DIS - Case Record for 90-9151-TP-TRF Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/23/2021 Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 7/23/21 electronically filed by Michelle A. Green on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/05/2008 Certificate 90-9151 issued and PMA attached.
07/28/2008 Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 1, (PMA) filed by S. Litke on behalf of Revolution Communication Company, LLC.
07/14/2008 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 1 filed by S. Litke on behalf of Revolution Communications Company, LLC.
06/12/2008 In the matter of the application of Revolution Communications Company, LLC dba 1-800-4-A-Phone to add exchanges to its certificate.
05/11/2007 In the matter of the application of Revolution Communications Company LLC to revise tariff pages containing additional exchanges to PUCO Tariff No. 1.
12/29/2006 In the matter of the application of Revolution Communications Company LLC dba 1-800-4-A-Phone to revise local exchange tariff PUCO No. 1.
11/17/2006 In the matter of the application of Revolution Communications Company, LLC dba 1-800-4-A-Phone to revise PUCO Tariff No. 1.
02/15/2006 Revised pages to the tariff , PUCO No. 1, filed by C. Malish on behalf of Revolution Communications Company, LLC.
11/10/2005 Revised tariff pages, PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Foster.
05/20/2005 Third revised page 61 and a first revised page 62 filed by M. Chaung on behalf of Revolution Communications Company, LLC.
03/25/2005 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 for a new promotion that will begin April 4, 2005 and end May 4, 2005 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
11/23/2004 Fifth revised tariff page 60 of Revolution Communications Company, LLC filed by M. Chuang.
10/07/2004 Second revised page 61 and original 62 of the tariff filed by M. Chuang on behalf of Revolution Communications Company, LLC.
08/19/2004 Revised tariff, 7th revised page 59 and 4th revised page 60 of the local exchange tariff to reflect to the Freedom Nation promotion, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
06/09/2004 Revision to the proposed Carrier Telecommunications Service Tariff, this filing substitutes the attached Original Check Sheet for the corresponding sheet 1 and withdrawal of Original Sheet 43, and the corresponding removal of Section 7, filed on April 13, 2040 on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang. (original)
06/08/2004 Revisions to the proposed Carrier Telecommunications Service Tariff submitted on behalf of applicant on April 13, 2004, by M. Chuang. (FAX)
06/01/2004 Revised Local Exchange Tariff PUCO No. 1, Original Page 61; Price List; for voice mail promotion for new customers, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Hamilton.
05/21/2004 Second Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 page 26 filed on behalf of applicant by R. Hamilton.
05/07/2004 Revised tariff page 60 to introduce a promotion for customers that covert for local service, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
04/13/2004 In the matter of the application of Revolution Communications Company, LLC dba 1-800-4-A-Phone for approval of its PUCO No. 2 Tariff.
03/29/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1, Price List, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
02/23/2004 Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
12/04/2003 Revised tariff, first revised page 47 and original page 47.1 for Ohio Local Exchange Tariff PUCO No. 1, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
11/13/2003 Revised Tariff PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
11/10/2003 Revolution would like to withdraw it's 11/3/2003 filing in this docket, the most current information in the tariff should reflect the fifth revised page 59 and the original page 60 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
11/03/2003 Informational notice from Revolution Communications Company LLC ('Revolution') along with Revised Tariff PUCO No.1 filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
09/16/2003 Tariff, this filing is in regard to Feature Promotion: Freedom Nation, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chaung.
09/05/2003 Revision to final tariff page 26, filed on behalf of Revolution Communciations Company, LLC by B. Madriz.
08/28/2003 Revised tariff pages 59 regarding promotion, this page replaces the third revised page 59, filed on behalf of Revolution Communications Company, LLC.by M. Chuang.
08/12/2003 Informational notice and revised tariff pages, 59 contains information regarding the promotion, the feature promotion "The Complete Package" will be known as Freedom Nation filed by M. Chuang.
08/01/2003 New price sheet for Revolution Communications Company, LLC which cancels original page 57 filed by J. Migden.
07/02/2003 Informational notice, revised tariff pages, Ohio Local Exchange Tariff P.U.C.O. No. 1, page 59 contains information regarding the promotion, this page replaces the first revised page 59, filed by M. Chuang.
04/11/2003 Revised tariff pages filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
04/10/2003 Revised tariff page information regarding the promotion filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
02/20/2003 Informational notice and revised tariff filed on behalf of applicant by M. Chuang.
09/04/2001 Price List filed on behalf of applicant by P. Kusner.