DIS - Case Record for 94-0101-EL-EFC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/25/1995 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 16, 1st sheet 1, 1st sheet 22, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (3 pgs.)
05/18/1995 Entry denying the applications for rehearing filed by OCC and Nonutility Generators' Alliance. (15 pgs.)
05/18/1995 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing filed by the OCC and by Non-Utility Generators' Alliance are denied.
05/12/1995 Motion to strike reply of the Non-Utility Generators' Alliance to the Ohio Power Company's memorandum contra the Non-Utility Generators' Alliance application for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (6 pgs.)
05/11/1995 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing of the Commission's March 23, 1995 opinion and order filed by OCC is granted for the limited purpose of allowing the Commission additional time in which to consider the issues raised on rehearing. (4 pgs.)
05/02/1995 Memorandum contra Non-Utility Generators' Alliance's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (8 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Ohio Power Company's memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing filed by M. Resnik. (19 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
04/24/1995 Application for rehearing of the The Non-Utility Generators' Alliance filed by J. Migden. (9 pgs.)
04/24/1995 Industrial Energy Users of Ohio's Memorandum Contra Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by R. Rosenberry. (14 pgs.)
04/13/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. (25 pgs.)
03/23/1995 Opinion & order granting the application for an increase in rates; that Joint Exhibit 1 filed on February 2, 1995 is approved and adopted; that Joint Exhibit 2 filed on February 28, 1995 is approved and adopted; that the Com- mission reaffirms its approval of Ohio Power's proposed ECP plan as it complies with the requirements of Section 4913.04(A), Revised Code, to the extent set forth in this settlement agreement. (112 pgs.)
03/23/1995 Opinion and Order, ordered that the Joint Exhibit 1 filed on February 2, 1995 is approved and adopted, that the Joint Exhibit 2 filed on February 28, 1995 is approved and adopted, that the Commission reaffirms its approval of Ohio Powers proposed ECP plan as it complies with the requirements of Section 4913.04 (A) revised code, to the extent set forth in the settlement agreement.
03/21/1995 Company Exhibit No. EFC-5-Late Filed, proofs of publication, and Company Exhibit ERC-4A-Late Filed, affidavit of Mark Henry of the Ohio Newspaper Services, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (43 pgs.)
03/17/1995 Corrections to the initial brief filed on behalf of the Non-Utility Generators' Alliance by J. Migden. (4 pgs.)
03/17/1995 Company Exhibit No. EFC-4-Late Filed, the proofs of publi- cation--one time and Company Exhibit No. ERC-4A-Lake Filed, affidavit of Mark Henry of the Ohio Newspaper Service, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (40 pgs.)
03/17/1995 Missing pages of Initial brief, filed on behalf of the Non-Utility Generators' Alliance on March 13, 1995, by J. Migden.
03/15/1995 Exhibit 4 to the settlement agreement (Joint Exhibit 2) which was filed in Ohio Power' Company rate proceeding, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik.
03/15/1995 Reply to the briefs of OCC and NUGA on special contracts, and rates and tariffs, filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (13 pgs.)
03/15/1995 Reply brief on revenue distribution and rate design filed on behalf of IEU-OH by R. Rosenberry. (14 pgs.)
03/15/1995 Exhibit 4 to the settlement agreement (Joint Exhibit 2) filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (100 pgs.)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/13/95, (CG), 49 pgs. (Steubenville, Ohio)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/10/95, (DJ), 44 pgs. (Canton, Ohio)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/8/95, (JBB), 53 pgs. (Portsmouth, Ohio)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/6/95, (JMB), 46 pgs. (Lima, Ohio)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/6/95, (RF), 49 pgs. (Zanesville, Ohio)
03/14/1995 Transcript filed for hearing held 3/14/95, (GP), 16 pgs., Submitted.
03/14/1995 Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Nourse. (8 pgs.)
03/14/1995 Reply brief supporting the settlement agreement and addressing revenue requirement issues filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (16 pgs.)
03/14/1995 Reply brief on revenue requirements filed on behalf of IEU-OH by R. Rosenberry. (10 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Post hearing brief on revenue distribution and rate design issues filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Nourse, J. Jackson-Forbes, and W. Wright. (20 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Post-hearing brief on special contracts, revenue distri- bution, and rate design filed on behalf of applicant by F. Dutton. (32 pgs.)
03/13/1995 Post-hearing brief on revenue distribution and rate design filed on behalf of IEU-OH by R. Rosenberry. (16 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by S. Nourse, J. Jackson-Forbes, and W. Wright. (38 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of IEU-OH by R. Rosen- berry. (16 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Settlement agreement filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik; IEC by L. Bell; OCC by C. Mooney; the PUCO staff by S. Nourse; Globe by F. Abel; UMW by E. Trisko. (2 pgs.)
03/07/1995 Brief supporting the settlement agreement and addressing revenue requirement issues, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Resnik. (59 pgs.)
02/28/1995 Settlement Agreement filed by M. Resnik. (52 pgs.)
02/23/1995 Joint motion for stay of procedural dates filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by W. Wright; Ohio Power by M. Resnik; OCC by C. Mooney; and IEU-OH by R. Rosenberry. (3 pgs.)
02/23/1995 Entry ordering that IEU's motion to intervene in this proceeding is granted; that the joint motion of Ohio Power, OCC, staff, and IEU to suspend the procedural dates is granted; that the hearing remains as scheduled, beginning at 10:00 a.m on March 14, 1995 at the Commission offices. (AE) (3 pgs.)
02/10/1995 Report of the electric fuel component for Ohio Power Company filed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. (32 pgs.)
02/10/1995 Management/performance audit submitted by Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc. by E. Medine. (189 pgs.)
02/10/1995 Data submission (Volumes I and II) filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (407 pgs.)
02/07/1995 Withdrawal and substitution of counsel filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by W. Wright. (2 pgs.)
02/03/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by R. Rosenberry. (6 pgs.)
02/03/1995 Entry granting UMWA's motion to intervene and the motion to permit an out-of-state attorney's appearance in this proceeding. (AE) (2 pgs.)
01/20/1995 Annual fuel clause summary report for the 12-month period ending Novemer 30, 1994 filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (128 pgs.)
01/10/1995 Motion to permit out-of-state attorney to appear in this proceeding filed on behalf of United Mine Workers of America by T. Myers. (2 pgs.)
01/10/1995 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of United Mine Workers of America by T. Myers. (3 pgs.)
11/23/1994 Tariff, PUCO No. 15, 23rd sheet 1, 19th sheet 1a, 23rd sheet 27, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (4 pgs.)
11/10/1994 Finding & Order that the financial and management/per- formance audits of the fuel-related policies and practices of the electric light companies be conducted in accordance with the findings of this Finding & Order; that each manage- ment/performance auditor should meet with staff to develop a proposed work plan prior to commencing the audit; that the costs of the audits be paid by the companies pursuant to the findings of this Finding & Order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth in this Finding & Order. (6 pgs.)
11/10/1994 Findng & Order that the EFC rate to be charged by Ohio Power during the next period beginning December 1, 1994 shall be 1.396909 c/kWh; that Ohio Power file its EFC tariff rider incorporating the EFC rate by 11/30/94; that the EFC rider become effective on 12/1/94. (2 pgs.)
08/11/1994 Finding & order that the audit periods applicable to the instant cases shall be in accordance with Finding 3; that the Commission's staff prepare and distribute a Request for Proposal, and evaluate all responses received, as described in this Finding & Order; that the companies and the auditors shall observe the requirements set forth in this Finding & Order. (27)
08/10/1994 Supplement to Volume I of Ohio Power Company's Mid-Year EFC rate adjustment data submission docketed on August 5, 1994, filed by T. Ringenbach.
08/05/1994 Monthly ER Forms for the period December, 1993 through May, 1994, filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (Volume II)
08/05/1994 Mid year EFC rate adjustment data submission filed on behalf of applicant by T. Ringenbach. (Volume I)
03/16/1994 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 3/14/95 at the Commission offices; that annual ER summary is due 1/20/95; company testimony is due 2/24/95.
02/16/1994 Entry granting OCC's motion to intervene. (AE)
01/28/1994 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
01/19/1994 In the matter of the regulation of the electric fuel com- ponent contained within the rate schedules of Ohio Power Company and related matters.