DIS - Case Record for 08-1025-EL-UNC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: UNC-Unclassified
Date Opened: 8/28/2008
Date Closed: 11/16/2011
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
11/16/2011Case status form closing case.1
06/30/2011Notice of withdrawal of counsel filed by M. Idzkowski on behalf of OCC.2
04/17/2009Revised tariff pages PUCO Tariff No. 19 filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.11
04/15/2009Service notice.3
04/15/2009Entry ordering Duke's application to set the level of rider AAC be approved, to the extent set forth herein.3
03/24/2009Service Notice.2
03/24/2009Entry ordering that any interested party file comments on Duke's proposed true-up of the 2008 budget to actual environmental reagent variance by March 30, 2009. (SF)2
02/27/2009Revised tariff pages PUCO tariff No. 19 filed by R. Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.4
11/28/2008Revised tariff PUCO No. 19, filed on behalf of Duke Energy by J. Janson.10
11/25/2008Service Notice. 3
11/25/2008Finding and order approving application.4
11/14/2008Entry ordering that interested parties may file comments on the amendments to the applications, no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 19, 2008. (JK)2
11/14/2008Service Notice.3
11/13/2008Amended application of Duke Energy Ohio to adjust and set the annually adjusted component of its market based standard service offer filed by E. Watts. 15
11/10/2008Comments of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by A. Hotz. 5
11/07/2008Supplemental direct testimony of William Don Walthen Jr. filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc..19
11/07/2008Comments filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by E. Watts. 3
10/29/2008Service Notice2
10/29/2008Entry granting OEG's and OCC's motions for intervention and denying OCC's motion to dismiss the application; that the parties may file comments on the application, no later than November 10, 2008. (JK) 4
09/24/2008Reply to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s memorandum contra motion to dismiss by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.7
09/19/2008Memorandum contra to the office of the Ohio Consumer's Counsel motion to dismiss filed by E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 12
09/08/2008Motion to intervene and motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. 11
09/05/2008Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.5
08/28/2008Direct testimony of William Don Wathen, Jr. filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.27
08/28/2008In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio to adjust and set the annually adjusted component of its market based standard service offer. 14