DIS - Case Record for 93-1636-GA-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/13/2002 Record of informational programs performed and copies of materials utilized in promotion gas transportation service to schools on Suburban's system, filed on behalf of applicant by B. Campbell.
09/21/2001 Record of informational programs performed and copies of materials utilized in promotion gas transportation service to schools on Suburban's system, filed on behalf of Suburban Natural Gas Co. by B. Campbell.
09/13/2000 Record of informational programs filed on behalf of Suburban Natural Gas by B. Campbell. (15 pgs.)
09/16/1997 Record of informational programs performed and copies of materials utilized in promoting gas transportation service to schools on Suburban's system, filed on behalf of Suburban Natural Gas Co. by D. Pemberton, Jr. (16 pgs.)
08/07/1996 Record of informational programs performed and copies of materials utilized in prompting gas transportation service to schools on Suburban's system, filed by D. Pemberton, Jr. (7 pgs.)
11/02/1995 Entry ordering that the applications for rehearing filed by East Ohio and OCC are denied; that those gas companies which will be providing gas transportation services to schools during the upcoming winter heating season comply with the directives set forth in Finding 4.
10/23/1995 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing by East Ohio Gas Company and OCC, filed on behalf of Central Ohio Con- sortium of Schools by M. Petricoff and Toledo Public Schools by S. Taft. (14 pgs.)
10/23/1995 Memorandum contra to East Ohio Gas Company's and OCC's applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Bay Area Council of Governments, Greater Cleveland Schools Council of Governments, and Lake Erie Regional Council of Govern- ments by G. Krassen. (11 pgs.)
10/18/1995 Revised certificate of service filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (6 pgs.)
10/16/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (13 pgs.)
10/13/1995 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company by H. Liebman. (14 pgs.)
09/15/1995 Service Notice
09/14/1995 Entry ordering that the attached revised gas transportation program guidelines be adopted as of the date of this entry. (12 pgs.)
03/29/1995 Entry adopting the attached revised gas transportation program guidelines as of this day. (10 pgs.)
12/01/1994 Entry ordering the staff's recommendation set forth in sub- paragraphs (a) through (d) of finding 4 be adopted and that the attached revised gas transportation program guidelines be adopted as of the date of this entry. (23 pgs.)
11/22/1994 Joint motion for working group meeting on curtailment and compensation filed on behalf of IEU-OH by S. Ran- dazzo; OMA by S. Taft; Volunteer Energy by J. Johnson; Honda of America Mfg. by M. Sommers; JDS Energy Corp. by D. Mansbery; Bay Area, Greater Cleveland Schools & Lake Erie Regional Councils of Governments by G. Krassen; and Ohio Oil & Gas Assn. by H. Petricoff.
11/22/1994 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by T. Brown.
11/14/1994 Certificate of service filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Corp. (6 pgs.)
11/09/1994 Certificate of service filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas and West Ohio Gas by H. Liebman. (1 pg.)
11/04/1994 Comments of Stand Energy Corporation filed by R. Robison.
11/04/1994 Comments of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed by H. Petricoff.
11/04/1994 Comments of Honda of America Mfg., Inc. filed by H. Petricoff.
11/04/1994 Comments filed on behalf of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by J. Banner.
11/04/1994 Comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by T. Brown.
11/04/1994 Comments filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio's comments by S. Randazzo.
11/04/1994 Comments and response of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association to October 13, 1994 Entry filed by S. Taft.
11/04/1994 Comments of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel by M. Samuels.
11/04/1994 Comments filed by Volunteer Energy Corporation.
11/04/1994 Comments filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio. (7 pgs.)
10/17/1994 Response to request.
10/13/1994 Entry ordering that interested parties wishing to file written comments to the staff's recommendations and the Commission's proposed policy statement and question shall do so no later than November 4, 1994.
08/31/1994 Comments of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association in partial opposition to the Staff's proposal to amend the 85-800 guidelines.
11/24/1993 Transcript for hearing held Thursday, November 4, 1993 at 10:00 a.m. before C. Glazer, M. Biddison, and R. Fanelly.
11/24/1993 Service Notice
11/24/1993 Entry ordering that the gas utilities are authorized to file proposed revised tariffs which are necessary to reflect the changes being approved in Cases 85-800-GA-COI and 93-1930-GA-ORD, with such filing to be made in confor- mity with the requirements of an application for tariff approval and in a separate docket.
11/03/1993 Corrected copy of page 1 of the comments filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
11/03/1993 Addition to comments that was inadvertently omitted from page 1 filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
11/01/1993 Motion to intervene and comments of Bay Area Council of Governments, Greater Cleveland Schools Council of Governments and Lake Erie Regional Council of Governments on Staff recommendation for implementation of FERC Order 636 filed by G. Krassen.
11/01/1993 Comments of The Dayton Power & Light Company filed by D. George.
11/01/1993 Comments of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association filed by H. Petricoff.
11/01/1993 Comments of the East Ohio Gas Company, The River Gas Company, and West Ohio Gas Company on revised Staff Recommendations for FERC Order No. 636 Implementation filed by H. Liebman.
11/01/1993 Comments of Enron Access Corporation on Staff Recommendations for Implementation filed by T. Battaglia.
11/01/1993 Comments of the Office of the Consumers' Counsel on Staff Order 636 Recommendations filed by J. Serio.
11/01/1993 Joint comments of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo.
11/01/1993 Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Banner.
11/01/1993 Comments of Dayton Power & Light Company filed by D. George.
11/01/1993 Comments of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company filed by J. Banner.
11/01/1993 Comments of the East Ohio Gas Company, The River Gas Company and West Ohio Gas Company on revised Staff Recommendations for FERC Order No. 636 Implementation filed by H. Liebman.
10/29/1993 Comments filed on behalf of Pike Natural Gas Company and Eastern Natural Gas Co. by C. Pavalko; and Ohio Gas Co. by J. Webster.
10/22/1993 Service Notice
10/21/1993 Entry ordering that all findings be observed.
10/01/1993 In the matter of the Commission Implementation of FERC Order 636 and related matters.
09/09/1993 In the matter of Commission implementation of FERC Order 636 and related matters.
09/09/1993 In the matter of Commission implementation of FERC order 636 and related matters.