hearing, be represented by his legally appointed guardian, or be represented by an attorney at law; that respondent's motion to compel be granted except as to question 10 and that Thomas Cochran answer the interroga- tories and return the responses to respondent no later than 20 days from the date respondent again serves the interrogatories upon him. (AE)
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