DIS - Case Record for 12-2205-RR-FED Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/11/2014 Case Status Form to close case.
12/11/2014 Memo to close cases filed by PUCO Staff.
10/30/2014 Service Notice
10/30/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry that WLE’s request for an extension of time to complete the project is granted in accordance with finding 5; and that WLE complete the project by November 30, 2014; electronically filed by Debra Hight on behalf of Scott E. Farkas, Attorney Examiner.
10/29/2014 Staff recommends that the Commission grant this request filed by PUCO.
10/28/2014 Request to extend deadline for project 60 days filed by T. Andrews on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
10/27/2014 Request to extend the deadline for project filed by T. Andrews on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
09/10/2014 Service Notice
09/10/2014 Entry ordering that WLE's request for an extension of time to complete the project is granted in accordance with finding (4).
09/02/2014 Request to extend the deadline until October 31 filed by T. Andrews on behalf of W&LE Railway Company.
08/29/2014 Response to the request for extension of time filed by G. Martin, PUCO Staff.
08/29/2014 Request for extension of time filed by T. Andrews on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
08/15/2014 Signed request for extension of time for project plus attachments filed by T. Andrews on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
08/14/2014 Service Notice
08/14/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry granting WLE's request for an extension to complete the project by 09/17/2014 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Scott Farkas, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/13/2014 Request of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway for a 60 day extension of time to complete a corridor project in the City of Canton, stark County filed by PUCO Staff.
08/13/2014 Request from Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company requesting an extension of 60 days for this project filed by T. Andrews.
03/14/2014 Correspondence stating that the second request for extension can be disregarded in its entirety filed by PUCO Rail Staff, G. Martin on behalf of D. Reinsel of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway.
03/13/2014 Request for extension of time filed by D. Reinsel on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
03/12/2014 Service Notice
03/12/2014 Entry ordered, that WLE's request for an extension of time to complete the project in granted, in accordance with Finding (4). It is, further, ordered, that WLE complete the project by August 17, 2014.
02/27/2014 Service Notice
02/27/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry grants WLE's request for an extension of time to complete the project by 03/19/2014. - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Scott Farkas, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
02/20/2014 Letter requesting an extending of the deadline filed by D.Reinsel on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company.
02/20/2014 Letter stating that due to the fact that the City portion of this project is beyond the control of WE, staff recommends that the Commission grant this request filed by PUCO Staff, G. Martin.
02/18/2014 Request to extend the deadline for project to provide Local Highway Authority, City of Canton additional time to complete their portion filed on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company by D. Reinsel.
11/16/2012 Letter stating that AEP, installation work to be completed by 12/14/2012 filed by D. Reinsel on behalf of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company. (FAX)
10/16/2012 Letter filed by PUCO Staff G. Martin
08/15/2012 Service Notice
08/15/2012 Finding and order stating that by September 14, 2012, W&LE file a notice that it has initiated with OPC, or any applicable utility, the process to ensure that electric service will be available at the involved grade crossings as set forth in finding 3; W&LE follow the detailed instructions as outlined in the ORDC letter of construction authorization and proceed with and complete the projects by February 17,2014.
08/01/2012 In the matter of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway safety corridor & traffic signal preemption project in Stark County, City of Canton.