DIS - Case Record for 08-0846-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
09/23/2014 Case Action Form closing case with an effective date of 9/23/2014. electronically filed by Mrs. Donielle Genesky on behalf of PUCO
07/17/2013 Service Notice
11/15/2012 Supreme Court Document . The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/. Slip Opinion - Affirming PUCO order - Cite as In re Complaint of Reynoldsburg, No. 2012-Ohio-5270. electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
04/06/2012 Notice of withdrawal of counsel and substitution of counsel, Mark Yurick from the law firm of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, formerly Chester, Wilcox & Saxbe, LLP filed by M. Yurick.
08/25/2011 Service Notice
08/25/2011 Supreme Court No. 11-1274 Transmittal papers.
07/27/2011 Notice of appeal of appellant City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio SC # 11-1274 filed by M. Yurick.
06/01/2011 Service Notice
06/01/2011 Entry on Rehearing ordered that Reynoldsburg's application for rehearing be denied in accordance with Findings (8), (11), (14), (17), and (20); also a Dissenting Opinion of Commissioner Cheryl L. Roberto, Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Paul A. Centolella and Concurring Opinion of Commissioner Andre T. Porter.
05/13/2011 Columbus Southern Power Company's memorandum contra application for rehearing filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg.
05/04/2011 Application for rehearing of The City of Reynoldsburg filed by J. Bentine
04/05/2011 Service notice.
04/05/2011 Opinion and order that Reynoldsburg's allegation that paragraph 17 of CSP's tariff is unjust, unreasonable, or unlawful is denied; CSP's motion to strike limited portions of Reynoldsburg's reply brief is granted; Reynoldsburg's motion to accept corrected citations in its initial brief is granted in part and denied in part; Reynoldsburg's motion for oral argument is denied.
03/05/2010 Reply memorandum in support of Reynoldsburg's motion for oral argument filed by M. Yurick on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg.
03/01/2010 Memorandum contra Reynoldsburg's motion for oral argument electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
02/24/2010 Reply memorandum in support of Reynoldsburg's motion to accept corrected citations in Reynoldsburg's initial brief filed by M. Yurick on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg.
02/22/2010 Memorandum Contra Reynoldsburg's motion to accept corrected citations in Reynoldsburg's Initial Brief electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company
02/19/2010 Reply memorandum in support of its motion to strike limited portions of the reply brief of the City of Reynoldsburg, electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
02/17/2010 Motion for oral argument and memorandum in support filed by M. Yurick on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg.
02/12/2010 Reynoldsburg's motion to accept corrected citations in Reynoldsburg's initial brief filed by J. Bentine.
02/12/2010 Reynoldsburg's memorandum in opposition to CSP's motion to strike limited portions of the reply brief of the City of Reynoldsburg filed by J. Bentine.
02/09/2010 Motion to strike limited portions of the reply brief of the City of Reynoldsburg, electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
02/05/2010 Reply brief filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company by S. Nourse.
02/05/2010 Reply brief of the City of Reynoldsburg filed by J. Bentine.
01/22/2010 Initial brief of the City of Reynoldsburg filed by M. Yurick.
01/22/2010 Post Hearing Brief of Columbus Southern Power Company electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
12/21/2009 Exhibits for hearing held December 2, 2009 before AE's J. Agranoff and M.H. Phillips-Gary.
12/21/2009 Transcript for hearing held on 12/02/09, electronically filed by Mrs. Jennifer Duffer on behalf of Armstrong & Okey, Inc. and K. Gibson.
11/20/2009 Direct testimony of Robert L. McPherson on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio filed by J. Bentine.
11/20/2009 Direct testimony of Sharon Reichard on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio filed by J. Bentine.
11/20/2009 Pre-filed direct testimony of Selwyn J. Diaz on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
11/10/2009 Correct Exhibit G for the agreed statement of facts and legal issues part 2 of 2; electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
11/09/2009 Corrected Exhibit G for the agreed Statement of Facts and Legal Issues electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and M. Yurik on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg.
11/05/2009 Agreed statement of facts and legal issues filed by M. Yurick on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg and S. Nourse on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
10/30/2009 Letter stating that the parties needed more time to prepare the requested items electronically filed by Mr. Matthew J. Satterwhite on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company.
10/26/2009 Entry ordering that the hearing be rescheduled to December 2-4, 2009 at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215; that parties agreed to file, by October 30, 2009, an identification of all issues raised in the context of this complaint case and any proposed stipulations; that all direct expert testimony be filed on or before November 20, 2009; that initial briefs be filed on January 22, 2010 and reply briefs be filed on February 5, 2010. (JA)
10/26/2009 Service Notice.
09/25/2009 Notice of substitution of trial attorney filed by M. Yurick on behalf of City of Reynoldsburg, Complainant.
02/05/2009 delete
02/05/2009 Entry ordered that a hearing be held on November 17-19, 2009, at 10:00 A.M. in Hearing Room 11-G, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. ordered that all discovery request should be served on later that September 25, 2009. (JSA)
02/05/2009 Service Notice
01/27/2009 Notice that John W. Bentine is designated as trial attorney for the complainant City of Reynoldsburg filed by G. Gosnell II.
12/23/2008 Service Notice
12/22/2008 Entry ordering that this matter be scheduled for a case status conference January 21, 2009 to begin at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-B, on the 11th floor of the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (JS)
11/24/2008 Service Notice
11/24/2008 Entry ordered that this matter is scheduled for a settlement conference on Thursday, December 4, 2008, to begin at 10:00 A.M. in Hearing Room 11-B on the 11th floor of the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793. (JKS)
07/22/2008 Answer of Columbus Southern Power Company filed by S. Nourse.
07/02/2008 Complaint response letter and copy of brochure mailed to: William F. Underwood, City of Reynoldsburg, complainant.
07/02/2008 Complaint service letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Marvin Resnik, Columbus Southern Power Company.
07/01/2008 In the matter of the complaint of the City of Reynoldsburg vs Columbus Southern Power Company for the alleged unfair and unjust billing practices.