DIS - Case Record for 11-2642-EL-RDR Skip to main content
CASE DESCRIPTION: In the Matter of the Application Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Approval of the Establishment of Rider RTO and Associated Tariff Approval
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/19/2012 Case Action Form Archive 11-2642-EL-RDR electronically filed by Ms. Marta E. Stewart-Bates on behalf of PUCO
07/15/2011 Service Notice
07/15/2011 Entry ordering OPAE's application for rehearing be denied.
06/30/2011 Notice of withdrawal of counsel for Jodi M. Kyler filed on behalf of OCC by J. Kyler.
06/29/2011 Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum contra application for rehearing filed by E. Watts.
06/21/2011 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.
06/07/2011 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, filed by Grant W. Garber.
06/01/2011 Designation of new counsel of record, Jeffrey L. Small filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.
05/25/2011 Service Notice
05/25/2011 Opinion and order stating that Duke's motion to strike Cincinnati's comments be denied; OPAE's motion to strike the stipulation be denied; the stipulation of the parties be adopted and approved; Duke take all necessary steps to carry out the terms of the stipulation and this order; dissenting opinion of Commissioner Cheryl L. Roberto.
05/16/2011 Brief in support of the stipulation and recommendation submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by J. Jones.
05/16/2011 Post-Hearing Brief of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. as to whether the Stipulation and Recommendation (Stipulation) filed on April 26, 2011, satisfies the applicable standard of review filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Business Services, LLC.
05/16/2011 Post-Hearing Brief of proceedings concerning the applications of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., ("Duke") for approval of the establishment of Riders BTR and RTO and associated tariffs filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy ("OPAE").
05/16/2011 Brief of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by H. Petricoff.
05/16/2011 Correspondence informing that Industrial Energy Users-Ohio will not be filing a Post-Hearing Brief, IEU-Ohio takes no position for or against the stipulation and recommendation filed by J. Oliker.
05/16/2011 Post-Hearing Brief of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Kyler.
05/12/2011 Exhibits FES-INT-01 - Interrogatories filed for proceedings held May 11, 2011 before Ms. Christine Pirik and Ms. Katie Stenman, Attorney Examiners, at the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/12/2011 Transcript for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. of Rider BTR and Assoc. Tariff Approval hearing held on 05/11/11. electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs.
05/09/2011 Memorandum contra Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s motion to strike comments of the City of Cincinnati filed by T. O'Brien.
05/09/2011 Service Notice
05/09/2011 Entry ordering that the motions to intervene filed by various parties be granted in accordance with finding (3). (KLS)
05/06/2011 Duke Energy Ohio Inc.'s motion to strike comments of the City of Cincinnati and memorandum in support filed by E. Watts.
05/05/2011 Duke Energy Ohio Inc.'s motion to strike initial comments of Eagle Energy, LLC. and memorandum in support filed by A. Spiller.
05/05/2011 Initial Comments of Eagle Energy (originally submitted on May 4 but there is no record of the e-file) electronically filed by Mr. Donald I. Marshall on behalf of Duke Energy.
05/05/2011 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc's memorandum contra Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's motion to strike the stipulation and recommendation and memorandum in support filed by A. Spiller.
05/04/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J. Oliker.
05/04/2011 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and comments of The City of Cincinnati filed by T. O'Brien.
05/04/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Exelon Generation Company, LLC filed by M. Petricoff.
05/04/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by M Petricoff.
05/03/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, motion to strike the stipulation and recommendation and memorandum in support and comments on the application filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney.
05/02/2011 Entry ordering that FES's motion for expedited discovery be granted; the parties adhere to the process set forth in findings (6) through (7). (KLS)
05/02/2011 Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's motion to intervene and memorandum in support, motion to strike the stipulation and recommendation and memorandum in support and comments on the application filed by C. Mooney.(FAX)
05/02/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.
05/02/2011 Service Notice
04/29/2011 Service Notice
04/29/2011 Motion and memorandum in support of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. for expedited discovery response period (expedited ruling requested) filed by G. Garber.
04/29/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. filed by G. Garber.
04/28/2011 Entry ordering that Duke's motion for waivers be granted in accordance with finding (6) and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (7) be observed. (KLS)
04/28/2011 Correspondence stating position regarding the proposed stipulation filed on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association by K. Schmidt.
04/28/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association filed by M. Warnock.
04/28/2011 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Kyler.
04/26/2011 In the Matter of the Application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for Approval of the Establishment of Rider RTO and Associated Tariff Approval.
04/26/2011 Stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of PUCO by J. Jones, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts, and Ohio Consumers Counsel by J. Kyler.
04/26/2011 Direct testimony of William Don Wathen Jr. filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.