DIS - Case Record for 88-0274-TP-ACE Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/23/1993 Letter stating that a copy of the customer list was sub- mitted under seal, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Christensen.
02/17/1993 Finding & Order approving application.
05/12/1992 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Henkener, Ronald J. Haan by R. Haan, and applicant by E. Zafrani.
02/13/1992 Compliance filing filed on behalf of applicant by M. Christensen.
12/06/1991 Motion for revocation of interim authority hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by A. Henkener.
10/10/1991 Entry granting the name change requested.
10/01/1991 Updated figures contained in application, filed on behalf of applicant by E. Zafrani.
06/27/1991 Application for a change of name and for authority to brand calls by its initials, filed on behalf of National Telephone Services, Inc. by M. Christensen.
04/25/1991 Letter to Jay Argranoff, PUCO staff, stating that the applicant is submitting the most recent customer list, filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
11/30/1990 Revised tariffs, PUCO No. 1, 1st revised sheets 1 through 37, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Vinall.
10/03/1990 Request for waiver from financings approvals filed on behalf of applicant by M. Brandt.
03/20/1990 Updated customer list filed on behalf of applicant by M. Brandt.
03/14/1990 Letter suppmementing the application filed on behalf of applicant by M. Brandt.
01/19/1990 Application for exemption from application of Ohio Revised Code Sections 4905.40, 4905.41 and 4905.42 and memorandum in support filed on behalf of National Telephone Service by M. Brandt.
11/30/1989 Company's customer list filed on behalf of the applicant by M. Brandt.
11/22/1989 Tariff sheets filed on behalf of applicant by S. Bloomfield.
11/21/1989 Entry granting interim authority during pendency of 88-560.
11/17/1989 Additional tariff provisions filed on behalf of National Telephone Services, Inc. by M. Brandt.
09/18/1989 Copy of artwork for institutional and pay phone notices filed on behalf of applicant by M. Brandt.
09/13/1989 Response to August 24, 1989 Entry requesting further supplementation of applicaton filed by M. Brandt on behalf of National Telephones Service, Inc.
09/12/1989 Response to August 24, 1989 Entry requesting further supplementation of application filed by M. Brandt on behalf National Telephones Service, Inc.
08/24/1989 Entry ordering applicant to submit information as requested by 9/14/89. (AE)
08/07/1989 Supplemental Information submitted in compliance with Finding and Order by National Telephone Service, Inc., filed by S. Bloomfield and M. Brandt.
05/08/1989 Letter filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of applicant, RE: responding the inaccurate information on the complaint filed with the FCC.
05/08/1989 Original signature pages for the affidavits of Gabriel Battista, Joesph Basile, and Brad Mutschelknaus filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of National Telephone Services, Inc.
05/05/1989 Affidavit of Brad E. Mutschelknaus/General Counsel filed on behalf of applicant.
05/05/1989 Affidavit of Joesph Basile/Vice President on behalf of applicant.
05/05/1989 Affidavit of Gabriel A. Battista, Vice President of National Telephone Services, Inc.
04/24/1989 Notice of name change and renewed request for temporary authority filed on behalf of National Telephone Services, Inc., by S. Bloomfield.
03/01/1989 Letter filed by B. Mutschelknaus on behalf of applicant, with copy of papers filed with the Delaware Secretary of State changing the company name.
02/22/1989 Entry ordering the applicant to cease all intrastate operator service activities immediately or be subject to legal proceedings by the Attorney General's office.
02/13/1989 Corrections to proposed tariff sheets, pages 10, 12, 13 and 19, filed by H. Burnett Gold.
01/31/1989 Tariff PUCO No. 1 and companion price list filed on behalf of applicant by H. Gold. Notification that the name of the company has been changed to National Telephone Services, Inc
01/30/1989 Informational response filed on behalf of the applicant by B. Mutschelknaus.
01/19/1989 Letter filed by S. Williams on behalf of the PUCO staff, to; Mr. B. Mutschelknaus/National Telephone Service, RE: to message toll service.
10/27/1988 Proofs of Publications filed by J. Bryan on behalf of appicant.
10/27/1988 Proposed tariff sheets, filed by J. Bryan on behalf of applicant.
10/26/1988 Request for interim authority filed by J. Bryan on behalf of applicant.
06/06/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Seneca)
06/06/1988 Comments filed by B. Mutschelknaus on behalf of National Telephone Services, Inc.
05/26/1988 Correspondent letter to B. Mutschelknaus filed on behalf of the staff of the PUCO by S. Williams.
05/23/1988 Letter filed by B. Mutschelknaus on behalf of applicant.
05/19/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Hocking)
05/13/1988 Proof of Publication filed. (County/Morrow)
05/12/1988 Response of American Operator Services (AOSI) to the Commission's request for information and request of AOSI for an extension of time filed by B. Mutschelknaus.
05/06/1988 Proposed tariff pages PUCO No. 1 filed on behalf of the applicant by P. Robertson.
04/25/1988 Entry ordering applicant to submit additional information as requested and causing publication of legal notice on or before 5/13/88, and presenting proof to the Commission on or before 6/30/88; Inviting any interested person, firm, corporation or entity to file a written statement on or be- fore 6/3/88, showing good cause as to why application should not be granted; Ordering that the ruling will be upheld on the motion to intervene filed by the OTA pending publication of legal notice. (AE)
03/08/1988 Motion of The Ohio Telephone Service Association to intervene and entry of appearance and memorandum in support of motion to intervene filed by R. Prohaska.
02/17/1988 Application of American Operator Services,Inc. for a certificate of public convience and neessity to provide telephone toll resale service.