DIS - Case Record for 09-0754-EL-ESS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/29/2010 Service Notice
07/29/2010 Opinion and order stating that the stipulation and recommendation submitted be approved and adopted in its entirety; that DP&L take necessary steps to carry out terms of stipulation.
07/27/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by Staff.
05/21/2010 Exhibit: (company 1 and 4) for hearing held 5/6/10 before A.E. Henry Phillips-Gary.
05/21/2010 Transcript of Dayton Power and Light Company hearing held on 05/06/10 before A.E. Henry Phillips-Gary. electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Julieanna Hennebert.
04/28/2010 Direct testimony of John B. Wagner Jr., electronically filed by Mrs. Irda Hoxha Hinders on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
04/07/2010 Service Notice
04/07/2010 Entry ordered that the evidentiary hearing reconvene on May 6, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. (HHPG)
03/29/2010 Stipulation and recommendation filed by R. Griffin on behalf of the Dayton Power and Light Company, R. Reese on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and Staff.
03/26/2010 Transcript from hearing held March 11, 2010 before Mr. Henry H.Phillips-Gary and Mr. Gregory Price, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Gibson, Karen Sue Mrs. and Armstrong & Okey, Inc.
03/18/2010 Letter stating the parties request that the continuance be extended to permit further negotiations; the parties are to file another report within 2 weeks in the event that a signed stipulation has not been reached filed by T. Lindgren on behalf of PUCO.
01/29/2010 Service Notice
01/29/2010 Entry ordering that OCC's motion to intervene be granted; that the motions to intervene shall be filed by February 22, 2010, that a prehearing conference should be held on February 25, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 12th Floor, Room 1247, Columbus, Ohio 43215, and that the evidentiary hearing shall commence on March 11, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th Floor, Hearing Room 11-C, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that the DP&L comply with legal notice requirements set forth in finding (7). (HPG)
12/30/2009 Reply Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Reese, Richard C. Mr.
12/30/2009 Reply Comments of The Dayton Power and Light Company regarding its application for establishing new reliability targets in conformance with the Electric Service and Safety Standards, electronically filed by Mrs. Irda Hoxha Hinders on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company.
12/10/2009 Comments of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by T. Lindgren on behalf of Staff.
11/30/2009 Comments filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Reese, Richard C. Mr.
11/13/2009 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in Support by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Mr. Richard C. Reese.
10/02/2009 Service Notice.
10/01/2009 Entry ordering that a technical conference be held on November 10, 2009 at 11:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room 11-E, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that the procedural schedule set forth in finding (4) be adopted. (HPG)
08/28/2009 In the matter of the application of The Dayton Power and Light Company for establishing new reliability targets electronically filed by Ms. Irda Hoxha Hinders.