DIS - Case Record for 95-0101-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/30/1996 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 16, 3rd sheet 22, 3rd sheet 1, 1st sheet 28, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Forrester. (4 pgs.)
05/30/1996 Opinion & Order adopting the stipulation of the parties in its entirety; that Ohio Power file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate for the next current period by 5/30/96; that the EFC rider become effective with the com- pany's June 1996 Cycle 1 billing and remain in effect until otherwise ordered by the Commission. (25 pgs.)
04/26/1996 Reply brief submitted on behalf of the PUCO by J. Bair. (11 pgs)
04/26/1996 Reply brief of the Office of Consumers' Counsel (OCC) filed by C. Mooney. (29 pgs)
04/26/1996 Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company's Reply Brief on all issues filed by M. Dutton. (25 pgs)
04/19/1996 Brief onemission allowances issues filed on behalf of The AEP Companies by K. Duffy. (9 pgs.)
04/19/1996 Initial brief filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (40 pgs.)
04/19/1996 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Reilly. (9 pgs.)
04/19/1996 Company Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, proofs of publication, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (4 pgs.)
03/26/1996 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/12/96, (GP), 84 pgs., Submitted. (Columbus, Ohio-PUCO)
03/22/1996 Proof of Publications filed on behalf of applicant by W. Forrester. (42 pgs.)
03/05/1996 Direct testimony of Charles Oberlin filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (7 pgs.)
03/01/1996 Letter confirming the extention of time for filing of Ohio Power Company's testimony until March 5, 1996, at 12 noon, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (1 pg.)
02/16/1996 Entry ordering that OPC's extension request is granted. (2 pgs.) (AE)
02/14/1996 Addendum to the report on the electric fuel component of Ohio Power Company, submitted by Deloitte & Touche LLP. (4 pgs.)
02/14/1996 Motion for extension of time to file testimony filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (3 pgs.)
02/09/1996 Report of the Management/Performance Audit for the fuel-related policies and practices of the Ohio Power Company filed by Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc.
02/09/1996 Annual adjustment filed on behalf of applicant by M. Res- nik. (Volume I - 74 pgs., Volume II - 250 pgs. Total - 324 pgs.)
02/09/1996 Report of the electric fuel component of Ohio Power Company, submitted by Deloitte & Touche LLP. (27 pgs.)
02/09/1996 Management/performance audit for Ohio Power Company, sub- mitted by Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc. (126 pgs.)
01/22/1996 Letter stating that Ashalnd Petroleum Company, Division of Ashland, Inc., has been added as a member of IEU-OH, filed on behalf of IEU-OH by S. Randazzo. (1 pg.)
01/19/1996 Summary fuel adjustment report, December 1, 1994 to Novem- ber 30, 1995, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Forrester. (107 pgs.)
01/11/1996 Entry granting IEU-OH's motion to intervene. (AE) (2 pgs.)
12/18/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of IEU-OH by R. Rosenberry. (5 pgs.)
11/29/1995 Tariff, PUCO No. 16, 2nd sheet 22, 2nd sheet 1, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (3 pgs.)
11/29/1995 Finding & Order that the EFC rate to be charged by Ohio Power during the next period beginning December 1, 1995 shall be 1.465000 c/kWh; that the submittal by the company other pertinent information and the establishment of the EFC rate shall be reviewed in the company's next annual EFC hearing; that Ohio Power file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate no later than November 29, 1995; that the EFC rider become effective on November 29, 1995, and remain in effect until otherwise ordered by the Commis- sion. (2 pgs.)
10/25/1995 Finding & Order that the financial and management/perfor- mance audits of the fuel-related policies and practices of the electric light companies be conducted in accordance with the findings of this Finding & Order; that the costs of the audits be paid by the companies pursuant to the findings of this Finding & Order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth. (6 pgs.)
08/25/1995 Mid-year adjustment submitted on behalf of applicant by R. Ringenbach. (Volume I - 79 pgs., Volume II - 354 pgs.) (433 pgs.)
02/23/1995 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 3/12/96 at the Commission offices; that the pre-hearing data and audit reports are due 2/9/96; that the company testimony is due 2/23/96. (11 pgs.)
02/08/1995 Entry granting OCC's motion to intervene. (AE) (1 pg.)
01/31/1995 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Power Company and related matters.
01/31/1995 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Power Company and related matters. (1 pg.)
01/19/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen. (3 pgs.)
12/11/1994 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel component contained within the rate schedule of Ohio Power Company and related matters.