DIS - Case Record for 96-0486-GA-CSS Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: GA-GAS
Purpose Code: CSS-Complaint on service or safety
Date Opened: 5/20/1996
Date Closed: 8/29/1996
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Date FiledSummaryPages
11/26/1996Service Notice0
11/25/1996Entry ordering that the case be dismissed and closed of record. (2 pgs.)2
09/20/1996Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by A. Thomas. (4 pgs.)4
08/29/1996Entry ordering that this case will be automatically dis- missed unless the Commission receives a written statement by 9/20/96 expressing a desire to pursue this matter. (3 pgs.)3
07/16/1996Letter withdrawing the complaint, filed on behalf of complainants by C. Fowler and G. Thomas, Jr. (1 pg.)1
07/01/1996Reply and objections to answer of respondent's motion to strike and dismiss, and with request for mediation, filed on behalf of complainant by A. Thomas. (16 pgs.)16
06/10/1996Answer with motions to strike and dismiss and with request for mediation filed on behalf of respondent, DP&L, by A. Vinolus. (6 pgs.)6
06/07/1996Amendment filed on behalf of complainant by A. Thomas. (13 pgs.)13
05/23/1996Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 1:00 p.m. on 6/13/96 at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)2
05/21/1996Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: DP&L, office of the president. (1 pg.)1
05/20/1996In the matter of the complaint of Anthony D. Thomas (vs) Dayton Power & Light Company relative to the alleged unjust and inadequate gas service. (21 pgs.)21
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Attorney General:
Attorney Examiner:
Sheets, Kerry