DIS - Case Record for 17-1148-EL-BGA Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Black Fork Wind Energy, LLC
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/06/2022 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Leah Curtis on behalf of Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
07/13/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Mr. MacDonald W. Taylor.
07/10/2019 Supreme Court Judgement Entry granting the application for dismissal.
06/20/2019 Service Notice
06/20/2019 Entry ordering the notice of relinquishment and withdrawal filed by Black Fork Wind Energy, LLC be granted in accordance with Paragraph 10.
05/16/2019 Notice of Relinquishment and Withdrawal electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
09/07/2018 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers filed (S.C. No.18-1134)
08/09/2018 Supreme Court Appeal filed by J. Stock on behalf of Appellants Gary J. Biglin, Karel A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin, and John Warrington. (S.C #18-1134)
06/21/2018 Service Notice
06/21/2018 Second Entry on Rehearing stating that the application filed December 27, 2017, be denied.
03/22/2018 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Michael J. Settineri.
01/24/2018 Service Notice.
01/24/2018 Administrative Law Judge Entry ordering that the application for rehearing filed on December 27, 2017 be granted for further consideration of the matters specified in the application electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board Administrative Law Judge Jeffrey R. Jones.
01/08/2018 Memorandum Contra Application for Rehearing of "Intervenors" electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
01/04/2018 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
12/27/2017 Application for Rehearing of Intervenors Gary J. Biglin, Karel A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin, and John Warrington electronically filed by John F. Stock on behalf of Gary J. Biglin, Karel A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin, and John Warrington.
12/08/2017 Service Notice
12/07/2017 Order on Certificate stating that Black Fork's application be approved subject to the conditions set forth in the Order in the Certificate Case, as supplemented in 14-1591 and this proceeding.
11/13/2017 Service Notice. (Staff Rpt.)
11/13/2017 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mr. Matt Butler on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
07/31/2017 Proposed Interveners' (Gary J. Biglin, Karel A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin, and John Warrington) Reply to Black Fork Wind Energy LLC's Memorandum Contra the Petition to Intervene electronically filed by John F Stock on behalf of Biglin, Gary J. and Davis, Karel A. and Heffner, Brett A. and Price, Alan and Price, Catherine and Rietschlin, Margaret and Warrington, John.
07/24/2017 Memorandum Contra to the Petition to Intervene of Gary J. Biglin, Karel A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin and John Warrington electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
07/07/2017 Petition to Intervene of Gary J. Biglin, Karela A. Davis, Brett A. Heffner, Alan Price, Catherine Price, Margaret Rietschlin, and John Warrington electronically filed by John F Stock on behalf of Gary J. Biglin and Davis, Karel A. and Heffner, Brett A. and Price, Alan and Price, Catherine and Warrington, John and Rietschlin, Margaret.
06/30/2017 Motion to Intervene of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Amy M Milam on behalf of Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.
06/12/2017 Proof of Pub Proof of Publication electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
06/06/2017 Motion for Waiver and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
06/06/2017 Proof of Service electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.
06/06/2017 In the matter of the Application for an Amendment to the Black Fork Wind Energy Certificate Issued in Case No. 10-2865-EL-BGN electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Black Fork Wind Energy LLC.