DIS - Case Record for 15-0473-EL-AIS Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: American Transmission Systems
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/13/2015 Correspondence electronically filed by Ms. Carrie M Dunn on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated.
04/29/2015 Service Notice
04/29/2015 Finding and Order stating that the applicant, American Transmission Systems, Incorporated, is authorized for twelve months from the date of this order, to issue promissory notes or debentures, for an aggregate principal amount of not more than $400 million, within the terms and conditions as set forth in this application; this order shall replace, and not supplement Applicant's unutilized authority to issue $50 million of debt authorized by the Price Order; Applicant shall apply the proceeds from the New Debt for the purposes set forth in this Order and otherwise pursuant to the provisions of R. C. 4905.40; after the New Debt authorized by this Order are issued. Applicant shall report to the Commission, as soon as practicable, but no later than 60 days after debt issuance, the terms and full particulars regarding the Securities.
04/13/2015 Exhibit E (Amended and Restated) electronically filed by Ms. Carrie M Dunn on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated.
03/11/2015 In the Matter of the Application for Authority to Issue, Sell, or Enter into Debt Transactions electronically filed by Ms. Carrie M Dunn on behalf of American Transmission Systems, Incorporated.