DIS - Case Record for 95-0819-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/17/1998 Supreme Court # 97-1890 returned. (5 Vols.) Destroyed
10/08/1997 Supreme Court Papers. (10 pgs.)
09/19/1997 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Direct Communications by H. Eckhart. (4 pgs.)
09/08/1997 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (58 pgs.) (S.C. No. 97-1890)
07/10/1997 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing by the Alltel Companies and Ameritech are denied; that the appli- cation for rehearing by ODC is granted in part and denied in part; that the comments on page 24 of the Commission's May 22, 1997 Opinion & Order are correct and shall be stricken from the decision. (11 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Memorandum in opposition to application for rehearing of Ohio Direct Communications, filed on behalf of The Alltel Companies (Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve) by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Memorandum contra complainant's application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (9 pgs.)
07/03/1997 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed on behalf of complainant by B. Ferris and H. Eckhart. (7 pgs.)
07/02/1997 Proposal of Ohio Direct Communications,Inc. for compensation arrangements filed by H. Eckhart. (31 pgs.)
07/01/1997 Proposal for compensation arrangements filed on behalf of complainant, Ohio Direct Communications, by H. Eckhart. (30 pgs.)
07/01/1997 Compensation Proposal for Ohio Direct Communications, Inc. filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)
06/23/1997 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Companies (Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone) by T. Lodge. (11 pgs.)
06/23/1997 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (10 pgs.)
06/23/1997 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainant by B. Ferris and H. Eckhart. (5 pgs.)
05/22/1997 Opinion & Order denying this complaint as set forth in this order; that, if ODC wishes to continue its operations in the state of Ohio, ODC shall file an application for a certifi- cate of public convenience and necessity by July 1, 1997; that ODC, Alltel, and Ameritech meet to devise creative com- pensation arrangements as set forth in this order. (29 pgs.)
05/21/1997 Correspondence letter filed by J. Bednarz. (4 pgs)
05/21/1997 Correspondence letter filed by G. Minnick (2 pgs)
01/28/1997 Testimony of Jacqueline M. Young. Filed by: C. Rawlings.
01/28/1997 Correspondence letter, with attached letter to her from the Commission, filed by Gail Minnick. (2 pgs.)
01/24/1997 Correspondence letter regarding the complaint, filed by M. Hess. (2 pg.)
06/03/1996 Correspondence letter regarding the complaint, filed by R. Gibbons. (1 pg.)
05/20/1996 Correspondence letters regarding the complaint, filed by several consumers. (13 pgs.)
04/26/1996 Correspondence letters of Bruce Reed and Carol Gross. (2 pgs)
04/26/1996 Correspondence letters of Marianne Noah and Glenn Torch, (2 pgs).
04/26/1996 Correspondence letter of Lisa Charron. (1 pg)
04/02/1996 Correspondence filed by M. Palmentera. (1 pg.)
04/02/1996 Correspondence filed by D. Brady. (1 pg.)
04/02/1996 Correspondence filed by M. Hofstetter. (1 pg.)
04/01/1996 Correspondence letter to respondent, Western Reserve Tele- phone Co,, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Burningham. (2 pgs.)
03/29/1996 Correspondence letters regarding the complaint, filed by various consumers. (19 pgs.)
03/25/1996 Correspondence letter regarding the complaint, filed by K. Kaczey. (1 pg.)
03/08/1996 Several correspondence letters regarding the complaint, filed by various consumers. (20 pgs.)
02/26/1996 Supplemental brief of The Alltel Companies filed by T. Lodge. (10 pgs.)
02/26/1996 Correspondence letters filed by various consumers. (11 pgs.)
02/26/1996 Supplemental brief of Ohio Direct Communication, Inc. filed by H. Eckhart. (15 pgs.)
02/26/1996 Supplemental Brief of Ameritech Ohio filed by J. Kelly. (6 pgs.)
02/22/1996 Letter requesting an extension of time, until February 26, 1996, to file supplemental brief, filed on behalf of com- plainant by H. Eckhart. (2 pgs.)
02/14/1996 Entry ordering that the complainant's request for leave to file a supplemental brief is granted; that parties may each file by 2/23/96 one supplemental brief that addresses whether the Telecommunications Act of 1996 impacts the Commission's decision in this case. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/09/1996 Motion for leave to file supplemental brief filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart and B. Ferris. (6 pgs.)
02/07/1996 Several correspondence letters filed on behalf of various consumers. (62 pgs.)
01/30/1996 Correspondence letter in support filed by J. Gentile. (1pg.)
01/24/1996 Reply brief filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve Telephone, by T. Lodge. (30 pgs.)
01/24/1996 Reply brief filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart. (29 pgs.)
01/24/1996 Reply brief filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (5 pgs.)
01/23/1996 Correspondence letter regarding the complaint, filed by B. Orosz. (1 pg.)
01/23/1996 Correspondence letter regarding the complaint, filed by Mrs. D. Amtsberg. (1 pg.)
01/19/1996 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the Alltel Companies, Western Reserve and Alltel Ohio, by T. Lodge. (36 pgs.)
01/19/1996 Initial brief filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (15 pgs.)
01/19/1996 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart. (58 pgs.)
01/11/1996 Entry granting the complainant's request for an extension of the filing dates for the briefs; that parties' initial briefs shall now be filed by January 19, 1996, and their reply briefs shall now be filed by January 24, 1996. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/10/1996 Letter stating that the parties have agreed, subject to PUCO approval, to the following extension of the briefing schedule; initial briefs - 1/19/96; reply briefs - 1/24/96, filed by B. Ferris. (1 pg.)
01/05/1996 Ameritech Ohio's late-filed exhibit 2.0 filed by J. Kelly.
12/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/30/95, (GP), 141 pgs., Submitted. (Volume III)
12/12/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 11/28/95, (GP), 243 pgs., Con't. (Volume II)
11/30/1995 Transcript for hearing held on 11/16/95, (GP) Vol. 1, 237 pgs., cont.
11/29/1995 Complainant's Exhibit 9 Attachment A filed on behalf of complainant. (31 pgs.)
11/29/1995 Rebuttal testimony of Anthony J. Yankel filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart. (21 pgs.)
11/15/1995 Prepared testimony of Kenneth E. Rogiers filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Henkener. (12 pgs.)
11/15/1995 Prepared testimony of Mike Flynn filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Henkener. (6 pgs.)
11/14/1995 Supplemental answer to amended and supplemental complaint, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (4 pgs.)
11/08/1995 Entry ordering that ODC's motion for leave to file an amended complaint is granted in part and denied in part consistent with the rules in this entry; that Alltel and Western Reserve file an answer in response to the additional claim by 11/14/95; that if the parties believe that additional direct, expert testimony is necessary to support/ respond to the additional claim, it should be filed by 11/14/95. (AE) (5 pgs.)
11/06/1995 Testimony of Richard D. Hillstrom filed on behalf of respon- dent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (7 pgs.)
11/06/1995 Testimony of Kenneth E. Underwood filed on behalf of respon- dents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (11 pgs.)
11/06/1995 Testimony of Larry R. Whipkey filed on behalf of respon- dents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (13 pgs.)
11/02/1995 Notice of withdrawal filed on behalf of Education Data Technology, Inc. dba Toll Free by M. Hedien. (2 pgs.)
11/02/1995 Memorandum in opposition to motion for leave to file amended and supplemental complaint, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (6 pgs.)
10/30/1995 Complainant's motion for leave to file amended and supple- mental complaint and motion for expedited ruling filed by H. Eckhart. (11 pgs.)
10/23/1995 Motion to substitute proper party filed on behalf of Education Data Technology dba Ohio Toll Free by M. Hedien. (2 pgs.)
10/16/1995 Notice to withdraw representation, filed on behalf of Michael Rosen dba Ohio Toll Free by D. Lowry. (3 pgs.)
10/16/1995 Letter requesting that the appearance of Muldoon & Ferris and Boyd B. Ferris as co-counsel be entered on behalf of Ohio Direct Communications, Inc., filed by B. Ferris. (1 pg.)
10/13/1995 Notice of representation filed on behalf of intervenor, Michael Rosen dba Ohio Toll Free, by M. Hedien. (2 pgs.)
10/13/1995 Proof of Publication filed. (1 pg.) (Summit County)
10/12/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 10/10/95, (GP), 5 pgs., Con't.
10/05/1995 Entry granting Ameritech's motion to intervene. (AE) (3pgs.)
10/03/1995 Reply to complainant's response to Ameritech Ohio's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (3 pgs.)
10/03/1995 Entry granting the motion to intervene filed by Toll Free; denying Toll Free's motion for reconnection of services; that the motion for a continuance of the hearing is granted in part; the attorney examiner will call and continue the hearing on 10/10/95 in order to preserve the publication that has been made in accordance with Section 4905.26, Revised Code; continuing the hearing to 10:00 a.m. on 11/16/95; that any party intending to present direct, expert testimony should now file such testimony with the Commission and serve it upon the parties no later than 11/6/95. (AE) (7 pgs.)
10/02/1995 Complainant's reply to memorandum of respondents to motion for continuance and memorandum contra of Ameritech Ohio filed by H. Eckhart. (6 pgs.)
09/29/1995 Memorandum in opposition to motion for continuance of hear- ing, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and West- ern Reserve, by T. Lodge. (10 pgs.)
09/29/1995 Response to Ameritech Ohio's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of complainants by H. Eckhart. (3 pgs.)
09/29/1995 Memorandum contra complainant's motion for continuance of hearing, filed on behalf of respondent, Ameritech Ohio, by J. Kelly. (3 pgs.)
09/28/1995 Reply memorandum to memorandum of the Alltel Companies in opposition to motion of Ohio Toll Free to intervene, filed on behalf of Ohio Toll Free by D. Lowry. (6 pgs.)
09/25/1995 Memorandum in opposition to motion of Michael Rosen, dba Ohio Toll Free, to intervene and for order of reconnection of telephone service, filed on behalf of The Alltel Com- panies (Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve) by T. Lodge. (9 pgs.)
09/25/1995 Motion for continuance of hearing and motion for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of com- plainant, Ohio Direct Communication, by H. Eckhart. (7 pgs.)
09/21/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ameritech Ohio by J. Kelly. (4 pgs.)
09/19/1995 Motion to intervene and motion for order of reconnection of telephone service and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Michael Rosen dba Ohio Toll Free by D. Lowry. (5 pgs.)
09/15/1995 Entry scheduling a prehearing conference at 1:30 p.m. on September 20, 1995 and if parties are not able to reach an agreement the hearing will be held on October 10, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. (AE) (4 pgs.)
09/12/1995 Answer filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (11 pgs.)
09/07/1995 Entry ordering that ODC's motion to prevent termination of service is granted; that, until otherwise directed by the Commission, Alltel and Western Reserve shall not disconnect the involved service. (AE) (3 pgs.)
09/06/1995 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Dennis McGiles, Western Reserve Telephone Co. (1 pg.)
09/06/1995 Complaint letter and copy of ocmplaint mailed to: Ken Blake, Alltel Ohio. (1 pg.)
09/06/1995 Memorandum in opposition to motion to prevent termination of service, filed on behalf of respondents, Alltel Ohio and Western Reserve, by T. Lodge. (16 pgs.)
09/05/1995 Motion to prevent termination of service and motion for expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart. (3 pgs.)
09/05/1995 In the matter of the complaint of Ohio Direct Communica- tions, Inc. (vs) Alltel Ohio, Inc. and The Western Reserve Telephone Company relative to the alleged proposed term- ination of service, because of inadequate notice, viola- tions of policy of state of Ohio, discrimination, undue or unreasonable prejudice, unreasonable, unfair or unjust regulation, and to prevent injury to the public. (16 pgs.)