DIS - Case Record for 93-1472-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/17/1995 Letter stating that the proper hardware was installed on the morning of July 12, 1995, and has since been operating properly; therefore, since that time, Greenwich sub- scribers' calls to the North Fairfield (744) exchange only require dialing seven digits, filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (1 pg.)
07/13/1995 Additional information regarding the establishment of two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Green- wich and Norwalk exchanges, filed on behalf of respon- dent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (3 pgs.)
07/06/1995 Tariff, PUCO No. 6, Contents, 40th sheet 1; Check List, 336th sheet 1, 77th sheet 5, 77th sheet 8; Section 2.3, 35th sheet 4, 3rd sheet 6; Section 3-Greenwich, 13th sheet 1; Section 3-Norwalk, 18th sheet 1, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (9 pgs.)
11/18/1994 Letter stating the in-service date for EAS between Greenwich and Willard exchanges filed on behalf of GTE by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
07/21/1994 Supplemental Opinion & Order that two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Greenwich and Norwalk exchanges and two-way, nonoptional, measured-rate EAS between the Greenwich and Willard exchanges be instituted within 12 months; that GTE establish an in-service date within four months, inform the Commission of the date, and advise the Commission not later than 60 days prior to the in-service date in the event the date cannot be met.
06/29/1994 Letter stating that GTE North concurs that of the Greenwich subscribers casting ballots, 89% wish to have flat-rate EAS, and GTE North does not desire a further hearing on this matter, filed by B. Kazee.
06/15/1994 Ballots from the Greenwich, Ohio, 752-exchange subscribers filed by A. Kent Bacon.
04/27/1994 Opinion & Order that the request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Greenwich and Norwalk exchanges is granted; that the request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Greenwich and Willard exchanges is denied; the request for two-way, nonoptional, measured- rate EAS between the Greenwich and Willard exchanges is granted; that GTE provide a list of all Greenwich sub- sribers' names and addresses within 15 days of this order; that the complainants canvass the Greenwich subscribers and report the results to the Commission no later than June 30, 1994; that after the complainants have submitted the ballots collected, GTE should review the ballots and report the results of their review to the Commission no later than 15 days after the ballots are filed.
03/15/1994 Transcript filed for hearing held 2/22/94, (GP), 351 pgs., Submitted. (Greenwich, Ohio)
03/01/1994 Proof of Publication filed. (Huron County)
02/28/1994 Letter stating that the complainants have decided not to follow-up on the cross-examination of the GTE North witnesses, but to turn the matter over to the PUCO for its final decision, filed by T. Kilbane, A. Bacon, and J. Ebinger.
02/17/1994 Testimony and attachments of Patricia J. Cook filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
02/17/1994 Testimony and attachments of Jay A. Behrens filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
01/21/1994 Legal Notice sent to: Norwalk Reflector (Huron Co.) Certified Mail.
12/23/1993 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on 2/22/94 at the Fisher-Titus Community Center, Greenwich, Ohio. (AE)
12/21/1993 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
11/23/1993 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
11/23/1993 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
10/26/1993 Entry ordering that case No. 93-1472-TP-PEX and case No. 93-1473-TP-PEX are consolidated and case No. 93-1473-TP-PEX shall be deleted from the records of the Commission, and the petitions shall, hereinafter, be designated as case No. 93-1472-TP-PEX, and ordering that the respondent shall file its written answer or other pleading with the Commission and serve a copy of same upon the complainants by November 24, 1993, required by finding (4), and ordering that the respondent shall provide the Commissio and the complainants, by December 21, 1993 the information required by Finding (5), and that the parties comply with finding (6), and ordered that a settlement conference be scheduled in accordance with Finding (7). (AE)
09/07/1993 In the matter of the petition of Alice Bacon and sub- scribers of the 752 Greenwich exchange of GTE North, Inc. for extended toll-free telephone service into the 663, 668, and 744 Norwalk exchanges of GTE North, Inc.