DIS - Case Record for 86-2220-TP-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/29/1988 Opinion & Order denying complaint and dismissing case.
06/11/1987 Reply brief on behalf of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company by W. Hunt.
06/10/1987 Reply Brief of Complainants, Safecard Services, Inc. and The New American Phone Company, Inc. to the Attorney Examiner filed by R. Maxwell II.
06/01/1987 Brief of Complainants, Safecard Services, Inc. and the New American Phone Company, Inc. to the attorney examiner filed by R. Maxwell.
06/01/1987 Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company by W. Hunt.
04/27/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 4/9/87, (SW) Submitted Vol. II, 1-251 pages.
04/27/1987 Trans., for hearing held on 4/8/87, (SW) Con't. Vol. I, 1-122 pages.
04/02/1987 Prefiled testimony of DDianna Gunn filed on behalf of the Respondent.
04/02/1987 Prefiled, Direct, Sworn Testimony of Phil Barcellona filed on behalf of Safecaaard Service, Inc. and the New American Phone Company, Inc.
04/02/1987 Trans., for hearing held 3/17/87, (CP) Cont'. Vol. I, 1-3 pages.
03/13/1987 Entry continuing hearing until Wednesday April 8, 1987 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission.
03/12/1987 Joint request of parties for a continuance of the hearing date to April 8, 1987, filed by M. Byers on behalf of both parties.
03/05/1987 Trnscript for hearing held Mach 3, 1987, (SW) 3 pages, Continued.
02/23/1987 Entry continuing hearing until Tuesday, March 17, 1987, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission. (AE)
02/19/1987 Joint request of the parties herein for a Continuance of the hearing scheduled for March 3, 1987 to March 17, 1987 filed by W. Hunt.
02/18/1987 Proof of Publication filed
02/17/1987 Proof of Publication filed (Cuyahoga)
02/12/1987 Proof of Publication filed (Franklin)
01/26/1987 Legal notices sent to Plain Dealer (Cuyahoga County) and Columbus Dispatch (Franklin County).
01/16/1987 Entry scheduling hearing for Tuesday, March 3, 1987 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission.
12/24/1986 Answer filed on behalf of Ohio Bell Telephone Company by W. Hunt and C. Rawlings.
12/22/1986 Entry granting Ohio Bell until 12/29/86 to either satisfy the complaint or file its written answer. (AE)
11/25/1986 Complaint of SafeCard Services, Inc.'s and The New American Phone Company, Inc.'s (vs) Ohio Bell Telephone Company pursuant to Section 4905.26, Ohio Revised Code.