DIS - Case Record for 96-0163-TP-ATA Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Status: AR-Archived
Industry Code: TP-TELEPHONE
Purpose Code: ATA-Application for tariff approval
Date Opened: 2/22/1996
Date Closed: 8/1/1996
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
08/01/1996Entry approving the application and closing this case of record. (9 pgs.)9
08/01/1996Entry approving the application and closing this case of record. (9 pgs.)9
06/28/1996Withdrawal of its objections to Ameritech Ohio's filings, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. by B. Kahn.6
06/28/1996Withdrawal of tis objections to Ameritech Ohio's filings, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications by B. Kahn. (6 pgs.)6
05/15/1996Reply to Ameritech Ohio's response and supplemental response and continuing objections to Ameritech Ohio filings, filed on behalf of AT&T by B. Kahn. (10 pgs.) (FILED 5/10/96)10
05/01/1996Supplemental response filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (6 pgs.)6
04/30/1996Response filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly. (9 pgs.)9
04/03/1996Certificate of service, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio, Inc. by B. Kahn.4
04/01/1996Objections filed on behalf of AT&T Communications by R. Quinn, Jr. and B. Kahn. (6 pgs.)6
03/25/1996Tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 1, Section 2, 2nd sheet 3; Section 3, 2nd sheet 7; Part 6, Section 7, 1st sheet 1, 1st sheet 2; Part 20, Section 6, 1st sheet 1, original sheets 2 and 3, filed on behalf of applicant by D. McKenzie. (8 pgs.)8
02/22/1996In the matter of the application of Ameritech Ohio to revise its Ameritech tariff, PUCO No. 20, to relocate Digital Trunk Service in the tariff for purposes of Grandfathering. (15 pgs.)15