DIS - Case Record for 98-0135-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/22/1998 Entry dismissing this case with prejudice and closing it of record. (2 pgs.)
10/07/1998 Request for dismissal filed on behalf of MCImetro Access Transmission Services by J. Sanders and M. Berns. (3 pgs.)
03/24/1998 Letter requesting that the procedural schedule be held in abeyance to allow further settlement discussions, filed on behalf of complaints and respondent by M. Berns. (1 pg.)
03/24/1998 Entry ordering that this matter be held in abeyance as set forth in Finding 3. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/26/1998 Entry ordering that the hearing be rescheduled to commence on April 7, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. at the Commission offices; that the deadline for serving discovery requests will be March 23, 1998, and the deadline for prefiling expert test- imony will be April 1, 1998. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/23/1998 Letter stating that the parties have agreed to have the hearing begin on April 7, 1998, testimony will be due on April 1, 1998 and the discovery cut-off date will be March 23 1998, filed by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
02/09/1998 Entry scheduling a hearing at 9:00 a.m. on March 3, 1998, at the Commission offices; that any party intending to pre- sent direct, expert testimony comply with Finding 7; the last day to serve discovery requests on the opposing party is February 23, 1998; respones to those discovery requests must be completed no later than February 25, 1998. (AE) (3 pgs.)
01/28/1998 Answer and defenses filed on behalf of respondent, Ameri- tech Ohio, by M. Stemm. (8 pgs.)
01/23/1998 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Jon F. Kelly, Ameritech Ohio. (1 pg.)
01/21/1998 In the matter of the complaint of MCImetro Access Transmiss- ion Services, Inc. vs. Ameritech Ohio. (84 pgs.)