DIS - Case Record for 91-0738-GA-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/06/1991 Final tariffs, 1st sheet E1; 2nd sheet E2 and E3; 3rd sheet E4, E5, E6 and E7; 4th sheet E8; 2nd sheet E9; 3rd sheet E10; 1st sheet E11 and E12; 2nd sheet E13 and E14; original sheet E14.1; 2nd sheet E15 and E16; 1st sheet E17; 2nd sheet E18; 2nd sheet E19; 1st sheet E20 and E21; original sheet E22; 1st sheet E23; 1st sheet E24; original sheet E25; 3rd sheet 1 "Appendix B"; 11th sheet 2 "Appendix A"; 3rd sheet 3 "Appendix B"; filed on behalf of River Gas Company by R. Wozney.
11/06/1991 Final tariffs, 2nd sheet G1, G2, G3 and G4; 3rd sheet G5; 2nd sheet G5.1; 2nd sheet G5.2; 4th sheet G6; 3rd sheet G7 and G8; 2nd sheet G9, G10 and G12; 3rd sheet G13; 2nd sheet G14, G15 and G16; 1st sheet G17 and G18; 3rd sheet G19, G20 and G21; 1st sheet G22; 4th sheet J7.1; 3rd sheet 2 "Appendix A"; 136th sheet H1, filed on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company by R. Wozney.
10/02/1991 Memo stating amended rules have been to be effective 10/11/91.
09/05/1991 Revised tariff pages PUCO No. 2, sheets No. 1-14 filed on behalf of the West Ohio Gas Company by R. Wardell.
09/05/1991 Revised tariff sheets PUCO No. 18, sheet 11.3, 70.1 (pages 1 thru 4) filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by W. Ginn.
08/13/1991 Tariffs, PUCO No. 3, 8th sheet 15, gas cost recovery rider; 17th sheet 1-A, tariff index; 17th sheet 15, gas cost recovery rider; 16th sheet 1-A, tariff index, filed on behalf of DP&L by D. George.
07/30/1991 Entry adopting proposed revisions to Chapter 4901:1-14, OAC.
07/09/1991 Comments filed on behalf of National Gas & Oil Corporation by P. McGonagle.
07/01/1991 Comments filed on behalf of CG&E by D. Marshall.
07/01/1991 Comments in response to Commission's May 30, 1991 entry filed on behalf of Suburban Fuel Gas, Inc. by D. Pemberton.
07/01/1991 Letter stating that Columbia Gas has examined the rule changes proposed in the Commission's May 30, 1991 entry and has no objection to the proposed changes, filed by K. Christman.
06/28/1991 Response to Commission interrogatories filed on behalf of DP&L by R. Reid.
06/27/1991 Comments filed on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company, West Ohio Gas Company, and The River Gas Company by P. Ruxin.
06/14/1991 Letter stating that Ohio Cumberland has not utilized Appendix B to Chapter 4901:1-14, Administrative Code, and therefore will not be affected should it be rescinded, filed by M. Ramser.
06/14/1991 Letter stating that West Millgrove has not utilized Appendix B to Chapter 4901:1-14, Administrative Code, and therefore will not be affected, filed by M. Ramser.
05/30/1991 Entry ordering all natural gas distribution companies provide comments within 30 days.
04/22/1991 In the matter of the elimination of the incremental pricing provisions contained in Chapter 4901:1-14, Administrative Code.