DIS - Case Record for 20-1613-PL-COI Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Commission’s Investigation of the Proposed Rates and Charges of Cobra Pipeline Company, Ltd.
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/21/2021 Notification of Public Disclosure per May 7, 2021 Pre-Trial Hearing electronically filed by Mr. Justin M. Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD.
05/13/2021 Transcript for hearing held on May 7, 2021 at 10:10 a.m., via Webex, before Ms. Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio electronically filed by Mr. Ken Spencer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Mrs. Karen Sue Gibson.
05/11/2021 Notice of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD's Confirmation of Delivery electronically filed by Mr. Justin M. Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD.
04/23/2021 Service Notice.
04/23/2021 Attorney Examiner Entry scheduling a prehearing conference to be held on 5.7.21, in accordance with Paragraph 11 and ordering that motions to intervene in this proceeding be filed by 4.30.21 electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
02/11/2021 Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD's Notice of Address electronically filed by Mr. Justin M Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD.
12/10/2020 Confidential Document Target: Response filed by Michael Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Co LTD. (205 pages)
12/10/2020 Motion and memorandum in support of Cobra Pipeline Company, LTD’S Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company LTD.
12/10/2020 Cobra Pipeline Company LTD's Response to the PUCO October 21 2020 Order in Case No. 89 8041 PL TRF electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Cobra Pipeline Company LTD.
11/25/2020 Motion to Intervene of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Ms. Kari D. Hehmeyer on behalf of Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. and Mr. Trevor Alexander.
11/24/2020 Notice of Change of Firm Affiliation electronically filed by Ms. Kari D Hehmeyer on behalf of Alexander, Trevor Mr.
10/21/2020 Service Notice
10/21/2020 Entry suspending the tariff filed by Cobra Pipeline Company, Ltd. on September 18, 2020, in Case No. 89-8041-PL-TRF, finding that there are reasonable grounds for complaint, and initiating an investigation of the company’s proposed rates and charges pursuant to R.C. 4905.26. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/19/2020 In the matter of the application of the Commission's Investigation of the Proposed Rates and Charges of Cobra Pipeline Company, Ltd. electronically filed by Ms. Mary E Fischer on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.