DIS - Case Record for 95-0104-EL-EFC Skip to main content
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10/29/2015 Case Action Form to close dockets electronically filed by Richard M. Bulgrin on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
12/21/1995 Opinion & Order that Ohio Edison use an EFC rate of 1.2366 c/kWh for jurisdictional customer bills rendered in the next six-month period beginning January 1, 1996; that Ohio Edi- son file its EFC tariff rider incorporating such EFC rate no later than December 29, 1995, to become effective on January 1, 1996; that the stipulation and recommendation submitted by the parties be adopted. (29 pgs.)
12/14/1995 Proof of Publications filed on behalf of applicant by L. Vespoli. (54 pgs.)
12/08/1995 Transcript for hearing held 11/27/95, (RB), 6 pgs. sub.
11/22/1995 Stipulation and Recommendation filed by L. Vespoli, W. Wright, E. Robinson-McGriff. (9 pgs.)
11/22/1995 Entry Nunc Pro Tunc ordering that the February 23, 1995 finding and order in the instant cases be amended, for the purpose of correcting the treatment of the m/p audit costs related to providing expert testimony before the commission. (2 pgs.)
10/27/1995 Transcript for hearing held 10/17/95, (SD) 14 pgs. sub.
09/29/1995 Testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of applicant by L. Vespoli: (136 pgs.) 1. Bradley D. Eberts 2. Daniel V. Steen 3. Edward C. Stein 4. Robert M. Cymbor 5. Robert N. Stoller 6. Michael S. Hyrnick
09/22/1995 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination of Leila Vespoli, filed on behalf of OCC by Y. Ranft. (3 pgs.)
09/20/1995 Entry granting OCC's motion to intervene. (AE) (1 pg.)
09/15/1995 Management/Performance audit for Ohio Edison Company filed by The Liberty Consulting Group.
09/15/1995 Management/performance audit for Ohio Edison Company filed by The Liberty Consulting Group. (143 pgs.)
09/15/1995 Annual Hearing Exhibit 5-Volume I 30-day filing, Exhibit 6 Volume II ER forms January through June, 1995, Exhibit 7 Ohio Coal research & Development projects filed on behalf of applicant by B. Eberts, P.E. (500 pgs.)
09/15/1995 Report on financial audit of the electric fuel component filed on behalf of applicant by Deloitte & Touche LLP. (35 pgs.)
08/25/1995 Annual summary report of fuel procurement practices and operating procedures - July 1994 through June 1995, marked Ohio Edison Exhibit No. 4, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Eberts, P.E. (183 pgs.)
07/05/1995 Tariff, PUCO No. 10, 21st sheet 40, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Eberts. (2 pgs.) (FILED 7/3/95)
06/30/1995 Tariff 21st revised sheet No. 40 filed on behalf of applic- ant by B. Eberts. (4 pgs.)
06/29/1995 Finding and Order ordering the EFC rate to be charged by the next period beginning July 1, 1995, and the submittal by the company other pertinent information an the establisment of the EFC rate shall be review in the company's next annual EFC hearing, and Ohio Edison file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate no later than June 30, 1995, EFC rider become effective on July 1, 1995. (2 pgs.)
03/31/1995 Exhibit 1, Volume I, narrative and 30-day filing informa- tion; Exhibit 2, Volume II, ER Forms July through December, 1994; Exhibit 3, Ohio Coal Research & Development Projects, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Eberts. (596 pgs.)
03/27/1995 Recommendation and report in support of recovery of research and development costs associated with the Ohio Edison Company's participation in the advanced flue gas desulfurization project, filed on behalf of the Ohio Coal Development Office by J. Bird. (15 pgs.)
02/23/1995 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 10/17/95 at the Commission offices; that the pre-hearing data and audit reports are due 9/15/95; that the company testimony is due 9/29/95. (11 pgs.)
01/31/1995 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Power Company and related matters.
01/31/1995 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Edison Company and related matters. (1 pg.)
01/19/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (3 pgs.)
11/10/1994 Finding & Order that the financial and management/per- formance audits of the fuel-related policies and practices of the electric light companies be conducted in accordance with the findings of this Finding & Order; that each manage- ment/performance auditor should meet with staff to develop a proposed work plan prior to commencing the audit; that the costs of the audits be paid by the companies pursuant to the findings of this Finding & Order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth in this Finding & Order. (6 pgs.)
08/11/1994 Finding & order that the audit periods applicable to the instant cases shall be in accordance with Finding 3; that the Commission's staff prepare and distribute a Request for Proposal, and evaluate all responses received, as described in this Finding & Order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth in this Finding & Order. (27)
08/11/1994 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel com- ponent contained within the rate schedules of Ohio Edison Company and related matters.