DIS - Case Record for 91-0547-EL-AAM Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/19/1991 Entry granting application and granting petitions to intervene.
11/20/1991 Letter stating that the City of Toledo supports the joint stipulation and recommendation filed by various ratepayer groups, and asking that the Commission consider the City of Toledo to be a singatory of the document, filed by T. Hoover and M. White.
10/11/1991 Joint recommendation filed on behalf of CEI by F. Lange, Jr; OCC by J. Van Heyde; the City of Cleveland by W. Ondrey Gruber; Greater Cleveland Welfare Rights Organization by J. Meissner; Toledo Edison by F. Lange, Jr.; and IEC by L. Bell.
06/27/1991 Entry granting application.
06/25/1991 Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Western Reserve Alliance and The Greater Cleveland Welfare Rights Organization by J. Meissner.
05/20/1991 Response to the motions and petitions to intervene in these proceedings by OCC, IEC, and City of Toledo, and response by the companies to the petition by IEC for public hearings, and response by the companies to the motion to dismiss application and for public hearings by OCC, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Smith.
05/16/1991 Entry granting the motion filed by CEI and Toledo Edison for an extension of time until May 20, 1991, in which to file a memorandum in response to the petition to intervene and motion for hearing filed by IEC. (AE)
05/06/1991 Motion to file a memorandum contra to the petition of IEC for leave to intervene in opposition to applications and motion for hearing, filed on behalf of CEI and Toledo Edison by C. Smith.
05/06/1991 Petition for leave to intervene filed on behalf of the City of Toledo by K. Bruce.
04/30/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Pepper.
04/17/1991 Petition for leave to intervene in opposition to applications and motion for rehearing filed on behalf of IEC by L. Bell.
03/22/1991 In the matter of the appliction of the Toledo Edison Company for authority to modify current accounting procedures to begin the use of Straight-Line Depreciation at their nuclear power plants instead of the Units-of- Production Method currently being used.