DIS - Case Record for 92-0730-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/18/1997 Revised tariff, PUCO No. 6, Section 2.1, 9th sheet 19, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (2 pgs.)
10/22/1997 Revised tariff sheets, P.U.C.O. No. 6 filed on behalf of GTE North by J. Kennedy. (6 pgs.)
10/03/1997 Tariff, PUCO No. 2, Section 3, 7th page 1, 10th page 1, 5th page 1, filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by E. Baldrate. (4 pgs.)
02/03/1997 Letter stating that the in-service date for the institution of two-way flat-rate EAS between GTE's Hamersville exchange, on the one hand, and the Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company exchanges of Cincinnati, Clermont, and Bethel, on the other hand, is October 30, 1997, at 12:01 a.m., filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy. (1 pg.)
11/07/1996 Second Supplemental Opinion & Order ordering that two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS be instituted between the Hamers- ville Exchange of GTE and the Bethel, Cincinnati, and Cler- mont exchanges of Cincinnati Bell within 12 months of this Order; that the respondents establish an in-service date within four months of this Order, inform the Commission of the date, and advise the Commission not later than 60 days prior to the in-service date in the event the date cannot be met. (4 pgs.)
10/23/1996 Results of balloting conducted in the Hamersville exchange filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee. (2 pgs.)
10/08/1996 Ballots filed on behalf of complainants. (1138 pgs.)
08/29/1996 Service notice filed.
08/29/1996 Supplemental Opinion & Order that the request for two-way, nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Hamersville exchange and the Bethel, Cincinnati, and Clermont exchanges is grant- ed, contingent upon the conducting and filing of a canvass of the Hamersville subscribers; that GTE provide a list of all Hamersville subscribers' names and addresses to the com- plainants within 15 days of this order; that the complain- ants canvass the Hamersville subscribers and report the results to the Commission by 10/16/96; that, after the com- plainants have submitted the ballots collected, GTE should review the ballots and report the results of their review to the Commission no later than 15 days after the ballots are filed. (17 pgs.)
07/01/1996 Information filing, submitted on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (2 pgs.)
06/14/1996 Affidavit of Brian D. Hughes filed on behalf of LCI Inter- national Telecom Corp. by B. Hughes. (2 pgs.)
06/06/1996 Affidavit of Judith B. Sanders filed on behalf of MCI Telecommunications Corp. by J. Sanders. (1 pg.)
05/28/1996 Affidavit of Kenton J. Pfister, filed on behalf of AT&T Communications of Ohio by J. Troup. (11 pgs.)
05/28/1996 Affidavit of Angela E. Webster filed on behalf of Sprint Communications Co. L.P. by A. Webster. (2 pgs.)
02/26/1996 Entry ordering that AT&T, MCI, LCI, Sprint, Allnet, and CBLD shall provide information required by finding (1) to GTE and file an affidavit in accordance with finding (2) with the commission on or before May 27, 1996 and that GTE comply with findings (3) and (4). (AE) (3 pgs.)
06/19/1995 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Cin- cinnati Bell, by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.)
06/19/1995 Second supplemental testimony of Robert W. Wilhelm, Jr. filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by C. Wilson. (5 pgs.)
06/19/1995 Third supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (39 pgs.)
05/04/1995 Entry ordering that GTE and Cincinnati Bell provide the requested cost and revenue information by 6/19/95; that the spokesperson for the complainants provide a state- ment to the Commission by 7/10/95 indicating whether the complainants desire a further hearing on investments, costs, and revenue impact associated with the implementation of flat-rate EAS between the Hamersville exchange and the Bethel, Cincinnati, and Clermont exchanges. (AE) (3 pgs.)
03/16/1995 Second supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (40 pgs.)
03/15/1995 Supplemental testimony of Robert W. Wilhelm, Jr. filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.)
03/15/1995 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Cincin- nati Bell, by C. Wilson. (6 pgs.)
01/12/1995 Opinion & Order that the Commission will make no deter- mination at this time regarding EAS between the Hamers- ville Exchange and the Bethel, Cincinnati, and Clermont Exchanges, pending receipt of additional cost and revenue information; that GTE and Cincinnati Bell shall provide by 3/16/95 the requested cost and revenue information regarding two-way, measred-rate EAS between the Hamers- ville Exchange and the Bethel, Cincinnati, and Clermont Exchanges; that the spokesperson for the complainants pro- vide a statement to the Commission by 3/30/95 indicating whether the complainants desire a further hearing. (17 pgs.)
10/11/1994 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/22/94 at 3:00 p.m., (DJ), Cont. 222 pgs. (Hamersville, Ohio)
09/15/1994 Testimony and attachments of Patricia J. Cook filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Stewart. (23 pgs.)
09/15/1994 Proof of Publication filed. (Brown County) (1 pg.0
09/14/1994 Testimony of Robert W. Wilhelm, Jr. filed by C. Wilson. (17 pgs.)
08/19/1994 Legal Notice sent to: The News Democrat (Brown Co.) Certified Mail.
08/18/1994 Entry scheduling a public hearing at 3:00 p.m. on 9/22/94 at the Hammersville Fire Department Bldg., Hammersville, Ohio; that the motion for partial waiver of the require- ment that it file certain calling data is granted. (AE) (4 pgs.)
05/23/1994 Letter stating that the townspeople of Hamersville, Ohio in the GTE exchange agree to drop all other exchanges and go to the hearing for Cincinnati, Clermont, and Bethel NXX exchanges, filed by L. Baker.
05/02/1994 Letter reqeusting a follow-up meeting filed on behalf of the townspeople of Hamersville, Ohio that are in the GTE Telephone exchange, filed by L. Baker.
04/20/1994 Entry denying the motion to certify and interlocutory appeal. (AE)
03/29/1994 Motion to certify and interlocutory appeal and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Allnet Communications and MCI Telecommunications by J. Sanders, and LCI Inter- national Telecom by H. Liebman.
03/24/1994 Entry denying the motion to dismiss the complaint; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 4/20/94 at the Commission offices. (AE)
01/25/1994 Joint Motion to dismiss of Allnet Communications Service, Inc., LCI International Telecom Corp. and MCI Telecommuni- cations Corporation. (1/24/94)
12/03/1993 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 11:30 a.m. on 12/16/93 at the Commission offices. (AE)
10/20/1993 Motion of LCI International Telecom Corp. for partial waiver of filing requirements and memorandum in support filed by H. Liebman.
10/20/1993 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
09/23/1993 Entry ordering that all IXCs be granted an extension of time until September 30, 1993, to suply all ordered calling information to GTE; that GTE be granted until October 20, 1993 to submit all aggregated calling infor- mation to the Commission; that any IXC which fails to submit the ordered calling information to GTE within the time set forth will be assessed $500 per day, which assessment shall continue until such time as all ordered calling information is supplies to GTE.
09/20/1993 Letter regarding the due date for MCI Telecommunications to provide their calling data to the LECs, filed by J. Sanders.
09/13/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint Communications, by R. McLearen.
09/10/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint Communications, by M. Hull.
09/10/1993 Motion for extension of time within which to file calling data and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respon- dent, MCI Telecommunications Corp., by J. Sanders.
09/07/1993 Entry granting GTE's motion for an extension of time, until 9/24/93, to submit aggregated calling infor- mation to the Commission; that the prehearing settlement conference scheduled for 9/14/93 is canceled. (AE)
08/25/1993 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
08/06/1993 Entry ordering that the request for an etension of time to submit calling information is granted, an the IXCs shall submit all calling information to GTE by 8/20/93; GTE shall thereafter submit the aggregated calling information to the Commission by 9/10/93; scheduling a prehearing conference at 2:30 p.m. on 8/18/93 at the Commission offices. (AE)
07/30/1993 Motion for extension of time within which to file calling data and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respon- dents, Allnet Communications by J. Sanders, LCI Inter- national by H. Liebman, and MCI Telecommunications by D. Trabaris.
06/24/1993 Entry denying the joint application for rehearing filed by Allnet Communications Services, Litel Telecommunications Corp. dba LCI International, and MCI Telecommunications Corp.
06/01/1993 Joint application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Allnet Communications Services by J. Sanders; LCI International by H. Liebman; and MCI Telecommunications Corp. by D. Trabaris.
04/29/1993 Entry denying petitioners' motion for waiver of filing requirements; granting petitioners' motion for an extension of time to file the requisite calling infor- mation in accordance with Finding 8; that AT&T, MCI, Sprint, Allnet, and LCI should provide the calling infor- mation to GTE and Cincinnati Bell as indicated in Finding 9; that GTE and Cincinnati Bell submit the calling infor- mation as indicated in Finding 10; granting the joint motion to intervene filed by MCI, Allnet, and LCI; rescheduling the settlement conference to 9/14/93 at 3:30 p.m. at the Commission offices.
02/04/1993 Entry ordering that the prehearing conference scheduled for 2/4/93 be continued indefinitely. (AE)
01/20/1993 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by M. Longenecker, Jr.
01/20/1993 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by M. Longenecker, Jr.
01/20/1993 Joint motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Allnet Communications by J. Sanders, Litel Communications by H. Liebman, and MCI Telecommunications by D. Trabaris.
01/19/1993 Information response filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by D. Edwards.
01/07/1993 Letter requesting that the Commission suspend filing requirements for all IXCs until there is disposition of the Companies' motion and the legality and reason- ableness of the filing requirements has been further reviewed, filed on behalf of respondent, Sprint, by M. Hull.
01/06/1993 Joint motion of Allnet Communication Services, Inc. by J. Sanders; Litel Telecommunications Corporation dba LCI International by H. Liebman; and MCI Telecommunications by D. Trabaris.
12/23/1992 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by D. Edwards.
12/22/1992 Letter requesting an extension of time from January 6 to and including March 6, 1993, for providing the data re- quested in the Commission Entry dated November 24, 1992, filed on behalf of respondent, AT&T Communication of Ohio, by W. Mosca, Jr.
12/18/1992 Entry granting Cincinnati Bell's motion to extend time for filing of answer on a date that coincides with the deadline for filing information responses. (AE)
12/16/1992 Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of respondent, Cincinnati Bell, by M. Longenecker, Jr.
11/24/1992 Entry ordering that GTE and Cincinnati Bell file their written answers by 12/23/92; that AT&T Communications of Ohio, MCI Telecommunications, LCI International, U.S. Sprint Communications, and Allnet Communications Services provide the information required by Finding 4 by 1/6/93; that GTE and Cincinnati Bell provide the information required by Finding 5 by 1/20/93; scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on 2/4/93 at the Commission offices. (AE)
07/08/1992 Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by B. Teeters.
06/22/1992 Entry ordering that the complainants, in accordance with Finding 4 file on or before July 22, 1992 a statement of the relief that they seek and the grounds upon which they base their entitlement to the relief. (AE)
04/20/1992 In the matter of the petition of Betty Teeters and sub- scribers of the 379 exchange of GTE North Incorporated to extend toll-free telephone service into the 734 exchange of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.