DIS - Case Record for 10-1268-EL-RDR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/03/2012 Case Action Form Archive cases electronically filed by Ms. Marta E. Stewart-Bates on behalf of PUCO
09/28/2011 Case Action Form electronically filed by Ms. Katie L Stenman on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
01/03/2011 Revised tariff sheets of Duke Energy Ohio for PUCO Electric Tariff No. 19 for Annually Adjusted Component Rider effective January 4, 2011 filed by P. Laub.
12/29/2010 Service Notice
12/29/2010 Opinion and Order ordering that the Stipulation filed in this proceeding be approved and adopted.
12/20/2010 Transcript of Duke Energy hearing held on 12/06/10. electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
12/17/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by Sarah Parrot on behalf of PUCO.
12/06/2010 Letter stating that lEU-Ohio does not oppose the stipulation filed by S. Randazzo.
12/03/2010 Stipulation and recommendation filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and S. Parrot on behalf of Staff.
11/30/2010 Letter and attachment (e-mail) inadvertently omitted from the memorandum contra filed on November 29, 2010 filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
11/29/2010 Supplemental testimony of Salil Pradhan on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
11/29/2010 Memorandum contra motion to compel filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts.
11/29/2010 Supplemental testimony of William Don Watham Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
11/24/2010 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and request for production of documents, filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
11/23/2010 Motion to compel Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to respond to discovery, request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support by the OCC, filed by M. Idzkowski.
11/22/2010 Prepared testimony of David W. Marczely on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
11/22/2010 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by M. Idzkowski.
11/22/2010 Prepared testimony of Trisha J. Smith filed on behalf of PUCO Staff.
11/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark in these proceedings filed by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Oliker.
11/15/2010 Reply comments of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Watts
11/12/2010 Reply comments filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts. (FAX)
11/02/2010 Comments by the OCC, filed by A. Hotz
11/02/2010 Comments submitted on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, filed by S. Parrot.
10/12/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J. Clark.
09/29/2010 Service notice.
09/29/2010 Entry ordering OCC's motion to intervene be granted; OCC's motion for an extension of the procedural schedule be granted in part and denied in part; the procedural schedule set forth in finding (6) be adopted; Duke comply with the timeframe established in finding (7); OCC's motion for expedited discovery be granted; the parties adhere to the process established in finding (9). (KLS)
09/20/2010 Motion for extension of the procedural schedule, continuance of the hearing, expedited discovery and request for expedited ruling and memorandum in support by the OCC, filed by A. Hotz.
09/16/2010 Amended motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz.
09/09/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the OCC filed by A. Hotz.
09/03/2010 Service Notice
09/03/2010 Entry ordering that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (3) be adopted. (KLS)
09/01/2010 Direct testimony of Peggy A. Laub on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
09/01/2010 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc to adjust and set the annually adjusted component of its market based standard service offer.