DIS - Case Record for 11-4304-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
04/17/2023 Notice of Change of Law Firm Name by The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Devin D. Parram.
01/16/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Colleen Mooney electronically filed by Colleen L Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
01/04/2018 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Richard L Sites for The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Devin D. Parram.
12/13/2017 Notice of Change of Address by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Jamie Williams on behalf of Sauer, Larry Mr.
01/11/2017 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael J. Settineri on behalf of Retail Energy Supply Association.
05/12/2016 Notice of Withdraw and Substitution of Counsel of Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Matthew W. Warnock.
09/03/2014 Notice of Substitution of Counsel of Joel Sechler for Mallory Mohler electronically filed by Ms. Cheryl A. Smith on behalf of The Ohio Manufacturers' Association.
03/28/2014 Notice of withdrawal of Joseph E. Oliker filed by F. Darr on behalf of McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC.
10/15/2013 Notice of substitution of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly W. Bojko on behalf of Ohio Manufacturers' Association.
10/15/2013 Notice of withdrawal electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of J. Thomas Siwo, Bricker & Eckler LLP.
11/07/2012 Notice of withdrawal of counsel electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Bricker & Eckler LLP.
09/30/2011 Transcript of Staff Proposal for an Economic Development Tariff Template hearing held on 09/14/11 electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Hennebert, Julieanna Mrs.
09/28/2011 Consumer in opposition of the rate increases filed by Harold Friedman.
09/22/2011 Letter in support of the PUCO Staff Proposal for an Economic Development Tariff Template filed on behalf of ORMET by Mike Tanchuk.
09/19/2011 Public comment opposing proposal to bring work to the state with higher electric costs filed by Jean Meyer.
08/31/2011 Service Notice
08/30/2011 Entry ordering that OEG and AEP's motions to file comments out of time be granted. (GAP)
08/18/2011 Motion of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company for Leave to File Reply Comments Out of Time electronically filed by Anne M Vogel on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
08/16/2011 Reply comments of The Ohio Energy Group filed D. Boehm Esq.
08/16/2011 Letter in support of the proposed economic development tariff template filed by consumer B. Rasher on behalf of Racer Trust.
08/15/2011 Reply Comments electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of The OMA Energy Group.
08/15/2011 Reply Comments of The Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Ohio Hospital Association.
08/15/2011 Reply Comments electronically filed by Ms. Carrie M Dunn on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Ohio Edison Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
08/15/2011 Reply Comments to the Proposed Economic Development Tariff Template, electronically filed by Mr. Tyler A. Teuscher on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
08/15/2011 Reply comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Watts.
08/15/2011 Reply comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney.
08/15/2011 Reply comments of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by S. Randazzo.
08/15/2011 Reply comments of The Retail Energy Supply Association filed by M. H. Petricoff.
08/15/2011 Reply comments of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D. Boehm. (FAX)
08/15/2011 Reply comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Yost.
08/11/2011 Comments by concerned consumer, William Kirk in reference to electric rates on case 11-4304-EL-UNC.
08/09/2011 Motion to file comments out of time of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D.F. Boehm, Esq.
08/09/2011 Comments of the Ohio Energy Group and motion to file comments out of time filed by D.F. Boehm, Esq.
08/08/2011 Motion to file comments out of time of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D.F. Boehm, Esq. (FAX)
08/08/2011 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C.L. Mooney.
08/08/2011 Letter stating the idea of giving companies a utility subsidy for hiring workers and making other ratepayers pay the costs is outrageous filed by Mr. T. Blumer.
08/08/2011 Letter strongly objecting to the proposal to pay for a discount on electricity to businesses that create new jobs by adding the cost to other customers filed by Mrs. L. Walls.
08/05/2011 Motion to Intervene, Memorandum in Support, and Comments of the OMA Energy Group electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of OMA Energy Group.
08/05/2011 Public comment in opposition to application filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Bob Radigan.
08/05/2011 Comments by the office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed by M. Yost.
08/05/2011 Comments of the Ohio Hospital Association electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Ohio Hospital Association.
08/05/2011 Ohio Power Company's and Columbus Southern Power Company's Initial Comments, electronically filed by Anne M Vogel on behalf of Ohio Power Company and Columbus Southern Power Company.
08/05/2011 Public comment concerning discount on electric rates for companies which create jobs filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Chris Whalen.
08/05/2011 Comments to the Proposed Economic Development Tariff Template electronically filed by Mrs. Natalie R Williams on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
08/05/2011 Comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by A. Spiller.
08/05/2011 Comments of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney. (FAX)
08/05/2011 Comments of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by S. Randazzo.
08/05/2011 Initial comments of The Retail Energy Supply Association filed by M. Howard Petricoff.
08/05/2011 Letter that Policy matters Ohio, has no comments at this time filed by Zach Schiller.
08/05/2011 Comments of Ohio Edison Company, the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and the Toledo Edison Company filed by J. Lang.
08/05/2011 Comments of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. filed by K.P. Shannon.
08/01/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J.E. Oliker.
07/15/2011 Service Notice
07/15/2011 Entry ordering comments and reply comments regarding the proposed economic development tariff template be filed in accordance with finding (4) and (5) of this Entry.
07/13/2011 In the matter of the Staff Proposal for An Economic Development Tariff Template.