DIS - Case Record for 08-1091-GA-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/01/2018 Case action form closing case(s) effective 05/01/2018 - electronically filed by Sandra Coffey on behalf of Sarah Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
11/17/2014 Letter of Notification of Business Change of Address electronically filed by Cheryl A MacDonald on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
09/03/2013 Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/. On August 29, 2013, the Ohio Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Commission. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
09/04/2012 Notice of denial of reconnection electronically filed by Mr. Eric B. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
11/14/2011 Service notice.
11/14/2011 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers (SC #11-1758 ).
10/14/2011 Supreme Court Appeal filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio.
10/11/2011 Notice of denial of reconnection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
09/21/2011 Notice of Denial of Reconnection by Columbia Gas Of Ohio Inc. filed by Eric B. Gallon.
08/17/2011 Service Notice
08/17/2011 Entry ordering that Columbia's application for rehearing be denied in its entirety.
08/05/2011 Notice of denial of reconnection filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by E. Gallon.
08/03/2011 Complainant's memorandum contra Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc's application for rehearing filed by B.M. Zets on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/29/2011 Service Notice
07/29/2011 Entry ordered that an expedited ruling on Cameron Creek's motion for extension of time be issued, that Cameron Creek has until August 3, 2011, to file a memorandum contra Columbia's application for rehearing. ( CMTP )
07/29/2011 Complainant's motion for and extension of time and memorandum in support to file a response to respondent's application for rehearing filed by T.L. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/22/2011 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
06/22/2011 Service Notice
06/22/2011 Opinion and order stating that the complainant has sustained its burden of proof, to the extent set forth herein with concurring opinion of Commissioner Steven D. Lesser.
04/04/2011 Notice of disconnection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
09/01/2010 Notice of denial of connection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
08/24/2010 Notice of denial of connection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc filed by E. Gallon.
10/13/2009 Notice of denial of connection at the Cameron Creek Apartments by Columbia Gas of Ohio filed by W. Gallon.
09/18/2009 Notice of denial of reconnection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon
09/14/2009 Post-hearing reply brief of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
09/14/2009 Reply brief of complainant, Cameron Creek Apartments, filed by T. Hart.
09/10/2009 Notice of denial of reconnection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
08/31/2009 Post-hearing brief of complainant filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
08/31/2009 Post-hearing brief of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
08/26/2009 Notice of denial of reconnection by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
08/13/2009 Notice of denial of reconnection filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
07/30/2009 Exhibits filed for a hearing held on 07/17/09 before C. Pirik, AE. (Vol. 3)
07/30/2009 Exhibits filed for a hearing held on 07/16/09 before C. Pirik, AE. (Vol. 2)
07/30/2009 Exhibits filed for a hearing held on 07/15/09 before C. Pirik, AE. (Vol. 1)
07/29/2009 Transcript for hearing held July 17, 2009 before AE C. Pirik, Franklin County - Cameron Creek Apartments / Columbia Gas Vol-III electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Mrs. Maria DiPaolo Jones.
07/29/2009 Transcript for hearing held on July 16, 2009 before AE C. Pirik, Franklin County - Cameron Creek Apartments / Columbia Gas Vol-II electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Mrs. Maria DiPaolo Jones.
07/29/2009 Transcript for hearing held on July 15, 2009 before AE C. Pirik, Franklin County - Cameron Creek Apartments / Columbia Gas Vol-I electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and Mrs. Maria DiPaolo Jones.
07/20/2009 Supplemental exhibit CCA 42 filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/14/2009 Motion to issue subpoenas and memorandum in support filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments
07/13/2009 Memorandum in opposition of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to Cameron Creek Apartments' motion to issue subpoenas to Jeff Prachar and Charles McCreery filed by E. Gallon.
07/13/2009 Motion to strike and memorandum in support filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
07/13/2009 Motion for leave to file supplemental exhibits to the Direct Testimony of Robert J. Schutz filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/13/2009 Motion to issue subpoenas to Jeff Prachar and Charles McCreery and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/10/2009 Notice of filing deposition of Melissa Kauffman filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Michael Ramsey filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Michael Ramsey filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Service Notice.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Dawn Bass filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Dawn Bass filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Sean Loudermilk filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Sean Loudermilk filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Owen Garrett filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Owen Garrett filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Jeffrey Prachar filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Jeffrey Prachar filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Deposition of Charles McCreery filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/09/2009 Notice of deposition of Charles McCreery filed on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments by T. Hart.
07/08/2009 Entry ordering that, in accordance with finding (13), Columbia provide the unprotected documents, or portions thereof, to the complainant as soon as possible but no later than July 10, 2009; that complainant's motion to compel discovery is granted in part and denied in part; that in accordance with finding (18) complainant's testimony filed July 2, 2009 will be considered in this case. (CP)
07/02/2009 Testimony Robert Schutz on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments electronically filed by Mr. Thomas Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/02/2009 Testimony of Robert J. Schutz continued. (Part 2 of 2)
07/02/2009 Direct testimony of Robert J. Schutz filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments. (Part 1 of 2)
07/02/2009 Direct testimony of Melissa Kauffman, property manager, filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/02/2009 Direct testimony of Joseph Busch filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/02/2009 Complainant Cameron Creek Apartments' witness list filed by T. Hart.
07/01/2009 Direct testimony of Dawn Bass on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
07/01/2009 List of witnesses to be called on direct filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
07/01/2009 Direct testimony of Michael Ramsey, P.E. filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
07/01/2009 Direct testimony Joseph Busch on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments electronically filed by Mr. Thomas Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/01/2009 Direct testimony of Melissa Kauffman, property manager on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments electronically filed by Mr. Thomas Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/01/2009 Notice of Complainant Witness List electronically filed by Mr. Thomas Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
07/01/2009 Direct testimony of Stephen E. Erlenbach filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
06/22/2009 Service Notice
06/22/2009 Entry ordering that the parties adhere to the procedural requirements set forth in findings (3) and (4). (CP)
06/15/2009 Notice of disconnection filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., by E. Gallon.
06/11/2009 Response of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to Cameron Creek Apartments' response to Columbia Gas's memorandum contra to the motion to compel discovery filed by E. Gallon.
06/05/2009 Response to respondent's, Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. memorandum contra to the motion to compel discovery electronically filed by Mr. Thomas Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
06/01/2009 Redacted Privilege Log of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by M. Stemm on behalf of respondent.
05/29/2009 Memorandum contra complainant's motion to compel discovery of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
05/12/2009 Service Notice
05/12/2009 Entry ordering that the complainant's motion to compel discovery be held in abeyance until June 1, 2009, and the procedural timetable set forth in finding (4) regarding the motion to compel discovery be adhered to by the parties; that the hearing be rescheduled and should commence at 9:00 a.m., on July 15, 2009, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th floor, hearing room G, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (CP)
05/04/2009 Motion of Cameron Creek Apartments' to compel discovery and memorandum in support electronically filed by T. Hart.
04/29/2009 Notice of denial of reconnection filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
04/24/2009 Service notice.
04/24/2009 Entry ordering Columbia's November 20, 2008 motion for modification of the October 8, 2008 entry be granted.(CP)
04/16/2009 Response of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to Cameron Creek Apartments' notice of Columbia Gas's violation of the Commission's entry of October 10, 2008, and request for findings and orders filed by E. Gallon.
04/14/2009 Cameron Creek Apartments' notice of Columbia Gas's violation of the Commission's entry of October 10, 2008, and request for findings and orders filed by T. Hart.
03/04/2009 Correspondence requesting aid in setting reasonable limits on the discovery requests posed by the complainant in this case filed by Columbia Gas of Ohio by E. Gallon.
12/24/2008 Reply memorandum in support of the request to expedite the case schedule on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
12/17/2008 Memorandum contra to request of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to expedite case schedule filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
12/10/2008 Reply memorandum in support of the motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to modify stay filed by E. Gallon.
12/04/2008 Memorandum contra to motion of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. to modify stay filed by T. Hart on behalf of Cameron Creek Apartments.
11/20/2008 Motion to modify stay filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by E. Gallon.
10/08/2008 Answer and affirmative defenses of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. by E. Gallon.
10/08/2008 Service Notice
10/08/2008 Entry ordering that during the pendency of this proceeding or until the Commission orders otherwise, Columbia shall not terminate service to the apartment complex, unless disconnection to any individual unit in the complex is necessary in order to prevent or resolve a presently or imminently hazardous situation. (CP)
10/03/2008 Response to Cameron Creek Apartments' request for preliminary injunctive relief filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/01/2008 Service notice.
10/01/2008 Entry ordering Columbia to file a substantive response in accordance with Finding 4; Columbia serve an electronic copy on the attorney examiner and the complainant; that a settlement conference be scheduled for Friday, October 10, 2008 at 10:00 am, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, 11th floor, hearing room C.
09/18/2008 Complaint response letter and copy of brochure mailed to: Thomas L. Hart, Attorney at Law.
09/18/2008 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Stephen B. Seiple, Columbia Gas of Ohio.
09/17/2008 In the matter of the complaint of Cameron Creek Apartments vs. Columbia Gas of Ohio for alleged safety issues and to keep Columbia from taking action to interrupt the supply of gas.