DIS - Case Record for 99-1611-EL-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/05/2001 Service Notice.
10/29/2001 Service Notice.
10/24/2001 Entry ordering that this case be closed as a matter of record.
10/10/2001 Notice of substitution and withdrawal of counsel filed on behalf of AARP by W. Gruber.
02/15/2001 Entry ordering that all certified CRES providers submit the information required by Finding 2; that all CRES providers engaging in the telephonic soliciation comply with Finding 3.
01/18/2001 Entry denying SEL's application for rehearing.
01/11/2001 Motion for protective order and memorandum filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
12/22/2000 Service Notice.
12/21/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C. by E. Watts.
11/21/2000 Entry ordering that SEL's request to waive the maximum contract term for small commercial customers pursuant to Rule 4901:1-21-11(C), O.A.C. is denied.
11/20/2000 Reply of Strategic Energy to DP&L's memorandum contra request for waiver, filed by E. Watts.
11/14/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of applicant by M. Carey.
11/14/2000 Reply comments of Columbia Energy Services Corporation, Columbia Energy Power Marketing Corporation, Exelon energy, mid-Atlantic Power Supply Association, Strategic energy L.L.C. and Unicom Energy, Inc. on competitive retail electric service standards, filed by S. Bloomfield.
11/14/2000 Reply comments of staff's proposal filed by V. Keating.
11/14/2000 Reply to comments by the Cities of Brook Park and East Lake, Ohio and Ohio Citizen Action, reply to comments by Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (SEED Ohio) filed by J. Gainer.
11/13/2000 Memorandum contra Strategic Energy's request for waiver, filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.
10/27/2000 Confidential information filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C. by E. Watts. (10 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
10/27/2000 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C. by E. Watts. (5 pgs.)
10/27/2000 Request for waiver and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C. by E. Watts. (5 pgs.)
08/03/2000 Second Entry on Rehearing denying CG&E, DP&L, and FirstEnergy's applications for rehearing.
07/28/2000 Letter requesting that Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP be removed as counsel for The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc., filed by S. Taft. (2 pgs.)
07/28/2000 Replacement of counsel filed on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Bloomfield. (2 pgs.)
07/20/2000 Memorandum contra to the applications of FirstEnergy for rehearing, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt; GreenMountain.com by J. Gifford; Sustainable Energy for Economic Development-Ohio by C. Sahley; and Ohio Environmental Counsel by J. Shaner.
07/20/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
07/10/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.
07/10/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
07/10/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (8 pgs.)
07/10/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus. (9 pgs.)
06/29/2000 Entry ordering that Rule 5(C)(4)(b) shall be amended to require CRES providers to obtain the "do not call" list monthly; that, in all other respects the entry on rehearing issued on June 8, 2000 in this case remains the same; that proposed Rule 4901:1-21-05, is revised as discussed and adopted. (5 pgs.)
06/29/2000 Entry ordering that in accordance with Finding & Order, Rule 5(c)(4)(b) shall be amended to require CRES providers to obtain the (do not call) list monthly, that in all other respects the entry on rehearing issued on June 8, 2000 in this case remains the same, that the proposed Rule 4901:1-21-05, is revised as discussed above and attached hereto and adopted, and the adopted revised rule shall be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State in accordance with divisions (d) and (e) of Section 111.15, Revised Code, that the adopted rule attached herein be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law., unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for Chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901:1-23 shall be Sept. 30, 2002.
06/08/2000 Entry ordering that, in accordance with these findings, the applications for rehearing and requests for clarification of issues are granted to the extent indicated and as dis- cussed in this entry; that, in all other respects, the applications for rehearing and requests for clarification are denied; that proposed Chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901:1-23 are revised as discussed in this entry and attached hereto and adopted; and the adopted revised rules shall be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legis- lative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State; that unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for these chapters shall be September 30, 2002. Separate Opinion of Commissioner Donald L. Mason. Separate Opinion of Commissioner Judith A. Jones Concurring inpart and Dissenting in part. (61 pgs.)
06/08/2000 Entry granting applications for rehearing and requests for clarification to the extent indicated; that in all other respects the applications for rehearing and requests to clarification are denied; that proposed Chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901:1-23 are revised and adopted; that the adopted rules be effective at the earliest date possible; Separate opinion of Commissioner Donald L. Mason; Separate opinion of Commissioner Judith A. Jones concurring in part and dissenting in part.
06/01/2000 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing of the CRES Order and the ESSS Order are granted for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issued raised on rehearing.
06/01/2000 Entry granting the applications for rehearing of the CRES Order and the ESSS Order for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing. (2 pgs.)
05/18/2000 Memorandum contra to applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Unicom Energy Services by J. Mayer. (9 pgs.)
05/18/2000 Memorandum contra to application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Unicom Energy Services by J. Mayer.
05/18/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shaner.
05/18/2000 Memorandum contra to application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Unicom Energy Services, Inc. by J. Mayer.
05/15/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed on behalf of Exelon Energy, Mid-Atlantic Power Supply, and Strategic Energy by S. Bloomfield.
05/15/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
05/15/2000 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
05/15/2000 Memorandum contra to applications for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
05/12/2000 Substitute of counsel of Shell Energy Services Company,LLC, removing G. Lawrence and adding K. McCrea by P.Forshay.
05/12/2000 Letter stating notice of substitution of counsel from Gregory K. Lawrence to Keith R. McCrea. Filed by P. Forshay (3 pgs)
05/12/2000 Letter notifying Commission of withdrawal of G. Lawrence and adding Keith McCres as representing Shell Energy Services Co., LLC by P. Forshay.
05/08/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
05/08/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of DP&L by A. Vinolus.
05/08/2000 Applications for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik.
05/05/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Sustainable Energy for Economic Development of Ohio by C. Sahley, Ph.D.
05/05/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support, filed by Exelon Energy, Mid Atlantic Power Supply Association, Strategic Energy LLC and Unicom Energy, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.
05/05/2000 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
05/05/2000 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council by J. Slater.
05/05/2000 Application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Sustainable Energy for Economic Development of Ohio by C. Sahley.
04/06/2000 Finding & Order adopting the attached proposed rules in Chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901:1-23 O.A.C.; that the Commission is the ultimate arbiter of the meaning of these rules and the reasonableness of the electric service provider's application of the rules; that copies of the adopted rules be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Service Commission, and the Secretary of State; that the adopted rules be effective as of the earliest date permitted by law; unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, the review date for chapters 4901:1-21 and 4901-1-23, O.A.C., shall be September 30, 2002.
02/29/2000 Resolution No. 888-2000 filed on behalf of the City of North Ridgeville, Ohio by J. Brown.
02/29/2000 Resolution No. 888-2000, filed on behalf of the City of North Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio by J. White.
02/22/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of the City of North Ridgeville by D. Hill.
02/17/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Jack A. Hamilton & Associates, Inc. by D. Brafford, P.E. (7 pgs.)
02/17/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of Jack A. Hamilton & Associates by D. Brafford, P.E.
02/15/2000 Motion to file reply comments one day out of time and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz. (7 pgs.)
02/15/2000 Reply Comments filed on behalf of Unicom energy, Inc. and Unicom Energy Services, Inc. by J. Mayer.
02/15/2000 Motion to file reply comments one day out of time filed by A. Hotz.
02/15/2000 Motion to file reply comments on day out of time, filed on behalf of OCC by A. Holz.
02/15/2000 Reply comments, filed on behalf of The Office of Consumers Counsel by A. Holz.
02/15/2000 Motion to file reply comments on day out of time, filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers Counsel by A. Hotz.
02/14/2000 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communications Commissioner Glazer and the Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shafer.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of Ohio Dept. of Development Ohio Coal Development Office by J. Bird.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by A. Vinolus.
02/14/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf of Cravat Coal Company by M. Puskarich.
02/14/2000 Reply comments of Unicom Energy, Inc. and Unicom Energy Services, Inc., by J. Mayer.
02/14/2000 Comments and reply comments filed on behalf of the American Solar Energy Society, the American Wind Energy Association, the Solar Energy Industries Association and four individual Ohio residents by T. Starrs.
02/14/2000 Reply comments of the City of Toledo to rules for minimum competitive Retail Electric Service Standards, filed by K. Bruce.
02/14/2000 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communications , filed on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shaner.
02/14/2000 Comments of Ohio Environmental Council.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by A. Vinolus.
02/14/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of the Ohio Coal Association by M. Carey. (8 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Cravat Coal Co. by M. Puskarich. (7 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of the Ohio Valley Coal Co. by D. Bartsch. (7 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Valley Coal Co. by D. Bartsch, P.E. (2 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Gainer.
02/14/2000 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communication with Chairman Alan R. Schriber and the Ohio Environmental Council, filed by J. Shaner.
02/14/2000 Reply comments on competitive retail electric service standards, filed on behalf of Columbia Energy Services Corporation, Columbia Energy Power Marketing Corporation, Exelon Energy, Mid Atlantic Power Supply Association, Strategic Energy LLC and Unicom Energy, Inc. by S. Bloomfield.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk. (16 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of SchoolPool by by V. Keating. (13 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer and M. Dortch. (12 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communication with Commissioner Craig A. Glazer and the Ohio Environmental Council, filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shaner. (12 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Department of Development's Ohio Coal Development Office by J. Bird. (12 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik. (11 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Memorandum of Ex Parte Communication with Commission Chairman Alan R. Schriber and the Ohio Environmental Council, filed on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council by J. Shaner. (10 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The American Solar Energy Society, The American Wind Energy Assoc., and The Solar Energy Industries Assoc. and of William T. Beale, Stir- line Engine (Athens, OH), Matthew Bennett, President, Dovetail Solar (Glouster, OH), Robert Howard, Victory Farms (Blacklinck, OH), and Greg Nelson, Senior Vice President, FirstSolar LLC (Toledo, OH) by T. Starrs. (4 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council. (5 pgs.)
02/14/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Valley Coal Company by D. Butsch.
02/14/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Holmes Limestone Company by M. Mullet.
02/14/2000 Reply comments to the Commission's proposed rules regarding Minimum Competitive Retail Electric Service Standards, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.'s by A. Korkosz.
02/14/2000 Reply comments of staffs proposal filed on behalf of Ohio School Boards Assoc. by V. Keating.
02/14/2000 Reply comments on the rules for minimum competitive retail electric service standards, filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity; City of Cleveland by J. Bentine; Enron Energy Services by J. Migden; WPS-Energy Services, Inc. by P. Mikulsky; Ohio Grocers Assoc. by T. Jackson Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Dev. Ashtabula Co. Community Action Agency Supporting Council of Preventative Effort by E. Jacobs.
02/14/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The American Solar Energy Society, The American Wind Energy Association, and The Solar Energy Industries Assoc. by T. Starrs.
02/14/2000 Reply comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Valley Coal Co. by D. Bartsch, P.E.
02/14/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf of Cravat Coal Company by M. Puskarich.
02/14/2000 Certificate of Service filed on behalf of Ohio Coal Association by M. Carey, President
02/14/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Holmes Limestone Company by M. Mullet, President.
02/14/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf of Ohio Valley Coal Company by D. Bartsch.
02/11/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf of Oxford Mining Company, Inc. by C. Ungurean, President.
02/11/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf of G. Schaefer.
02/11/2000 Certificate of Service, filed on behalf of Sands Hill Coal Company by C. Walton.
02/11/2000 Certificate of service filed by Gary Schafer. (6 pgs.)
02/11/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Oxford Mining Co. by C. Ungurean. (6 pgs.)
02/10/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir.
02/09/2000 Supplemental certificate of service, filed on behalf of DP&L by A.Vinolus.
02/08/2000 Certificate of service, filed on behalf Ohio Dept. of Development by J. Bird.
02/07/2000 Certificate of service filed on behalf of CG&E Co. by M. Dortch.
02/03/2000 Entry ordering that each entity that filed initial comments in response to the December 21, 1999 entry in this docket service a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding 2.(GS)
02/03/2000 Entry ordering that each entity that filed initial comments in response to the December 21, entry shall serve a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding 2. (AE) (6 pgs.)
02/03/2000 Entry ordering that each entity that file initial comments shall serve a copy of those comments in accordance with Finding (2).
02/03/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Hon. W. Ehrnfelt, Mayor of City of Strongsville.
02/03/2000 Correspondence letters regarding the application, filed by various consumers.
02/03/2000 Correspondence letters regarding the application, filed by various consumers.
02/02/2000 Correspondence letter filed by G. Rich.
02/02/2000 Correspondence letters regarding the application, filed by various consumers.
02/02/2000 Correspondence letters opposing the application, filed by various consumers.
02/02/2000 Letter of interest in the use and promotion of renewable energy (RE) sources in Ohio, filed by G. Rich. (7 pgs)
02/01/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The American Solar Energy Society, The American Wind Energy Assoc., and The Solar Energy Industries Assoc. by T. Starrs. (3 pgs.) (FILED 1/31/00)
02/01/2000 Correspondence letter filed by J. Frank.
02/01/2000 Letter filed by J.Grinwis.
02/01/2000 Correspondence letter filed by T. Bart, Jr.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Public Interest Research Group by M. Weidner. (10 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of PP&L Energy Plus Co. by D. Gulino. (6 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of the Cities of Brook Park and Eastlake by G. Krassen. (5 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir. (2 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Oxford Mining Company by C. Ungurean. (1 pg.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the City fo Cleveland by J. Small. (4 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Palmer EnergyCompany, Inc. by M. Frye.
01/31/2000 Correspondence letter filed by T. Best, Jr.
01/31/2000 Comments filed by The American Solar Energy Society, The American Wind Energy Association, and The Solar Energy Industries Association
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Co., LLC by G. Lawrence.
01/31/2000 Initial comments, filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by A. Vinolus.
01/31/2000 Initial comments to the proposed rules regarding minimum competitive retail electric service standards, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Public Interest Research Group.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of PP&L Energy Plus Co., LLC by D. Gulino.
01/31/2000 Initial comments to staff's proposed CRES rules filed on behalf of Cities of Brookpark and Eastlake by G. Kassen.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the City of Cleveland by J. Small.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Citizen Action by S. Weir.
01/31/2000 Letter filed on behalf of Oxford Mining Company by C. Ungurean-President.
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power by M. Resnik. (27 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Department of Develop- ment by J. Bird. (3 pgs.)
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Shell Energy Services Company, LLC by G. Lawrence.
01/31/2000 Initial comments of The Dayton Power and Light Company by A. Vinolus.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The City of Cleveland by J. Small.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity by D. Rinebolt.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Cravat Coal Company by M. Puskarich.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Dept. of Development by J. Bird.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf Ohio Coal Association by M. Carey.
01/31/2000 Initial comments of staffs proposal, filed on behalf of Ohio School Boards Assoc., by V. Keating.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The Coalition For Choice In Electricity: Consolidated Natural Gas by B. Jones; Enron Energy Services by J. Migden; Greater Cleveland Growth Assoc. by D. Rubin; Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo; Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by D. Rine- bolt; Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Bentine; Ohio Manufacturers' Assoc. by S. Taft; NewEnergy Midwest by K. Walsh; WPS-Energy Services by P. Mikulsky; Ohio Grocers Assoc. by T. Jackson; Corporation For Ohio Appalachian Development, Ashtabula County Community Action Agency, and Supporting Council of Preventative Effort by E. Jacobs. (78 pgs.) of The Coalition for Choice in Electricity.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by J. Gainer and M. Dortch.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of CNG Retail Services by G. Jeffries.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Sustainable Energy for Economic Development of Ohio by C. Sahley, Ph.D.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Allegheny Energy Supply Co. by G. Jack.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of AARP Ohio State Legislative Council by B. Weston.
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. by M. Resnik.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council.
01/31/2000 Initial comments filed on behalf of Unicom Energy, Inc. by J. Mayer.
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce.
01/31/2000 Initial comments to the proposed rules regarding minimum competitive retail electric service standards, filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Corp. by J. Burk
01/31/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Palmer Energy by M. Frye.
01/28/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Jack A. Hamilton & Assoc. by D. Brafford.
01/27/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Holmes Limestone Company by M. Mullet.
01/26/2000 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Valley Coal Company by D. Bartsch, P.E.
01/25/2000 Comments filed on behalf of the Sands Hill Coal Co. by C. Walton, P.E.
01/24/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the proposed rules, filed by Gary Schaefer. (1 pg.)
12/22/1999 Service notice filed.
12/21/1999 Entry ordering that all interested stakeholders are invited to file initial and reply comments to the staff's proposal and the Commission's questions, which are attached in this entry, by January 31 and February 14, 2000 respectively.
12/21/1999 Entry ordering that all interested stakeholders are invited to file initial and reply comments to the staff's proposal and the Commission's questions, which are attached to this entry, by January 31 and February 14, 2000, respectively; that a comments exchange be held, between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., on January 31, 2000, in Hearing Room 11-A, at the Com- mission offices, in order to allow persons who file initial comments in this docket to receive copies of the other com menters' initial filings more quickly. (40 pgs.)
12/07/1999 In the matter of the Commission's promulgation of rules for Minimum Competitive Retail Electric Service Standards pur- suant to Chapter 4928, Revised Code. (1 pg.)