DIS - Case Record for 09-1850-GA-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/26/2011 Closed Case action form electronically filed by Ms. Katie L Stenman on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/29/2010 Revised tariff pages, PUCO Tariff No. 18, index to applicable gas tariff schedules and communities served, filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
04/28/2010 Service Notice
04/28/2010 Opinion and order ordering that the stipulation for the parties be adopted and approved.
04/22/2010 Post hearing brief in support of the stipulation filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.
04/20/2010 Transcript of Duke Energy for hearing held on 04/19/10 before Katie Stenman, Attorney Examiner, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Anderson, Rosemary Foster Mrs.
04/16/2010 Stipulation and recommendation filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio and W. Wright on behalf of staff.
04/16/2010 Supplemental direct testimony of Robert M. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
04/14/2010 Service Notice
04/14/2010 Entry granting Duke's request for an alteration of the procedural schedule and that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (KLS)
04/02/2010 Comments on Duke Energy Ohio's application filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.
04/02/2010 Service notice.
04/02/2010 Entry ordering the procedural schedule set forth in finding (3), all testimony should be filed no later than noon on April 14, 2010, be adopted; the process set forth in finding (4), the parties to provide service to all parties including staff, by hand delivery, facsimile, or email, of any expert testimony filed. (KS)
04/02/2010 Comments and recommendations submitted on behalf of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
03/19/2010 Service Notice
03/19/2010 Entry ordering that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted and that the process set forth in finding (5) be adhered to by all parties. (KLS)
03/12/2010 Motion and memorandum in support for twelve-day continuance of the evidentiary hearing filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Serio.
03/05/2010 Service notice.
03/05/2010 Entry ordering the motion for intervention filed by OCC be granted; Duke's motion that the mayors and legislative authorities is in substantial compliance with the notice requirements be granted; the procedural schedule set forth in finding (5) be adopted; the process set forth in finding (6) be adhered to by the parties; the parties adhere to the processes established in finding (7); that case No.09-1849-GA-UNC be designated as case No. 09-1849-GA-RDR. (KS)
02/26/2010 Application for an adjustment to Rider AMRP gas rates and for tariff approval filed by A. Spiller on behalf of Duke Energy Business Services, LLC.
02/26/2010 Direct testimony of Gary J. Hebbler on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
02/26/2010 Direct testimony of Robert M. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
12/21/2009 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
12/15/2009 Memo stating that Duke Energy is not at fault for the delay in their "Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. regarding sufficiency of notice" being received by the docketing division of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by P. Duffy on behalf of the PUCO.
12/14/2009 Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc regarding sufficiency of notice and memorandum in support filed by A. Spiller.
12/03/2009 Corrected page 5-3 for the November 27, 2009 pre-filing notice filed by D. Kuhnell.
11/27/2009 In the matter of the pre-filing notice of the application of Duke Energy Ohio for tariff approval.