DIS - Case Record for 94-1177-EL-CMR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Portion of transcript, Volume 4 filed on April 10, 1996.
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Garfield Heights exhibit # 7 & 9 filed with transcript, Volume 6 filed April 10, 1996.
08/20/2009 Confidential Release: Returned from Supreme Court- Supplement exhibit to reply brief of the City of Garfield Heights filed on August 14, 1996.
08/14/1996 Returned from Supreme Court, 11 Vols. -Destroyed. (1) Confidential returned.
11/20/1995 Supreme Court transmittal papers. (10 pgs.)
10/23/1995 Notice of appeal filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (36 pgs.) (S.C. #95-2157)
10/20/1995 Notice of Appeal of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio (95-2141) filed by H. Eckhart. (19 pgs.)
08/24/1995 Entry denying the applications for rehearing filed by CEI and the City of Garfield Heights. Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Richard M. Fanelly. (6 pgs.)
08/10/1995 Memorandum contra filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (18 pgs.)
07/31/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (33 pgs.)
07/28/1995 Application for rehearing of the Cleveland Electric Illumi- nating Company filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (18 pgs.)
06/29/1995 Opinion and Order granting application to the extent and for the reasons set forth in this opinion and order, and to the extent set forth above in footnote 1 CEI's current tariff rates shall remain in effect for Garfield Heights pending the outcome of CEI's rate case. (24 pgs.)
06/26/1995 Exhibit A, agreement to the total curtailable/interruptible revenue for CEI in 1993, filed on behalf of City of Gar- field Heights by H. Eckhart. (4 pgs.)
05/17/1995 Reply brief filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (25 pgs.)
05/17/1995 Post hearing reply brief filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (32 pgs.)
05/17/1995 Post hearing reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.)
05/09/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held on 4/18/95 at 7:00 p.m., (CG) 88 pgs. (Garfield Hts., Ohio)
05/09/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/18/95 at 4:30 p.m., (CG), 105 pgs. (Garfield Hts., Ohio)
05/08/1995 Errata sheet to post hearing brief of the City of Garfield Heights filed by H. Eckhart. (2 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Regulinski. (41 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (43 pgs.)
05/05/1995 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (15 pgs.)
04/11/1995 Garfield Heights Exhibit No. 7 & 9 filed with transcript, Volume VI. (FILED 4/10/95 UNDER SEAL)
04/11/1995 Confidential portion of the transcript, Volume IV, filed. (FILED 4/10/95 UNDER SEAL)
04/10/1995 Company's Late Filed Exhibit filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (2 pgs.)
04/10/1995 Composite Index for hearings March 20, 1995 through March 29, 1995, Volumes I through VIII.
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/29/95, (DN), 132 pgs., Submitted. (Volume VIII)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/28/95, (DN), 190 pgs., Con't. (Volume VII)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/27/95, (DN), 203 pgs., Con't. (Volume VI)
04/10/1995 Transctipt filed for hearing held 3/25/95, (DN), 177 pgs., Con't. (Volume V)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/23/95, (DN), 101 pgs., Con't. (Volume IV)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/22/95, (DN), 175 pgs., Con't. (Volume III)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/21/95, (DN), 164 pgs., Con't. (Volume II)
04/10/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/20/95, (DN), 170 pgs., Con't. (Volume I)
03/27/1995 Prepared testimony of Richard C. Cahaan filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (18 pgs.)
03/23/1995 Late-filed attachments to the prepared testimony of Christopher Kotting filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein. (6 pgs.)
03/22/1995 Prepared testimony of Ned Maxwell filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (7 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/15/95, (DN), 6 pgs., Con't.
03/20/1995 Subpoena issued to The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Richard W. McLaren, Esq., filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by D. Nodes. (6 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Kerry Adkins filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (5 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of John Tucker filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (12 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of J. Edward Hess filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (11 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Ibrahim Soliman filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (20 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Patrick R. Sarver filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (4 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Donald L. Howard filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (10 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Stephen E. Puican filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (6 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Carlos J. Garcia filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (8 pgs.)
03/20/1995 Prepared testimony of Chistopher Kotting filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by P. Colbert. (6 pgs.)
03/17/1995 Entry ordering that the hearing be continued until 3/20/95. (AE) (2 pgs.) (ISSUED 3/15/95)
03/14/1995 Entry ordering that the hearing be continued until 3/16/95. (AE) (2 pgs.)
03/14/1995 Motion to quash the issuance of subpoena and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (28 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Resolution No. 95-11 adopted by Berea City Countil, filed by K. Olmeda. (3 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Resolution No. 81-95 filed on behalf of the City of Parma, Ohio by M. Hughes. (3 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Motion for continuance of hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (3 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Memorandum contra CEI's motion to strike testimony of Anthony J. Yankel filed on behalf of the City of Gar- filed Heights by H. Eckhart. (11 pgs.)
03/13/1995 CEI's agreement with the City's extension request filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (2 pgs.)
03/08/1995 Memorandum contra motion to strike objections filed by CEI, filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (19 pgs.)
03/08/1995 List of exhibiits filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (2 pgs.)
03/08/1995 Memorandum contra motion to strike objections filed by the PUCO staff, filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights by H. Eckhart. (8 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Motion to strike testimony of Anthony J. Yankel and memor- andum in support filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr. (13 pgs.)
03/01/1995 Cleveland Electric Illuminating's motion to strike objections to the staff report of investigation filed by R. McLaren, Jr. (17 pgs.)
03/01/1995 Motion to strike objections to the staff report of investi- gation submitted by the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by P. Colbert. (41 pgs.)
02/24/1995 Entry scheduling local public hearings at 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on 4/18/95 at the Garfield Hts. Civic Center, Garfield Hts., Ohio. (AE) (3 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Objections to the staff report and summary of major issues filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio by H. Eckhart. (16 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Exhibits 3A-5A, Exhibit 7B, Exhibit 8A, Exhibits 9-10, post staff report testimony of the following persons, filed on behalf of applicant by R. McLaren, Jr: (86 pgs.) 1. Robert J. Cantwell 2. Andrew M. Haus 3. Kurt E. Turosky 4. Margaret G. Fix Seboldt 5. John P. Wack 6. Kimberly Lane 7. Terrence R. Moran
02/22/1995 Direct testimony of Anthony J. Yankel filed on behalf of the City of Garfield Heights. (93 pgs.)
02/22/1995 Objections to the staff report filed on behalf of CEI by R. McLaren, Jr. (11 pgs.)
02/13/1995 Letter entering Richard W. McLaren, Jr. as trial attorney for CEI and correcting his address, filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by R. McLaren, Jr. (1 pg.)
01/26/1995 Entry ordering prehearing conference on March 8, 1995, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission and public hearing on March 15, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission. (3 pgs.)
01/23/1995 Staff report filed. (201 pgs.)
09/01/1994 Entry ordering that the complaint and appeal of CEI is accepted for filing as of July 8, 1994. (3 pgs.)
07/08/1994 In the matter of the complaint and appeal of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company from Ordinance No. 35-1994 of the Council of the City of Garfield Heights, Ohio, passed May 9, 1994.