DIS - Case Record for 91-0414-EL-AIR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/03/1997 Notice of the operation of the earnings cap filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney, and applicant by K. Guy. (3 pgs.)
12/19/1996 Letter stating that The Local Government Utilities Coalition shares similar concerns to those expressed in the December 5, 1996 letter filed on behalf of the Industrial Intervenors filed by J. Migden. (2 pgs.)
12/05/1996 Letter stating that the industrial customers that partici- pated in the 1991 Stipulation and recommendation reserve any and all rights to test DP&L's compliance with the stipulat- ion and recommendation based upon the interpretation of the stipulation and recommendation that is in the interest of ultimate customers filed by S. Randazzo. (2 pgs.)
11/25/1996 Compliance notice filed on behalf of applicant and OCC by K. Guy, C. Mooney. (17 pgs.)
11/25/1996 Letter stating compliance notice was sent to all parties filed on behalf of OCC by C, Mooney. (1 pg.)
12/30/1993 delete
12/30/1993 Tariff, PUCO No. 16, 10th sheet 1, 46th sheet 2, 17th sheets 16-17, 19, 20; 16th sheet 21, 17th sheet 22; 9th sheet 22-A, 16th sheets 25, 26, 27, 7th sheet 34 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Turner.
12/30/1993 Entry ordered; that the applicant's final tariffs as filed 11/15/93, are approved and shall be accepted for inclusion in this docket.
12/30/1993 Entry ordered that applicant's final tariffs as filed November 15, 1993, are approved and that applicant shall cancel and withdraw its superseded tariffs.
11/15/1993 Tariff, PUCO No. 16, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Turner.
12/30/1992 Entry granting application.
12/30/1992 Tariffs, PUCO No. 16, filed on behalf of applicant.
12/22/1992 Tariffs, PUCO No. 16, 42nd sheet 2, 16th sheet 16, 16th sheet 17, 16th sheet 19, 16th sheet 20, 15th sheet 21, 16th sheet 22, 8th sheet 22-A, 15th sheet 25, 15th sheet 26, 15th sheet 27, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Reid.
02/24/1992 Letter regarding the consolidation of cases 88-809-EL-ATA and 91-414-EL-AIR, filed on behalf of applicant by K. Guy.
02/21/1992 Tariffs, PUCO No. 16, filed on behalf of applicant by D. George.
01/28/1992 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by D. Chambers and various consumers.
01/24/1992 Tariffs, PUCO No. 16, filed on behalf of applicant by D. George.
01/22/1992 Opinion and Order, ordered that the joint stipulation and recommendation filed on November 6, 1991, is approved and adopted in its entirety and granting rate increase provided to the extent in this order. (Stipulation attached)
01/22/1992 Opinion & Order approving the joint stipulation and recommendation filed 11/6/91 and granting rate increase to the extent provided in this Order.
01/21/1992 Transcript filed for hearing held 1/6/92, (AB), 43 pgs., Bellefontaine, Ohio.
01/13/1992 Transcript for public hearing January 3, 1992, (Commissioners), 208 pages, Continued.
01/09/1992 Dayton public hearing exhibit 2, response of applicant, DP&L, to questions raised about service by Robert Collinsworth, filed by C. Faruki.
01/09/1992 Dayton public hearing exhibit 1, response of applicant, DP&L, to questions raised about service by David Zelnick of Zed Industries, filed by C. Faruki.
01/08/1992 Proof of Publication filed (exhibit 1A) filed on behalf of the applicant by A. Stewart.
01/07/1992 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by T. Crowl. Jr.
01/07/1992 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by Ross H. Seasly.
01/02/1992 Transcript filed for hearing held 12/18/91, (WB), 31 pgs., Submitted.
12/26/1991 Statement in opposition to DP&L's Stipulation, filed on behalf of the City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin.
12/18/1991 Hearing brief of the applicant the Dayton Power & Light Company in support of approval of the Stipulation and Recommendation filed by C. Faruki.
12/16/1991 Entry scheduling hearings at 2:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on 1/3/92 at City Council Chambers, Dayton, Ohio; and at 6:00 p.m. on 1/6/92 at Ohio Hi-Point Vocational Auditorium, Bellefontaine, Ohio. (AE)
12/13/1991 Entry granting Castillo, et al. leave to intervene. (AE)
12/12/1991 Supplemental testimony of the following persons, filed on behalf of applicant: 1. George R. Hall 2. Richard D. Reid
12/12/1991 Objections to the staff report and statement of major issues filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by M. Grady.
12/12/1991 Letter endorseing parts of the Stipulation which specifically addresses DSM commitment and certain rate design matters and requesting that the Commission consider it a signatory party, filed on behalf of the Sierra Club by M. Grady.
12/10/1991 Summary of issue for public hearing designated by The Dayton Power & Light Company for published notice, filed by C. Faruki.
12/09/1991 Letter endorsing the November 6, 1991 Stipulation and Recommendation, filed on behalf of The Ohio Cable Television Association by S. Howard.
12/06/1991 Motion requesting that Commission take administrative notice of City's testimony and objections and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin.
12/06/1991 Entry granting Ohio Cable Television Association's leave to intervene; denying city of Cincinnati's motion to intervene. (AE)
12/05/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Tim Castillo; the Sierra Club; John Cunningham; and Al Wolf by M. Grady.
12/05/1991 Letter stating that the Executive Agencies join in the memorandum contra filed by IEC; the staff of the PUCO, the Ohio Council of Retail Merchangs, the Dayton Legal Aid Society, the Coalition of Local Governments, and the Ohio CAble Television Association will not file pleadings responsive to the City's motion to intervene, filed by R. Rosenberry.
12/04/1991 Correspondence letter and petitions from various consumers opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by E. Slakods.
12/03/1991 Reply to objections to City's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of the City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin.
12/02/1991 Correspondence letter to the Members, UAW Local 696 (with attached petitions) filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by Chairman Craig A. Glazer.
11/27/1991 Entry scheduling public hearing on 12/18/91 at 1:30 p.m. at the offices of the Commission; Local public hearings will be held as follows: Dayton, 1/3/92 at 1:30 and 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 101 W. 3rd St. and Bellefontaine on 1/6/92 at 6:00 p.m. at Ohio Hi-Point Vocational School, 2280 State Route 540; objections to the staff report or stipulation must be filed by 12/12/91.
11/26/1991 Memorandum contra City of Cincinnati's motion to intervene filed on behalf of IEC by S. Randazzo and R. Rosenberry.
11/26/1991 Memorandum in opposition to the City of Cincinnati's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki.
11/26/1991 Memorandum contra motion to intervene of the City of Cincinnati, filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
11/25/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin.
11/22/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Cable Television Association by S. Howard.
11/14/1991 Entry scheduling public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on 12/18/91 at the Commission offices; objections to staff report should be filed in accordance with Section 4909.19, Revised Code. (AE)
11/12/1991 Staff Report filed. (Part 2 of 2)
11/12/1991 Staff Report filed. (Part 1 of 2)
11/12/1991 Addendum to Staff Report filed.
11/12/1991 Staff report filed
11/08/1991 Joint exhibits in support of the stipulation and recommendation, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki.
11/06/1991 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki; OCC by W. Spratley; IEC By R. Rosenberry; Miami Township Board of Trustees, Clay Township, Munici- pality of Brookville and Village of Phillipsburg (Local Government Utility Coalition) by J. Migden; Sunshine Seniors and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition, Inc. (Leagl Aid Society Clients) by E. Jacobs; The Executive Agencies of the United States by R. Clayton; and The Ohio Council of Retail Merchants by J. Bentine.
10/01/1991 Correspondence letter of Mr. Oscar C. Stueve opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, and response letter of Chairman Craig A. Glazer, PUCO staff.
10/01/1991 Correspondence letter of Mr. Michael V. Bailey opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, and response to Mr. Bailey from Chairman Craig A. Glazer, PUCO staff.
09/27/1991 Response letter to Mr. George Weinman thanking him for sending the various petitions attached, filed by Chairman Craig Glazer, PUCO staff.
09/24/1991 Entry granting Ohio Council of Retail Merchants leave to intervene. (AE)
09/23/1991 Response letter to Byrl F. Hill (with attached petitions) regarding DP&L's rate application, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by Chairman Craig A. Glazer.
09/17/1991 Reply to memoranda contra joint application filed on behalf of OCC by W. Spratley, Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati by J. Branch, City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin, Appalachian People's Action Coalition by T. Kern, Sunshine Seniors and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition by E. Jacobs, Townships of Miami and Clay Counties by J. Migden, Village of Lockland by T. Burke, and City of Loveland by R. Melfi. submitted by D. Bergmann, OCC.
09/16/1991 Resolution No. 688 filed on behalf of the Village of Phillipsburg by J. Migden.
09/10/1991 Memorandum contra of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to joint motion for order requiring an independent evalua- tion of the reasonableness of the decision to convert the Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant and the reasonableness of the Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant expenditures, filed by A. Buchmann.
09/09/1991 Memorandum of the Dayton Power & Light Company contra the joint motion for order requiring an independent evaluation of the reasonableness of the decision to convert the Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant and the reasonableness of Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant expenditures, filed by C. Faruki.
09/04/1991 Motion of the Ohio Council of Retail Merchants to intervene and memorandum in support filed by J. Bentine and J. Chester.
09/03/1991 Amendment to application for a reduction in and to update the experimental residential and non-residential cogeneration and small power producer rates, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Koziar, Jr. and J. Holihan.
08/26/1991 Resolution No. 91-29 of the Municipality of Brookville and Resolution No. 91-4 of the Spring Valley Village, filed by J. Migden.
08/26/1991 Joint motion for order requiring an independent evaluation of the reasonableness of the decision to convert the Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant and the reasonableness of Wm. H. Zimmer Power Plant expenditures and memorandum in support filed on behalf of and by the following: 1. Low Income Intervenors, Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati by J. Branch. 2. OCC by W. Spratley 3. City of Cincinnati by R. Ganulin 4. Appalachian People's Action Coalition and Ohio State Legal Services Association by T. Kern 5. Sunshine Seniors, Edgemenot Neighborhood Coalittion, Legal Aid Society of Dayton by E. Jacobs 6. Townships of Miami and Clay by J. Migden 7. Village of Lockland by T. Burke 8. City of Loveland by R. Melfi
08/01/1991 Entry ordering the petition to intervene filed by Sunshine Seniors, and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition is granted, and the motion to intervene filed by the Executive Agencies of the United States is granted. (AE)
07/17/1991 Revised Updated Schedule C-6 filed on behalf of applicant by J. Jensen.
07/16/1991 Notice of withdrawal of motion to intervene filed on behalf of Ellison Senior Center Membership by W. Thorman, III.
07/03/1991 Motion to withdraw the petition for leave to intervene filed on behalf of The Executive Agencies of The United States by R. Clayton.
07/03/1991 Memorandum in support of the motion to withdraw the petition for leave to intervene filed on behalf of The Executive Agencies of the United States by R. Clayton.
07/03/1991 Memorandum in support of the motion for leave to intervene filed on behalf of The Executive Agencies of The United States by R. Clayton.
07/03/1991 Motion for leave to intervene filed on behalf of the Executive Agencies of the United States by R. Clayton.
06/28/1991 Letter requesting that the Commission waive any notice requirements under Schedule S-3 and revised tariffs, PUCO No. 16, 36th sheet 2; 1st sheet 11 ( pages 1 thru 14), filed on behalf of applicant by D. George.
06/07/1991 Motion for leave to file supplemental memorandum filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
06/07/1991 Petition for leave to intervene filed on behalf of The Executive Agencies of the United States (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) by R. Clayton.
06/06/1991 Petition to intervene filed on behalf of Ellison Senior Center Membership, Sunshine Seniors, and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition, Inc. by W. Thorman, III.
06/04/1991 Correspondence letter sent to Robert J. Sill filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO by Chairman Glazer.
06/03/1991 Updated sections A-F, S, cost of service study and updated direct testimony of P.R. Bjorn, D.L. Aukerman, P.R. Anderson, D.E. George, J.G. Jensen, T.M. Jenkins, A.M.Hill, R.D. Reid and J.W. Tomasiak filed on behalf of the applicant.
05/23/1991 Revised Schedules S.4-1 and S.4-2 filed on behalf of applicant by D. George.
05/22/1991 Motion for leave to file supplemental memorandum responding to new material in OCC's reply memorandum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of DP&L by P. Horstman.
05/22/1991 Motion for leave to file response to OCC's reply memorandum, filed on behalf of CG&E by A. Buchmann.
05/22/1991 Response to reply memorandum of OCC on its motion for a joint proceeding, filed on behalf of CG&E by A. Buchmann.
05/22/1991 Supplemental memorandum in response to OCC's reply to memorandum contra motion for joint proceeding, filed on behalf of DP&L by C. Faruki.
05/17/1991 Letter stating that Corning Incorporated is now a member of the IEC group for all purposes in this proceeding, filed by R. Rosenberry.
05/16/1991 Entry accepting case for filing as of 4/2/91.
05/10/1991 Reply to memorandum contra its motion for a joint proceeding filed on behalf of OCC by B. Weston.
05/07/1991 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for a rate increase, filed by J. Slutz.
05/07/1991 Entry granting motions to intervene filed by OCC; Appleton Papers, Inc.; General Motors Corporation; Southwestern Portland Cement Company; Miami Township Board of Trustees; and the Clay Township Board of Trustees. (AE)
04/30/1991 Response to the motion of OCC for joint proceeding on common Zimmer issues filed on behalf of DP&L by P. Horstman.
04/30/1991 Memorandum contra to motion for joint proceeding on common issues filed on behalf of CG&E by A. Buchmann.
04/26/1991 Motion to intervene and consolidate intervention and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Clay Town- ship Board of Trustees by J. Migden.
04/18/1991 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by D. Zeinick.
04/18/1991 Correspondence letter opposing DP&L's application for an increase in rates, filed by D. Zelnick.
04/18/1991 Copy of resolution that was attached to Miami Township's Motion to Intervene filed by J. Migden.
04/16/1991 Exhibits to direct testimony of John R. Jones filed on behalf of applicant.
04/16/1991 Direct testimony of the following person filed on behalf of applicant: 14. J. R. Jones (Volume 4)
04/16/1991 Direct testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of applicant: 11. W. T. Carleton 12. R. J. Levin 13. R. C. Traylor (Volume 3)
04/16/1991 Direct testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of applicant: 9. J. H. Aikman 10. P. R. Bjorn (Volume 2)
04/16/1991 Direct testimony of the following persons filed on behalf of applicant: 1. P. R. Anderson 2. D. L. Aukerman 3. D. E. George 4. A. M. Hill 5. T. M. Jenkins 6. J. G. Jensen 7. R. D. Reid 8. J. W. Tomasiak (Volume 1)
04/12/1991 Motion for joint proceeding on common issues and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by R. Pace, Sr.
04/11/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Miami Township Board of Trustees by J. Migden.
04/02/1991 The following documents were filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki: 1. Rate application (Sections A-D, F, S) 2. Section E 3. Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.2, Volume I 4. Schedules S-4.1 and S-4.2, Volume II
03/28/1991 Entry setting test period to begin 1/1/91 and end 12/31/91 with date certain 3/31/91.
03/27/1991 Motion to consolidate cases filed on behalf of applicant by P. Horstman.
03/27/1991 Memorandum in opposition to the motion of OCC's to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Horstman.
03/08/1991 Correspondence letter opposing applicant's application for rate increase filed on behalf of the Village of Gratis by Mayor A. Rohrbach.
03/07/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Appleton Papers, Inc.; General Motors Corporation; and Southwestern Portland Cement Company by S. Randazzo and R. Rosenberry.
03/07/1991 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by B. Cohen.
03/01/1991 Motion to establish test period and date certain filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki.
03/01/1991 Application for waiver of certain portions of standard filing requirements filed on behalf of applicant by C. Faruki.
03/01/1991 In the matter of the Notice of Intent of The Dayton Power & Light Company for authority to amend its filed tariffs to increase the rates and charges for electric service.