DIS - Case Record for 10-0503-EL-FOR Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/14/2021 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel of Miranda Leppla electronically filed by Chris Tavenor on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council.
10/12/2021 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Trent A Dougherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.
06/08/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
01/31/2020 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Tammy M Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc. and D'Ascenzo, Rocco and Vaysman, Larisa.
05/21/2015 Confidential Release Document filed on 3/14/2011 released to public on 5/14/2015.
05/21/2015 Confidential Release Document filed on 2/11/2011 released to public on 5/14/2015.
05/21/2015 Confidential Release Document filed on 3/14/2011 released to public on 5/14/2015.
03/28/2014 Notice of withdrawal of Joseph E. Oliker filed by F. Darr on behalf of McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC.
01/28/2014 Notice of withdrawal of counsel of Nolan Moser and substitution of counsel of record of Trent A. Dougherty filed by N. Moser on behalf of The Ohio Environmental Council
02/13/2013 Service Notice
02/13/2013 Attorney Examiner Entry granting motion for protective order and releasing information not requested on February 19, 2013, electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Christine M.T. Pirik, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/13/2012 Motion and Memorandum in Support for Continuation of Protective Order of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. electronically filed by Ms. Elizabeth H Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
02/27/2012 Duke Energy Ohio's Motion and memorandum in support for Continuation of the Protective Order electronically filed by Dianne Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Spiller, Amy B.
07/28/2011 Letter expressing concern over Duke's lack of efficiency responsibilities and the proposal of the building a new nuclear plant filed by D. Glenboski.
07/20/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Duke nuclear power facility filed by consumer, R. Brokaw.
07/19/2011 Letter expressing concern over Duke Energy proposing to build an expensive nuclear power facility filed by Miss R. Safron.
07/11/2011 Public comment concerning Duke Energy's application to build new nuclear plant filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Kurt Frees.
06/20/2011 Public comment filed by concerned consumer Mrs. Christine Selick in reference to SB221.
06/15/2011 Public Comment filed by concerned consumer: Ms. Jacki Masar.
06/13/2011 Public comment concerning energy efficiency requirements of Duke Energy Ohio filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Mr. Joe Rosemeyer.
06/13/2011 Public comment concerning energy efficiency requirements of Duke Energy Ohio filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Dr. George & Betsy Vozary.
06/13/2011 Public comment concerning energy efficiency requirements of Duke Energy Ohio filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Fred Oswald.
06/10/2011 Public Comment stating concern on dirty expensive fossil fuels filed on behalf of concerned consumer, B. Bunch.
06/10/2011 Public Comment stating concern on dirty expensive fossil fuels filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Ms. Leone Batte.
06/09/2011 Public Comment filed by concerned consumer Ms. Cheryl Luce in reference to SB221.
06/09/2011 Public Comment filed by concerned consumer Mr. John Dierig in reference to SB221.
05/23/2011 Correspondence in reference to Duke nuclear plant proposal filed by concerned consumer, Josh Blew.
05/16/2011 Correspondence filed by Mr. Gerald Bukosky regarding SB221.
05/10/2011 Public comment concerning energy efficiency requirements of Duke Energy Ohio filed on behalf of concerned consumer, Thomas Barnet.
04/27/2011 Service Notice
04/27/2011 Opinion and order stating that Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal, the unredacted versions of the 2010 LTFR filed under seal in this docket on February 11, 2011, and the unredacted versions of the testimony of David Schlissel and Peter Lanzalotta filed under seal on March 14, 2011, and April 1, 2011, respectively, for a period ending 18 months from the date of this order ending on October 29, 2012.
04/25/2011 Public Comment concerning Duke's Energy efficiency requirements filed by consumer C. Renner.
04/14/2011 Notice of withdrawal of William T. Reisinger as counsel in the proceeding listed, Nolan Moser should be designated counsel of record filed by N. Moser on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council.
04/12/2011 Letter stating concern on dirty expensive fossil fuels filed on behalf of concerned consumer, K. Stovarsky.
04/05/2011 Exhibit - Joint 1 - Stipulation and Recommendation (corrected) filed on behalf of hearing held March 21, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. before Ms. Mandy Willey and Ms. Christine Pirik, Attorney Examiners.
04/05/2011 Transcript of 2010 Long Term Forecast Report of Duke Energy hearing held on 03/21/11 before A.E. M. Willey and C. Pirik electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Burke, Carolyn M. Mrs..
04/04/2011 Entry ordering that the portion of NRDC's motion requesting removal of confidential information from the docket be granted; docketing remove and treat as confidential the unredacted confidential versions of Peter Lanzalotta's testimony from the public docket. (MLW)
04/04/2011 Service Notice
04/04/2011 Service Notice.
04/01/2011 Confidential document target for Ex. PJL 3 filed by Henry Eckart on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Counsel.
03/29/2011 Letter opposing nuclear power facility for failing to provide proper estimate of low cost energy efficiency in Ohio filed by concerned consumer, V. Hooffstetter.
03/25/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of Natural Resources defense Council and Sierra Club.
03/21/2011 Stipulation and recommendation (corrected) filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, J. Jones on behalf of PUCO Staff, N. Moser on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council, H. Eckhart on behaf Natrual Resource Defense Counsel and Sierra Club, T. Santarelli for R. Kelter on behalf of Environmental Law and Policy Center, T.O'Brien by M. Warnock on behalf of Mid Atlantic Renewable Enerty Coalition.
03/18/2011 The Solar Alliance's notice of withdrawal as an intervener filed by T. O'Donnell.
03/18/2011 Certificate of service filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Counsel, and Sierra Club.
03/18/2011 Direct testimony of James A. Riddle on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc..
03/17/2011 Stipulation and Recommendation filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., J. Small on behalf of the office of the Ohio consumers' Counsel, T. McNamee on behalf of Staff, PUCO, N. Moser on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council, S. W. Fisk on behalf of Natural Resources Defense counsel and Sierra Club, R. Kelter on behalf of Environmental Law and Policy Center and T. O'Brien on behalf of Mid America Renewable Energy Coalition.
03/16/2011 Certificate of service filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of NRDC and Sierra Club.(FAX)
03/15/2011 Letter from consumer, M. Lauer strongly urging enforcement of SB221.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of Christopher G. Ivanov on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of Thomas J. Butz on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.
03/14/2011 Prefiled testimony of Mark C. Bellamy on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Efficiency and Renewables Division.
03/14/2011 Confidential document target: Direct testimony of David A. Schlissel filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of NRDC and the Sierra Club. (14 pages)
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of Bruce Burcat on behalf of the Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of David A. Schlissel on behalf of NRDC and the Sierra Club.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of Max Neubauer on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Council.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of Dylan Sullivan on behalf of the Natural Resource Defense Council.
03/14/2011 Direct testimony of P. Lanzalotta on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club.
02/28/2011 Direct testimony of Richard G. Stevie on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
02/28/2011 Direct testimony of Andrew S. Ritch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
02/28/2011 Direct testimony of James S. Northrup on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
02/15/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Duke Energy nuclear plant filed by G. Uccello, consumer.
02/11/2011 Corrected PUCO Form FE-D1:EDU filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
02/11/2011 Confidential Document Target: 2010 Confidential Long term forecast report filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (60 pages)
02/11/2011 2010 public electric long-term forecast report and resource plan filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Business Services.
02/11/2011 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., filed by E. Watts.
02/11/2011 Letters urging enforcement of SB221 filed by various consumers.
01/31/2011 Letter in opposition to the proposed Duke Energy nuclear plant filed by G. Burton, the Sierra Club.
01/28/2011 Notice regarding depositions originally scheduled to begin on February 1, 2011 filed on behalf of OCC by J. Small.
01/25/2011 Service Notice
01/25/2011 Entry ordering that OCC's motion to compel is granted; that the motion for continuance filed by the joint movants be granted, to the extent set forth in this entry; that parties adhere to the deadlines established in findings (11). (KLS)
01/24/2011 Memorandum in support of extension electronically filed by Mr. Will Reisinger on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council .
01/24/2011 Joint reply to Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum contra joint motion for an extension and continuance by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, H. Eckhart on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club and S. Fisk on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council
01/24/2011 Memorandum contra joint motion filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
01/24/2011 Notice to take depositions upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/19/2011 Joint motion and memorandum in support for an extension and continuance filed by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, H. Eckhart on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council and The Sierra Club and S. Fisk on behalf of the Natural Resource Defense Council.
01/10/2011 Letter asking the Commission to hold Duke accountable and to go beyond its efficiency requirements filed by L. Bildstein.
01/05/2011 Notice of appearance of counsel filed by R. Kelter on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center (FAX)
01/03/2011 Reply to Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum contra motion to compel by the office of The Ohio Consumer's Counsel filed by J. Small.
12/29/2010 Memorandum contra motion to compel, filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
12/23/2010 Motion to compel responses to discovery by the OCC, filed by J. Small.
12/08/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel of Megan De Lisi filed by W. Reisinger on behalf of the Ohio Enviromental Council..
11/15/2010 Letter asking for approval of a market rate offer and to conduct a completive bidding process for standard service offer electric generation supply filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
11/08/2010 Letter concerning renewable energy use filed on behalf of concerned consumer, R. Corpuz.
11/03/2010 Correspondence letter asking Duke not to build a Nuclear Facility, filed by S. Carey, consumer.
11/03/2010 Correspondence opposing Duke Energy Nuclear Facility, filed by H. Carey, consumer.
11/02/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by, R. Corpuz, consumer.
10/21/2010 Service Notice
10/21/2010 Entry ordering that Duke's motion for a continuance of the procedural schedule be granted; the procedural schedule set forth in finding (6) be observed; the motion for a protective order filed by Duke on October 7, 2010, as revised on October 21, 2010, be granted in accordance withe finding (9); the docketing division maintain under seal the unredacted LTFR for a period of 18 months, ending April 21, 2012. (KLS)
10/21/2010 Second amended motion for protective order for confidential material which should have been included and should have been unredacted with information which was filed under seal in this case filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
10/21/2010 Confidential document target for long term forecast and resource plan filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (6 pages)
10/21/2010 Second amended motion and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for protective order to protect confidentiality of information contained within its long-term forecast and resource plan filed by E. Watts.
10/15/2010 Respose to Duke's request to schedule proceedings electronically filed by Mr. Will Reisinger on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.
10/15/2010 Joint motion for prehearing conference on discovery and joint memorandum contra Duke Energy Ohio's motion to continue schedule for proceedings and memorandum in support filed by S. Fisk and H. Eckhart on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club, filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC, filed by R. Kelter on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center.
10/14/2010 Correspondence urging the strong enforcement of SB221 filed by L. Webb, consumer.
10/07/2010 Confidential document target for revised 2010 Electric Long-Term Forecast Report and Resource Plan filed by E. Watts.
10/07/2010 Revised 2010 Long-Term Forecast Report and Resource Plan continued. (Part 2 of 2)
10/07/2010 Revised 2010 Electric Long-Term Forecast Report and Resource Plan filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. (Part 1 of 2)
10/07/2010 Motion and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio,Inc. to continue schedule for proceedings in its long term forecast and resource plan and request for expedited treatment filed by E. Watts.
10/07/2010 Amended motion and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio, for protective order to protect confidentiality of information contained within its long-term forecast and resource plan filed by E. Watts.
10/07/2010 Amended Long Term Forecast and Resource Plan filed on behalf of Duke energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts.
10/07/2010 Correspondence letter filed by J. Steinher on behalf of Dr. Joshua Farber.
10/05/2010 Correspondence letter opposing Duke Energy building a nuclear plant in Ohio, filed by S. Booth, consumer.
10/05/2010 Correspondence opposing Duke's nuclear plant, filed by various consumers.
10/04/2010 Correspondence letter opposing Duke Energy building a nuclear plaint in Ohio, filed by M. Maxwell, consumer.
10/01/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by various consumers.
09/28/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/27/2010 Exhibits of written comments filed on behalf of Duke Energy of Ohio by M. DiPaols Jones.
09/27/2010 Transcript of Duke Energy of Ohio hearing held on 09/13/10. electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Jones, Maria DiPaolo Mrs.
09/27/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by various consumers.
09/23/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/22/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/21/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/21/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/17/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221.
09/16/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/15/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/14/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/14/2010 Correspondence letters urging strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/13/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by consumers.
09/10/2010 Correspondence letters requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by various consumers.
09/09/2010 Correspondence regarding the Duke Energy's Piketon Ohio Nuclear Facility filed by A. Lane, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter asking Duke Energy for strong enforcement of SB221 filed by D. Struble, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by V. Brennan, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by S. Morris, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by N. Adams, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by J. Shepherd, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by E. Britton, consumer.
09/09/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by R. Holt, consumer.
09/08/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by B. Brothers, consumer.
09/08/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by A. Lilly, consumer.
09/08/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by M. Mcdonough, consumer.
09/08/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by D. Ca, consumer.
09/08/2010 Correspondence letter requesting strong enforcement of SB221 filed by D. Celebrezze, consumer.
08/31/2010 Proof of Publication and affidavit for hearing notice filed by D. Kuhnell on behalf of Duke Energy.
08/27/2010 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel electronically filed by Mr. Michael E Heintz on behalf of Environmental Law and Policy Center.
08/26/2010 Reply to Duke's Memorandum Contra Joint Motion For Local Public Hearings electronically filed by Mr. Will Reisinger on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.
08/26/2010 Joint reply to Duke Energy Ohio's Memorandum Contra Joint Motion for Local Public Hearings by OCC, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council and The Sierra Club filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC, H. Eckhart on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council and The Sierra Club, M. Heintz on behalf of Environmental Law & Policy Center.
08/23/2010 Memorandum contra joint motion for local public hearings filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by E. Watts.
08/17/2010 Joint Motion and Memorandum in Support for local public hearings filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel, by J. Small, Environmental Law and Policy Center by M. Heintz, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club by H. Eckhart, Ohio Environmental Council by N. Moser.
08/12/2010 Service notice.
08/12/2010 Entry ordering that the procedural schedule set forth in Finding (4) be observed. (CP)
08/04/2010 Motion to file out of time electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition.
08/04/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition.
07/28/2010 Motion to File One Day Out of Time electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of The Solar Alliance.
07/28/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Thomas J O'Brien on behalf of Solar Alliance.
07/27/2010 Motion to admit Shannon W. Fisk to practice Pro Hac Vice before the Commission filed by H. Eckhart on behalf of The Sierra Club and The Natural Resources Defense Counsel.
07/27/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support for the Natural Resources Defense Council and The Sierra Club filed by H. Eckhart.
07/16/2010 Service Notice
07/15/2010 Entry granting the motions to intervene filed by OCC, OEC, and ELPC; that the motion for admissions pro hac vice of Robert Kelter be granted; that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (8) be observed; that a hearing be scheduled for September 13, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad St., 11th floor, hearing room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (KLS)
06/28/2010 Memorandum contra motion to shorten the response time for discovery and request for expedited ruling filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by A. Spiller.
06/25/2010 Motion for a hearing and memorandum in support filed by T. McNamee, PUCO Staff.
06/21/2010 Motion to admit Robert Kelter to practice Pro Hac Vice before the Commission electronically filed by Mr. Michael E Heintz on behalf of Environmental Law and Policy Center.
06/21/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of the Environmental Law & Policy Center electronically filed by Mr. Michael E Heintz on behalf of Environmental Law and Policy Center.
06/17/2010 Motion to Intervene with Memorandum in Support by the OEC. electronically filed by Ms. Megan De Lisi on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council.
06/16/2010 Motion for hearing and motion to shorten the response time for discovery and motion for electronic service of discovery and request for an expedited ruling and memorandum in support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.
06/15/2010 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.
06/15/2010 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., 2010 Electric Long-term Forecast Report and Resource Plan filed by E. Watts.
06/15/2010 Duke Energy Ohio, Inc's motion for protective order filed by E. Watts.
06/15/2010 Confidential document target: Long-term forecast report filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (204 pages)
04/15/2010 Service Notice
04/15/2010 Entry granting Duke's motion for extension of time to file its long-term-forecast report. (KLS)
03/25/2010 In the matter of the 2010 long term forecast report of the Duke Energy of Ohio Corporation and related matter.