DIS - Case Record for 14-1405-EL-BNR Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Leroy Center Substation Transmission Lines Reconfiguration Project
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/08/2015 Letter of notification stating construction on this project was completed on May 28, 2015 filed on behalf of FirstEnergy Service Company by T. Turner.
10/27/2014 Notice that construction on this project is expected to begin on approximately November 3, 2014.
10/06/2014 Staff Report of Investigation electronically filed by Mrs. Yvonne W. Cooper on behalf of Staff of OPSB.
09/22/2014 Notice of payment to the Ohio Power Siting Board Fund for application for the Leroy Center Switching Station 138 kV Transmission Lines Reconfiguration Project filed on behalf of American Transmission System, Incorporated by T. Turner.
09/22/2014 In the matter of the Construction Notice of American Transmission Systems Incorporated for project - Leroy Center Switching Station 138 kV Transmission Lines Reconfiguration Project.