DIS - Case Record for 08-1238-EL-AEC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/08/2020 Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.
04/03/2019 Return Mail - Dominick S. Gerace II - UTF / Attempted - Not Known / RTS no longer @ this address.
03/20/2019 Service Notice
03/20/2019 Entry ordered that the application for a reasonable arrangement be dismissed.
05/03/2016 Notice of Change of Address for counsel for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, effective May 9, 2016. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
05/26/2009 Letter respectfully requesting that transcript pages be inserted in it's brief filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District.
05/21/2009 Transcript for hearing held May 7, 2009 before Hearing Examiner G. Price electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Maria DiPaolo Jones.
05/20/2009 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the Cleveland Municipal School District by B. Royer.
05/20/2009 Post hearing brief filed on behalf of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by A. Hammmerstein.
05/01/2009 Prepared testimony of Robert B. Fortney filed by PUCO Staff.
04/30/2009 Direct testimony of Mark R. Frye filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District. (public version)
04/30/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District.
04/30/2009 Direct testimony of Nicholas P. Jackson filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District.
04/30/2009 Confidential document target for direct testimony of Mark R. Frye filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District. (15 pages)
04/29/2009 Service Notice
04/29/2009 Entry ordering that the evidentiary hearing in this proceeding be scheduled for May 7, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 180 E. Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
04/29/2009 Second amended application of Cleveland Municipal School District filed by B. Royer.
04/29/2009 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of the Cleveland Municipal School District
04/29/2009 Confidential document target for second amended application filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Cleveland Municipal School District. (21 pgs)
04/20/2009 Service Notice
04/20/2009 Entry ordering an evidentiary hearing be held on May 5, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., in hearing room 11-C at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.(GP)
04/16/2009 Motion for extension of time, continuance and request for expedited ruling of the Cleveland Municipal School District filed by B. Royer.
04/06/2009 Service Notice
04/06/2009 Entry ordered that the evidentiary hearing in this proceeding be scheduled for April 23, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-C, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
04/02/2009 Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support and continuance and request for expedited ruling of the Cleveland Municipal School District filed by B. Royer.
04/01/2009 Service Notice
04/01/2009 Entry ordered that the evidentiary hearing in this proceedings be scheduled for April 9, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-F, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. (GAP)
03/27/2009 Motion and memorandum in support for extension and continuance request for expedited ruling and notice of additional appearances of Cleveland Municipal School District filed by B. Royer.
03/13/2009 Service Notice
03/12/2009 Entry ordering that the evidentiary hearing in this proceeding be scheduled for April 7, 2009, at 10.00 a.m., at the offices of the Commission, Hearing Room 11-F, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
03/05/2009 Reply comments of the Cleveland Municipal School District to the comments of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by J. Mayer.
03/02/2009 Comments submitted on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by A. Hammerstein.
02/10/2009 Service Notice
02/10/2009 Entry ordered that CEI's motion to intervene be granted; that motions to intervene, comments and objections to the application be filed by March 2, 2009. (GAP)
01/27/2009 Amended application to establish a reasonable arrangement filed on behalf of the Cleveland Municipal School District by J. Mayer.
01/27/2009 Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Cleveland Municipal School District by J. Mayer.
01/27/2009 Confidential document: Appendix I filed on behalf of Cleveland Municipal School District by J. Mayer. (2 pgs)
12/22/2008 Notice of appearance of David A. Kutik and Andrew J. Campbell of the law firm Jones Day on behalf of intervener, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company by A. Campbell.
12/09/2008 Motion for leave to intervene of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by N. Alexander.
11/19/2008 Confidential document: Electric Service Agreement filed on behalf of the Cleveland Board of Education for the Cleveland Municipal School District filed by J. Mayer.
11/19/2008 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Cleveland Municipal School District by J. Mayer.
11/19/2008 In the matter of the application of the Cleveland Board of Education for the Cleveland Municipal School District to establish a reasonable arrangement with the Cleveland Electric Illuminating company for electrical service.