DIS - Case Record for 98-1026-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/31/2001 Certificate No. 90-9064 issued.
07/26/2001 Service Notice.
07/26/2001 Finding and order approving proposed tariff; ordering certificate 90-9064 be issued; that motion for waiver is granted; that Supra notify the Commission of the rollout of service in accordance with Finding (7).
07/12/2001 Revised tariff sheets and additional information filed by K. Bojko on behalf of company
05/18/2001 Revised proposed tariff. Respectfully submitted by, K. Bojko.
05/18/2001 Revised Proposed tariff. Respectfully submitted, K. Bojko.
01/09/2001 Admended Exhibits and documents to the application filed by K. Bojko.
09/12/2000 Letter stating that the issues have been settled between applicant and OCC, and withdrawing OCC's objection, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Wile; and OCC by T. Etter. (2 pgs.)
12/13/1999 Additional information filed on behalf of applicant by K. Wile. (1 pg.)
09/22/1999 Information update filed on behalf of applicant by K. Wile. (1 pg.)
04/05/1999 Revised balance sheet and income statement filed on behalf of applicant by K. Wile. (3 pgs.)
11/30/1998 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/16/98, (GS), 3 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
11/13/1998 Entry granting motion for extension of time; hearing sched- uled for 11/16/98 is continued until further notice. (GS) (1 pg).
11/02/1998 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by R. Rosenberry. (4 pgs)
09/29/1998 Notice of appearance of counsel filed on behalf of applicant by R. Rosenberry. (3 pgs.)
09/04/1998 Entry granting OCC's motion to intervene; that this matter be fully suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise; scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on October 7, 1998, at the Commission offices; that, if necessary, a hearing in this matter be held at 10:00 a.m. on November 16, 1998, and that the parties file direct, expert testimony by November 4, 1998; expert testimony to be presented by any other party at the hearing must be filed by November 10, 1998. (AE) (3 pgs.)
08/10/1998 Motion to intervene; statement of good cause why application should not be granted; motion to suspend automatic approval; and request for evidentiary hearing filed by T. Etter on behalf of Ohio Consumer's Counsel. (23 pgs)
07/09/1998 In the matter of the application of STIS to become certified as a local exchange carrier.