DIS - Case Record for 12-1948-EL-UEX Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/31/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
09/18/2012 Tariff PUCO Electric No. 19, of Duke Energy Ohio copies of Rider UE-ED, Uncollectible Expense - Electric Distribution Rider, filed by Dana Patten.
09/12/2012 Service Notice
09/12/2012 Finding and Order that in accordance with finding (6), Duke's application, as corrected, be approved and Duke be authorized to set the rates for Rider UE-ED to $0.000375 per kWh for residential customers and $(0.02) per bill, per month for nonresidential customers. It is, further, ordered, That Duke is authorized to continue to create a regulatory asset to defer variances in uncollectible expense in future periods for recovery or refund in future proceedings to adjust Rider UE-ED. It is, further, ORDERED, that Duke comply with the directive set forth in finding (6). It is, further, ORDERED, That Duke is authorized to file complete copies of tariffs in final form consistent with this finding and order. Duke shall file a copy in this case docket and a copy in its TRF docket (or may make such filing electronically as directed in C:ase No. 06-900-AU-WVR). It is, further, ORDERED, That the effective date of the new tariffs shall be a date not earlier than the date the new tariffs are filed. It is, further, ORDERED, That Duke shall notify all affected customers via a bill message, a bill insert, or a separate mailing within 30 days of the effective date of the tariffs. A copy of the customer notice shall be submitted to the Commission's Service Monitoring and Enforcement Department, Reliability and Service Analysis Division, at least 10 days prior to its distribution to customers. It is, further, ORDERED, That nothing in this finding and order shall be binding upon this Commission in any future proceeding or investigation involving the justness or reasonableness of any rate, charge, rule, or regulation.
09/05/2012 Correspondence letter for correction from Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.
07/25/2012 Staff Report Filed.
06/28/2012 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to Adjust and Set Its Electric Uncollectible Rider UE-ED electronically filed by Carys Cochern on behalf of Watts, Elizabeth H. Ms.