DIS - Case Record for 92-1144-GA-AAM Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/03/1994 Letter stating that CG&E filed an application in Case No. 94-767-GA-ATA seeking review and approval of a new firm gas transportation tariff, and that this filing represents CG&E's compliance with the Commission's directives contained in its Opinion & Order issued August 26, 1993 in this case, filed by J. Banner.
04/13/1994 Letter advising the Commission that applicant will not be submitting its new firm transportation tariff by 4/15/94, but instead proposes to file such tariff by 4/29/94, filed by J. Banner.
03/02/1994 Entry ordering that CG&E be granted an extension of time until April 15, 1994 for the submission of a new trans- portation tariff. (AE)
03/02/1994 Letter stating that, as decided in the meeting held 2/28/94, the parties have agreed to hold a subsequent meeting on March 18, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. at the Commission offices, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Banner.
03/02/1994 Motion to strike and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Banner.
02/25/1994 Motion to deny request for extension of time filed on behalf of Stand Energy Corp. by R. Robison.
02/11/1994 Request for extension of time filed on behalf of applicant by J. Banner.
12/01/1993 Entry ordering that CG&E be granted an extension of time until February 1, 1994 for the submission of a new transportation tariff. (AE)
11/26/1993 Request for extension of time filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler.
11/26/1993 Response of City of Cincinnati to joint motion of CG&E, the PUCO staff, IEC, Armco Steel and Air Products and Chemicals, and The Kroger Company for clarifiction and memorandum in support filed by R. Ganulin.
11/19/1993 Joint motion for clarification and memorandum in support filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Gribler; IEC by L. Bell; the PUCO staff by W. Wright; Armco Steel and Air Products and Chemicals by D. Boehm; and The Kroger Co. by J. Bentine.
10/04/1993 Memoranda contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler.
09/27/1993 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Citywide Coalition for Utility Reform by J. Branch.
09/03/1993 Electric tariff, PUCO No. 17, sheet 21.3, sheet 79.2 (effective August 26, 1993) and sheet 41.7a (effective May 21, 1994), filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall.
08/26/1993 Opinion & Order that the application is granted to the extent provided in this opinion & order and closing this case as a matter of record.
08/26/1993 Opinion and order, ordering that the Joint Stipulation and Recommendation filed on July 6, 1993 is approved and adopted in its entirety. (Stipulation attached)
08/26/1993 Composite index, Monday, May 3, 1993 through Thursday, July 29, 1993, Volumes I through XIV filed.
08/26/1993 Gas and electric tariffs filed on behalf of applicant by D. Marshall.
08/20/1993 Response to joint motion for oral argument filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler.
08/13/1993 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler.
08/13/1993 Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein, W. Wright, J Van Niel, and P. Colbert.
08/09/1993 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein, W. Wright, J. Van Niel, and P. Colbert.
08/09/1993 Initial brief filed on behalf of OCC by E. Robinson-McGriff.
08/09/1993 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler.
08/03/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 7/29/93, (AR) (RB) (WB), 159 pgs., Con't., Volume XIV.
07/27/1993 Transcript filed for hearing held 7/22/93, (AR) (RB) (WB), 208 pgs., Con't. (Volume XIII)
07/22/1993 Supplemental commitment filed on behalf of applicant by M. Gribler, PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein, and Stand Energy by S. Randazzo.
07/12/1993 Letter of acknowledgement of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. of the acceptance of the stipulation and recommendation filed by M. Gribler.
07/06/1993 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of CG&E by M. Gribler, the PUCO staff by A. Hammerstein, IEC by L. Bell, and Armco Steel by J. Bentine.
04/06/1993 Entry granting Stand Energy Corporation's motion to inter- vene. (AE)
03/10/1993 Entry granting the motion to consolidate Case Nos. 92-1144- GA-AAM and 92-1463-GA-AIR. (AE)
12/17/1992 Motion to consolidate or, in the alternative, motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by M. McCord.
06/22/1992 In the matter of the application of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for authority to change depreciation accrual rates for gas distribution facilities.