DIS - Case Record for 10-0614-TP-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/18/2022 Lifeline Biennial Final Report 10/27/22 electronically filed by Mrs. Sharyn Zimmerman on behalf of TracFone Wireless.
12/09/2021 Notice of Acquisition of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by Verizon Communications, Inc. electronically filed by Ms. Melissa Burris on behalf of Tracfone Wireless, Inc.
12/01/2020 Notice of Revised Lifeline Service Offerings electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
11/12/2020 Response Letter enclosing assumed business names registrations and certificates of good standing electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
10/07/2020 Notice of Lifeline Service Offering electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
08/04/2020 Notice of Lifeline Service Offering electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
11/22/2019 Notice of Filing Change in Terms and Conditions of Lifeline Service electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
08/30/2019 Notice of Filing Change in Terms and Conditions of Lifeline Service electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
05/22/2019 Notice of Change in Terms and Conditions of Service electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
11/27/2018 Notice of Change in Terms and Conditions of service offered to its SafeLink Wireless Lifeline customers filed by D. McGuire Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. (FAX)
12/12/2017 Notice of Change in Terms and Conditions of SafeLink Wireless® Lifeline Service Offering filed by Debra McGuire Mecer.
09/11/2017 Notice of a new Lifeline service option filed by D. McGuire Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
11/29/2016 Notice of change in its terms and conditions of service offered to its Lifeline customers filed by D. McGuire Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
11/29/2016 Memo re-opening case with an effective date of 11/29/16.
10/04/2016 Case Action Form electronically filed by Michelle A Green on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/03/2016 Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/16/2015 Notice of Change in Terms and Conditions of Service electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS INC VP CORP TAX.
09/26/2011 Notice of change in terms and conditions of service filed by Stephen Athanson on behalf of TracFone Wireless Inc.
09/22/2011 Notice of Changes to Terms and Conditions of Service for TracFone Wireless Inc. electronically filed by Mr. Stephen Athanson on behalf of TracFone Wireless Inc.
08/03/2011 Notice of Withdrawal by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Etter, Terry L Mr.
07/15/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Designation of Counsel of Record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Etter, Terry L Mr.
11/23/2010 Service Notice
11/22/2010 Entry ordering that the requirement to submit quarterly reports to the Commission staff be amended consistent with finding (3).
11/03/2010 Service Notice
11/03/2010 Entry ordering that OCC's and TracFone's motions for a protective order be granted in part and denied in part in accordance with the above findings; that the Director of the Utilities Department release the designated information to Appalachian/Edgemont consistent with Finding (13).
09/10/2010 Notice of TracFone Wireless, Inc. to Expand Lifeline Offering electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.
08/25/2010 Memorandum Contra of the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition to Tracfone Wireless, Inc's Motion for Protective Order filed by M. Smalz on behalf of Ohio Poverty Law Center, J. Maskovyak on behalf of Appalachian Peace and Justice Network and E. Jacobs on behalf of Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition.
08/18/2010 Notification to the Commission that TracFone Wireless, Inc. will now expand its Safelink Wireless Lifeline offering for both current and new customers filed by J. Fuentes.
08/10/2010 TracFone Wireless, Inc.’s Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.
08/10/2010 TracFone Wireless, Inc.’s Reply to the Memorandum in Opposition of the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network and Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition to Motion for Protective Order electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.
08/04/2010 Service Notice
08/04/2010 Entry granting Edgemont's motion for intervention consistent with Finding (2). (JSA}
08/03/2010 Memorandum in opposition of the Appalachian Peace and Justice Network and Edgemont Neighborhood coalition to Tracfone Wireless, Inc.'s motion for a protective order filed by M. Smalz, J. Maskovyak and E. Jacobs.
07/30/2010 Service Notice
07/30/2010 Entry ordering that Pro Seniors' motion for intervention be granted in accordance with Finding (2). (JSA)
07/20/2010 Motion of TracFone Wireless, Inc.'s for a protective order electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.
07/15/2010 Motion to intervene with memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Michael A. Walters on behalf of Pro Seniors, Inc.
07/14/2010 Service Notice
07/14/2010 Entry denying Edgemont's application for rehearing; that OCC's application for rehearing is granted.
07/13/2010 Service Notice
07/13/2010 Entry ordering that the Network's. OCC's and CUFA's motions for intervention be granted, it is further that TracFone's motion for leave to file a response be denied, it is further ordered that TracFone file a motion for a protective order. (J. A)
07/08/2010 Motion to intervene with memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Noel M. Morgan on behalf of Communities United for Action.
07/08/2010 Motion for leave to file response to the reply of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel regarding its motion for protective order and response to the reply of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel regarding its motion for protective order electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M. Mercer on behalf of Tracfone Wireless, Inc.
07/06/2010 Reply to TracFone Wireless, Inc.'s response to motion for protective order by the Office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of David C. Bergmann.
06/29/2010 Response to Motion for Protective Order by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.
06/25/2010 Additional proof of service filed by M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak on behalf of Appalachian Peace and Justice Network.
06/25/2010 Confidential document target for memorandum contra application on rehearing filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. dba SafeLink Wireless by M. Brecher.
06/25/2010 Letter stating that TracFone Wireless, Inc. electronically filed on June 24, 2010 a public version of its memorandum contra applications for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition and The Appalachian Peace & Justice Network and on June 25, 2010 TracFone Wireless, Inc. is submitting the unredacted CONFIDENTIAL copies of that memorandum contra. The information deemed Confidential by TracFone Wireless, Inc. is covered by the motion for protective order filed by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel in this docket on June 14, 2010. Therefore, TracFone Wireless, Inc. is not submitting a separate motion for protective order at this time filed by D. Mercer.
06/24/2010 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition and the Appalachian Peace & Justice Network electronically filed by Mrs. Debra M Mercer on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
06/15/2010 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support by Edgemont Neighborhood & The Appalachian Peace & Justice Network filed by E. Jacobs on behalf of Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc; M.Smalz and J. Maskovyak on behalf of Ohio Poverty Law Center.
06/14/2010 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support by Edgemont Neighborhood & The Appalachian Peace & Jutice Network filed by E. Jacobs, M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak. (FAX)
06/14/2010 Confidential document: Application for rehearing filed by D. Bergman on behalf of OCC. (23 pgs)
06/14/2010 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Bergman.
06/14/2010 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Bergman.
06/14/2010 Motion to Intervene by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of BERGMANN, DAVID C.
06/08/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by M. Smalz and J. Maskovyak on behalf of Appalachian Peace and Justice Network.
05/21/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition filed by E. Jacobs.
05/17/2010 Supplement to the application of Budget Prepay, Inc. filed by M. Vance.
05/13/2010 Entry ordering, that, consistent with Finding (4), TracFone must provide the Commission staff, by June 2, 2010, with a demonstration of its contribution to both the 9-1-1 and TRS funds specific to its ETC operations and revenue in Ohio.
03/05/2010 Service notice.
03/05/2010 Entry ordering TracFone's motion for protective order be granted. (JA)
02/17/2010 Supplement to compliance plan and amended motion for protective order filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. McGuire Mercer.
11/23/2009 Confidential document target, revised compliance plan filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless by R. Lee. (44 pages)
11/23/2009 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Ohio for the limited purpose of offering Lifeline service to qualified households filed by M. Brecher.
11/23/2009 Revised Compliance plan filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. McGuire Mercer.
11/19/2009 Notice of change in lifeline service filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. McGuire Mercer.
11/18/2009 Service Notice
11/18/2009 Entry ordering that the Compliance Plan be approved pursuant to Finding (3); that TracFone abide by the terms and conditions of the Compliance Plan; that TracFone informally provide quarterly reports to the Commission staff consistent with Finding (4); that TracFone comply with Findings (5), (6), and (7).
09/22/2009 Additional information provided by TracFone Wireless, Inc. for the limited purpose of receiving support from the federal universal service fund to offer lifeline service to low income Ohio households filed by M. Brecher.
09/15/2009 Service Notice
08/12/2009 Compliance plan filed by M. Brecher on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
07/20/2009 Compliance plan filed by D. Mercer on behalf of Tracfone Wireless, Inc.
07/08/2009 Entry ordering that the application for rehearing is granted in part and denied in part as stated; that TracFone's motion for leave to file its reply memorandum is denied in accordance with Finding (16); that TracFone's motion for an extension of time to file its compliance plan is granted pursuant to Finding (18).
07/08/2009 Service Notice.
06/25/2009 Motion for leave to file reply to the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel memorandum contra filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. Mercer.
06/18/2009 Memorandum contra TracFone's motion for partial rehearing and conditional motion for waiver by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mary V. Edwards on behalf of D.Bergmann.
06/18/2009 Motion for extension of time to file compliance plan filed by M. Brecher on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
06/08/2009 Motion for partial rehearing and conditional motion for waiver of TracFone Wireless, Inc. dba SafeLink Wireless by D. McGuire Mercer.
05/21/2009 Service Notice.
05/21/2009 Finding ordering that TracFone is granted conditional designation as an ETC for the limited purpose of Lifeline Service for an interim one-year period of time consistent with finding (6).
05/18/2009 Second supplement provided in support of petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Ohio for the limited purpose of offering Lifeline service to qualified households filed on behalf of Tracfone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Safelink Wireless by D. McQuire Mercer.
05/13/2009 Response to comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Brecher on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc.
05/13/2009 Confidential document: Amendment and supplemental information provided in support of petition filed by M. Brecher on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. (24 pgs)
05/13/2009 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. Mercer.
05/13/2009 Amendment and supplemental information provided in support of petition for designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Ohio for the limited purpose of offering lifeline service to qualified households filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. Mercer.
05/11/2009 Comments electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Terry L. Etter and Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
04/06/2009 Letter in support of the application of TracFone Wireless, Inc. filed by K. McEldowney on behalf of Consumer Action.
03/19/2009 Notice of filing Federal Communications Commission order filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by M. Brecher.
09/05/2008 Application for certification for status as a nonrural eligible telecommunications carrier filed on behalf of TracFone Wireless, Inc. by D. McGuire Mercer.