DIS - Case Record for 88-0629-TP-PEX Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/15/1992 Tariff sheets PUCO No. 6, check sheet 1, section F filed on behalf of United Telephone of Ohio by J. Ludenia.
05/06/1992 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 6, Check List - 289th sheet 1; Section 2.3 - 9th sheet 4, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Kennedy.
12/18/1990 Letter stating that the proposed implementation date to establish two-way nonoptional extended local calling service is May 15, 1992, filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by J. Ludenia.
10/31/1990 Letter filed on behalf of GTE North stating that the in- service date for two-way measured-rate EAS is May 15, 1992 filed by J. Kennedy.
08/23/1990 Entry ordering that the request for two-way, flat-rate EAS between the Lewisburg and Eaton Exchanges is denied. The two-way, nonoptional, measured-rate EAS be instituted between the Lewisburg and Eaton Exchanges within 24 months of this order. GTE and United are ordered to establish an in-service date within four months of this order.
06/08/1990 Entry granting the complainants an extension of time until 7/15/90 in which to file a statement with the Commission and with the respondents requesting a further hearing in this matter. (AE)
05/23/1990 Supplemental information response filed on behalf of respondent by B. Kazee.
05/23/1990 Supplemental information response of United Telephone filed by T. Jacobs.
04/26/1990 Entry granting request for a 30-day extension of time to file additonal information; information must be filed by 5/23/90; complainants provide a statement to the Commission by 6/6/90 as to whether a further hearing on the cost of instituting the requested flat-rate EAS or measured-rate EAS is desired. (AE)
04/19/1990 Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of respondent, United Telephone, by T. Jacobs.
03/22/1990 Entry ordering that GTE North Incorporated's motion be granted and that GTE be given until 5/23/90 to file the requested cost information with the Commission and with the other parties involved. (AE)
03/19/1990 Motion for extension of time filed on behalf of respondent, GTE North, by B. Kazee.
02/21/1990 Opinion & Order denying the request for two-way nonoptional, flat-rate EAS between the Lewisburg Exchange and the Eldorado, Englewood, Phillipsburg, and West Alexandria Exchanges. No determination will be made, at this time, regarding the request for EAS between the Lewisburg and Eaton Exchanges pending receipt of additional information.
12/01/1988 Trans., for hearing held on 11/15/88, (CP) Submitted Public Statements - Lewisburg, Ohio Vol. I, 1-111 pages.
11/09/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Miami)
11/03/1988 Testimony of Dennis R. McNary on behalf of United Telephone Company of Ohio.
11/02/1988 Testimony and attachments of D. Kasmenn on behalf of GTE North Incorporated filed by J. Stewart.
10/24/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Darke)
10/24/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Montgomery)
10/21/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Preble)
09/21/1988 Legal notice ordered to be published in Greenville Daily Advocate, Piqua Daily Call, Dayton Daily News and the Register Herald.
09/16/1988 Entry scheduling a local public hearing to be held on 11/15/88, at 10:00 a.m., at the Lewisburg Fire Station (Conference Room) 112 South Commerce Street, Lewisburg, Ohio. (AE)
08/10/1988 Amended Answer of GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee
08/10/1988 Information Response of GTE North Incorporated, filed by B. Kazee.
08/04/1988 Information Response of United Telephone Company filed by J. Rozic.
08/04/1988 Answer of United Telephone Company of Ohio, filed by J. Rozic.
07/11/1988 Entry ordering that the complainants' petition for EAS is amended to reflect the additional requested exchanges of Englewood and Eldorado; Ordering the respondents shall provide the information as required to this Commission and to the spokesperson for the complainants within 30 days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
06/09/1988 Amendment to petition filed by D. Weaver on behalf of petitioners.
05/27/1988 Answer of United Telephone Company filed by T. Jacobs.
05/27/1988 Information response of United Telephone Company by T. Jacobs.
05/26/1988 Answer of GTE North Inc. filed by B. Kazee.
05/26/1988 Information response filed by B. Kazee on behalf of GTE North Incorporated.
04/28/1988 Entry ordering the respondents shall file their written answer and other information as required to this Commission and the spokesperson for the complainants within thirty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
04/22/1988 Entry ordering the respondents to file written answer and other information as required to the Commission and the spokesperson for the complainants within thirty days of the date of this Entry. (AE)
04/14/1988 In the matter of the petition filed by the Village of Lewisburg on behalf of Mrs. Glenn Weaver and subscribers vs GTE North for extended area service to Eaton 456, Verona 884, and West Alexandra 839.