DIS - Case Record for 08-0723-AU-ORD Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/03/2013 Case action form closing case effective 10/3/2013.
02/08/2013 PIPP program data analysis report, filed by John Williams.
02/03/2012 Letter stating of a change of address and firm affiliation for Mark A. Whitt, Christopher T. Kennedy and Melissa L. Thompson for each of the above referenced cases filed by M. Whitt.
11/16/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Joseph M. Clark and substitution of counsel, Gretchen J. Hummel for Ohio Gas Company.
10/06/2010 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark.
10/05/2010 Supplement to application for approval of revised bill formats, filed by M. Whitt on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
09/28/2010 Notice of withdrawal of motion for waiver and memorandum in support filed by S. Howard on behalf of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc.
09/27/2010 Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Glenwood Energy of Oxford, Inc filed by S. Howard.
09/22/2010 Service Notice
09/22/2010 Entry ordering that OCC's motion for waiver or suspension of the disconnection rules for minimum payment PIPP customers be denied and this case be closed of record.
09/21/2010 Reply memorandum of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by R. Reese.
09/13/2010 Joint memorandum contra, OCC's motion for waiver or suspension of disconnection rules for PIPP customers of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., Dominion East Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., and Ohio Gas Company filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., J. Clark on behalf of Ohio Gas Company, M. Whitt on behalf of East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio, E. Watts on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.
09/08/2010 In the matter of the Application for Approval of a Revised BIll Format electronically filed by Ms. Kathy J Kolich on behalf of Ohio Edison Company and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
08/27/2010 Motion for waiver or suspension of disconnection rules for PIPP customers required to make a minimum payment during winter emergency and Memorandum in Support filed by R. Reese on behalf of OCC.
08/26/2010 In the matter of the application of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio for approval of revised bill formats.
06/23/2010 Service Notice
06/23/2010 Entry ordering that NEO's requests for a waiver of the monthly arrearage crediting program for PIPP and an exemption from the graduate PIPP rules be granted; NEO is also given authority to adopt its proposed alternative annual arrearage crediting procedure; NEO's request for waivers of the requirement in Rule 18-15(D) that the anniversary date for PIPP customers be included on monthly bills and of bill formatting changes relating to the change in the name of the PIPP program to PIPP Plus are granted.
06/23/2010 Entry ordering that the requests for a waiver, filed by Pike, Eastern, and SE, of the monthly arrearage crediting program for PIPP and an exemption from the graduate PIPP rules be granted; companies' request for waivers of Rule 18-15(D), that the anniversary date be included on each monthly bill, and that bills be revised to read PIPP Plus are granted.
06/15/2010 Supplement to motion for waiver and exemption by Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corporation and Memorandum in support filed by A. Sonderman.
06/03/2010 Amended motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Southeastern Natural Gas Company electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Southeastern Natural Gas Company.
06/03/2010 Amended motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Eastern Natural Gas Company electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Eastern Natural Gas Company.
06/03/2010 Amended motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Pike Natural Gas Company electronically filed by Mr. Stephen M Howard on behalf of Pike Natural Gas Company.
05/17/2010 Initial comments filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by R. Reese.
05/13/2010 Motion for waiver and exemption by Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corporation and memorandum in support filed by A. Sonderman.
04/30/2010 In the matter of the application of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for a waiver from certain provisions of the Ohio Administrative Code.
03/24/2010 Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Pike Natural Gas Company filed by S. Howard.
03/24/2010 Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Southeastern Natural Gas Company filed by S. Howard.
03/24/2010 Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of Eastern Natural Gas Company filed by S. Howard.
03/23/2010 Corrected exhibit C: Message to non-PIPP customers advising that the PIPP program will no longer be continued: 1st paragraph, change in date, filed on behalf of Arlington Natural Gas Company by M. Poole.
03/19/2010 Revised attachment A which should supersede the attachment A that was filed with the February 26, 2010 application of Piedmont Gas Company filed by S. Howard.
03/11/2010 Exhibits C and D filed by G. M. Poole on behalf of Arlington Natural Gas Company.
02/26/2010 Application of Piedmont Gas Company for approval to retain its current PIPP Program for its current PIPP customers and otherwise for exemption from the requirements of Adopted Rules 4901:1-18-12 through 4901:1-18-17 filed by S. Howard on behalf of Piedmont Gas Company.
02/26/2010 Response regarding entry dated December 9, 2009, concerning Arlington Natural Gas Company's PIPP customers and the continuation of the PIPP program for those existing customers filed by G.M. Poole.
02/23/2010 Proposed notice to currently enrolled PIPP customers filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Brainard Gas Corporation.
02/19/2010 Second revised Attachment A, Attachment B, and second revised Attachment C filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Brainard Gas Corporation.
02/19/2010 Customer notifications filed on behalf of Waterville Gas & Oil Company by A. Sonderman.
02/19/2010 Customer notification filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Sheldon Gas Company.
02/19/2010 Second revised Attachment A, Attachment B, and second revised Attachment C filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Orwell Natural Gas Company.
02/12/2010 Corrected exhibits A and C of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company filed by M. Ramser.
02/11/2010 Revised Attachment A, its proposed notice to currently enrolled PIPP customers, and revised Attachment C, its residential credit and collections policy and procedure filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Orwell Natural Gas Company.
02/11/2010 Revised attachment A, its proposed notice to currently enrolled PIPP customers, and revised attachment C, its residential credit and collections policy and procedure filed by A. Sonderman on behalf of Brainard Gas Corporation.
02/08/2010 Exhibit A, notice to grandfather PIPP customers, exhibit C, credit and collections policies filed on behalf of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company by M. Ramser.
02/05/2010 Correspondence stating that Sheldon Gas Company will no longer offer the PIPP program but will continue to serve the current "grandfathered" PIPP customers so long as they verify income as required, remain eligible as determined by the Ohio Department of Development filed by A. Sonderman.
02/05/2010 Correspondence stating that Waterville Gas & Oil Company will no longer offer the PIPP program but will continue to serve the two non-jurisdictional municipal ordinance customers in the Village so long as they verify income as required, remain eligible as determined by the Ohio Department of Development filed by A. Sonderman.
01/22/2010 Application of Orwell Natural Gas Company for approval to retain its current PIPP program for its current PIPP customers and otherwise for exemption from the requirements of adopted rules 4901: 1-18-12 through 4901:1-18-17. Filed by A. Sonderman.
01/22/2010 Application of Brainard Gas Corporation for approval to retain its current PIPP program for its current PIPP customers and otherwise for exemption from the requirements of adopted rules 4901:1-18-12 through 4901:1-18-17, filed by A. Sonderman.
01/20/2010 Exhibits filed by M. Ramser on behalf of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company.
12/09/2009 Service Notice.
12/09/2009 Entry ordering that Cumberland's request to implement a special repayment program for current PIPP customers be denied.
10/14/2009 Service notice.
10/14/2009 Entry denying OCC's application for rehearing.
09/28/2009 Ohio Gas Company's memorandum contra the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by J. Clark on behalf of the Ohio Gas Company.
09/23/2009 Service Notice
09/23/2009 Entry denying Columbia's motion to strike OCC's memorandum contra filed on September 14, 2009: granting Columbia's requests for waivers of the specified provisions of the rules in Chapters 17 and 18; that Columbia shall amend its disconnection notices to inform customers of the one-ninth payment plan option and to inform community action agencies in its service territory of the availability of the one-ninth payment plan and ask that agency representatives warn customers about the connection/reconnection timeframes by no later than October 9, 2009.
09/22/2009 Memorandum contra Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.'s Motion to Strike by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Reese, Richard C.
09/18/2009 Application for Rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Reese, Richard C.
09/17/2009 Motion to strike and memorandum in support of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
09/17/2009 Application for waiver of Ohio Cumberland Gas Company filed by M. Ramser.
09/14/2009 Memorandum contra Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc.'s application for a waiver by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Reese, Richard C.
08/25/2009 Application of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for a waiver filed by E. Gallon.
08/19/2009 Service Notice.
08/19/2009 Entry ordering that Ohio Gas' request for a waiver of the arrearage crediting provisions of the PIPP program, as set forth in adopted Rule 18-14 of the Entry, be granted; that Ohio Gas' request for a waiver of the adopted graduate PIPP program, as set forth in adopted Rule 18-16 of the Entry be granted.
08/18/2009 Correspondence clarifying Ohio Gas Company's waiver request filed by J. Clark.
07/17/2009 Letter updating the Ohio Department of Development's position concerning the timing of the implementation of the gas PIPP rules, filed by L. Patt-McDaniel.
07/16/2009 Joint memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc., Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., Dominion East Ohio, Inc., and Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., filed by L. McAlister, Vectren; S. Seiple, Columbia; E. Watts, Duke; and P. Colbert, Dominion.
07/06/2009 App for Rehearing filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Cleveland Housing Network, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Community Action Partnership, May Dugan Multi-Purpose Center, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Citizens United for Action, Cleveland Tenants’ Association, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, Organize Ohio, Pro Seniors, Inc., The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The Ohio Poverty Law Center, and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Reese, Richard C.
06/18/2009 Reply of Ohio Gas Company to memorandum contra of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy to motion for waiver of the Ohio Gas Company by J. Clark.
06/11/2009 Memorandum contra of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy to the motion for waiver of the Ohio Gas Company filed by D. Rinebolt.
06/11/2009 Memorandum contra Ohio Gas Company's motion for waivers by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Deb J. Bingham on behalf of D. Bergmann.
06/11/2009 Service notice.
06/10/2009 Entry ordering all telecommunications providers be granted a waiver.
06/03/2009 Service Notice
06/03/2009 Entry ordered that the rules adopted shall be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Revie, the legislative Services Commission, and the Secretary of State to be effective on November 1, 2010.
05/29/2009 Letter in response to the May 1, 2009 letter expressing concerns with AEP Ohio's issues and timeline for implementing the electric PIPP changes filed on behalf of AEP by M. Satterwhite. (FAX)
05/27/2009 Motion for waiver and memorandum in support of The Ohio Gas Company filed by J. Clark.
05/27/2009 Letter expressing astonishment to learn the companies claim that it is technological impossibility to implement the new PIPP program in time for the 2009-10 winter heating season filed by J. Maskovyak and M. Smalz on behalf of Ohio State Legal Services Association.
05/08/2009 Letter of DP&L stating that it will not be able to have all programming changes made, all systems in place, and all training completed in order to meet the ODOD's deadline filed by J. Sobecki.
05/04/2009 Letter requesting that ODOD defer to the Commission's decision and modify the effective date for electric PIPP implementation so as to be consistent with that of the natural gas PIPP roll out and reducing customer confusion filed by K. Kolich on behalf of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, and The Toledo Edison Company.
05/04/2009 Letter of DE-Ohio requesting that the ODOD recognize the efforts underway and work with the electric distribution utilities in order to comply with the new rules in addition to new natural gas PIPP rules recently promulgated by the PUCO filed by E. Watts.
05/01/2009 Letter of OCC stating that Ohio residential ratepayers deserve having the up front knowledge of what these system changes are going to cost and the impact on rates filed by R. Reese.
04/23/2009 Letter regarding the proposed time-line to implement the newly passed electric PIPP rules filed by M. Satterwhite on behalf of American Electric Power.
04/01/2009 Service Notice
04/01/2009 Entry on rehearing ordered that the applications for rehearing are granted in part and denied in part as discussed in this entry.
03/09/2009 Correspondence concerning the new gas PIPP rules filed on behalf of Ohio Department of Development by M. Barbash.
03/05/2009 Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel for Dominion East Ohio filed by G. Garber.
02/11/2009 Service Notice
02/11/2009 Entry on rehearing ordered that the application for rehearing be granted for further consideration of the matter specified in the applications for rehearing.
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra to the application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, May Dugan Multi Service Center, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Organize Ohio, Communities United for Action, Pro Seniors, Inc., Clevelanders Tenants' Organization, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio by E. Gallon.
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra the Consumer Group's application for rehearing filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.
01/26/2009 Memorandum Contra of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, May Dugan Multi-Service Center, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Organize Ohio, Communities United for Action, Pro Seniors, Inc., Cleveland Tenants' Organization, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Cleveland Housing Network, The Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition, and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation to Applications for Rehearing electronically filed by Mrs. Mary V. Edwards on behalf of Bergmann, David C. and Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney, on behalf of Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies by P. Cole, on behalf of AARP by R. Bridges, on behalf of Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio by B. Faith and on behalf of Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks by L. Hamler-Fuggit.
01/26/2009 Ohio Gas Company's memorandum contra applications for rehearing of Ohio Consumer Advocates and Consumer Groups filed by J. Clark.
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra Consumer Group's application for rehearing filed on behalf of Constitution Gas Transport Co., Inc., Foraker Gas Company, Inc., KNG Energy, Inc. and The Swickard Gas Company by B. Royer.
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra to applications for rehearing of the Consumers Group and Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company by E. Miller.
01/26/2009 Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc.'s memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed by L. McAlister.
01/26/2009 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Ohio Department of Development.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and Toledo Edison Company filed by E. Miller.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by E. Gallon.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by D. Bergmann on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, by M. Smalz on behalf of The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, by May Dugan on behalf of Multi-Service Center, Consumers For Fair Utility Rates,United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Organize Ohio, by N. Morgan on behalf of Communities United For Action, by M. Walters on behalf of Pro Seniors, Inc., by M. Piepsny on behalf of Cleveland Tenants' Organization, by M. Lucas on behalf of HARCATUS Tri-County Community Action Organization, by D. Arnold on behalf of The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and by E. Jacobs on behalf of The Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of AARP-Ohio filed by R. Bridge, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio filed by B. Faith, Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies filed by P. Cole, Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks filed by L. Hamler-Fuggit and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by A. Campbell.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of The Ohio Gas Company filed by J. Clark.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Eastern Natural Gas Company, Pike Natural Gas Company, and Southeastern Natural Gas Company filed by S. Howard.
01/16/2009 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Duke Energy Ohio filed by E. Watts.
01/09/2009 Service Notice
01/08/2009 Entry ordering that the Docketing Division post the appendix for Rule 4901:1-18-06 on the Commission's website. (JS)
12/23/2008 Service Notice
12/22/2008 Entry ordering that the Docketing Division post the appendices and/or forms for Rules 4901:1-17-03 and 4901:1-18-08 on the Commission's website. (JS)
12/18/2008 Service Notice
12/17/2008 Finding and Order that the attached amendments and new rules in Chapters 4901:1-17 and 4901:1-18, O.A.C., be adopted; Rule 4901:1-17-09, O.A.C., be rescinded; copies of the new and amended rules be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, the Legislative Services Commission, and the Secretary of State; the five year review date be established as November 30, 2013; the electric, gas, and natural gas utility companies are granted a waiver of Rule 4901:1-18-06(A)(5)(g), O.A.C. for 90 days from the effective date of that rule, the electric, gas, and natural gas utility companies shall update their landlord-tenant forms to comply with those forms on the Commission's website, within 30 days from the effective date of Rule 4901:1-18-08, O.A.C..
11/05/2008 Notice of the withdrawal of Mark A. Whitt for The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio filed by D. Kutik.
10/16/2008 Letter stating that OACAA supports the reply comments, filed by AARP-Ohio, Coalition on Housing and Homelessness in Ohio, Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by P. Cole.
10/15/2008 Reply comments filed by R. Bridges on behalf of AARP-Ohio, Coalition on Housing and Homelessness in Ohio, by B. Faith, Ohio Association Of Second Harvest Foodbanks, by L. Hamler-Fuggit and Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy, by D. Rinebolt. (original)
10/15/2008 Reply comments of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company filed by E. Miller. (original)
10/15/2008 Reply comments of Dayton Power and Light Company filed by E. Rizer. (original)
10/14/2008 Reply comments of DE-Ohio electronically filed by Anita M Schafer on behalf of Colbert, Paul A. Mr.
10/14/2008 Reply comments by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Appalachian Peoples' Action Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, May Dugan Center, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Citizens United For Action, Pro Seniors, Cleveland Tenants' Association, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The Ohio Farmers' Union, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, and The Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Bergmann, David C.
10/14/2008 Reply Comments electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of The AT&T Entities
10/14/2008 Reply Comments of the Ohio Telecom Association electronically filed by Mr. Thomas E Lodge on behalf of Ohio Telecom Association
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by E. Miller on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company. (FAX)
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by E. Anstaett on behalf of ACE Cash Express, Inc.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by R. Bridges on behalf of AARP-Ohio, Coalition on Housing and Homelessness in Ohio, by B. Faith, Ohio Association Of Second Harvest Foodbanks, by L. Hamler-Fuggit and Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy, by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by E. Gallon on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by B. Royer on behalf of The Ohio Department of Development.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by J. Clark on behalf of the Ohio Gas Company.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
10/14/2008 Reply comments filed by E. Rizer on behalf of the Dayton Power and Light Company. (FAX)
10/03/2008 Initial comments that was inadvertently omitted from filing on September 10, 2008, filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio.
10/02/2008 Reply to FirstEnergy and Gas Companies Memorandum Contra by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Supports to Encourage Low-Income Families, Cleveland Tenants' Association, Citizens United for Action, May Dugan Center, Pro Seniors, HARCATUS Tri-County Community Action Organization, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and The Ohio Farmers Union electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of David C. Bergmann
09/25/2008 Reply to AEP Ohio Memorandum Contra by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, Cleveland Housing Network, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Supports to Encourage Low-Income Families, Citizens United for Action, Pro Seniors, HARCATUS Tri-County Community Action Organization, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The Ohio Farmers Union, and The Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition electronically filed by Ms. Deb J. Bingham on behalf of Richard C. Reese
09/25/2008 Memorandum contra of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company, for a Commission-Ordered investigation into amendments to the Commission's credit and disconnection rules filed by E. Miller.
09/25/2008 Memorandum contra the Consumers Groups' motion for a Commission-Ordered investigation filed by T. Brown on behalf of The Ohio Gas Association, D. Creekmur on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., E. Watts, on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., A. Campbell on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio and L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc.
09/18/2008 Memorandum contra for Commission-ordered investigation for Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik.
09/15/2008 Supplemental service list for OPAE's initial comments filed by D. Rinebolt.
09/12/2008 Enclosure inadvertently omitted from the comments that were filed on September 10, 2008, filed on behalf of CheckFreePay by J. O'Donnell. (Original)
09/12/2008 Comments filed on behalf of AARP-Ohio, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies, Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt, L. Hamler-Fuggit, R. Bridges, P. Cole, and B. Faith.
09/11/2008 Enclosure inadvertently omitted from the comments that were filed on September 10, 2008, filed on behalf of CheckFreePay by J. O'Donnell. (FAX)
09/11/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of the Dayton Power and Light Company by J. Sobecki.
09/11/2008 Correspondence stating concern over proposed revisions to the O.A.C. filed on behalf of CheckFreePay Corporation by J. Ricci O'Donnell. (Original)
09/11/2008 Correspondence concerning the proposed O.A.C. language revisions with recommendations of how the language should read to provide a better alignment with the current language filed on behalf of Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services by D. Lumpkin.
09/11/2008 Comments of DE-Ohio electronically filed by Anita M Schafer on behalf of Colbert, Paul A. Mr.
09/10/2008 Motion and memorandum in support for a Commission-ordered investigation into amendments to the Commission's credit and disconnection rules by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, The Cleveland Housing Network, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Supports to Encourage Low-income Families, Cleveland Tenants' Association, Citizens United for Action, May Dugan Center, Pro-Seniors, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The Ohio Farmers' Union, and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Mr. Richard Reese.
09/10/2008 Initial Comments by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, The Cleveland Housing Network, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Supports to Encourage Low-income Families, Cleveland Tenants' Association, Citizens United for Action, May Dugan Center, Pro-Seniors, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The Ohio Farmers' Union, and the Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition by R.Reese, T. Walters, N. Morgan, M. Piepsny, E. Jacobs, M. Lucas, J. Diver, M. Walters, M. Smalz, J. Meissner, D. Arnold, G. Hitzhusen, J. Logan.
09/10/2008 Initial Comments electronically filed by Mr. Douglas E. Hart on behalf of Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company.
09/10/2008 Initial comments of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of ACE Cash Express, Inc. by E. Anstaett.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by J. Sobecki. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Gas Company by J. Clark.
09/10/2008 Comments filed on behalf of CheckFreePay Corporation filed by J. Ricci O'Donnell. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Comments of the AT&T Entities electronically filed by Jon F Kelly on behalf of The AT&T Entities.
09/10/2008 Comments of the Ohio Telecom Association electronically filed by Mr. Thomas E Lodge on behalf of Ohio Telecom Association.
09/10/2008 Comments filed on behalf of AARP-Ohio, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies, Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt, L. Hamler-Fuggit, R. Bridges, P. Cole and B. Faith. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Initial Comments of Eastern Natural Gas Company, Pike Natural Gas Company and Southeastern Natural Gas Company electronically filed by Stephen M Howard.
09/10/2008 Comments filed on behalf of the Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services by D. Lumpkin. (FAX)
09/10/2008 Initial Comments electronically filed by Mr. Noel M Morgan on behalf of Communities United for Action.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio by A. Campbell.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc. by E. Gallon.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of the Ohio Department of Development by B. Royer.
09/10/2008 Comments filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company by E. Miller.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of Constitution Gas Transport Co., Inc., Foraker Gas Company, Inc., KNG Energy, Inc., and the Swickard Gas Company by B. Royer.
09/10/2008 Initial comments filed on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Ohio, Inc. filed by L. McAlister.
09/05/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ace Cash Express, Inc. by E. Anstaett.
08/08/2008 Correspondence in response to the proposed rule changes to the Low Income Assistance Program filed on behalf of Sheldon Gas Company.
08/01/2008 Entry ordering that OGA's request for and extension of the due date for initial and reply comments is granted. (GS)
08/01/2008 Service Notice
07/23/2008 Motion of the Ohio Gas Association for an extension of time, memorandum in support, filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Vectren Energy Delivery of Oho, Inc; M. Whitt on behalf of the East Ohio Gas Company dba Dominion East Ohio; P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.; D. Creekmur on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.; T. Brown on behalf of the Ohio Gas Association.
07/21/2008 Letter regarding the July 8, 2008 motion filed by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and a number of other organizations representing the interests of utility customers filed by W. Graves on behalf of the Community Development Division, Ohio Department of Development.
07/08/2008 Motion for local public hearings by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, the Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, The Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates. May Dugan Center,United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Supports to Encourage Low-Income Families, Citizens United For Action, Pro-Seniors, Cleveland Tenants' Association, Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization, Community Action Partnership, The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, The American Association of Retired Persons, and The Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition and memorandum in support filed by R. Reese.
07/03/2008 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by R. Reese.
07/01/2008 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support of Communities United for Action electronically filed by Mr. Noel M Morgan on behalf of Communities United for Action
06/25/2008 Correspondence expressing concerns and proposed changes to the termination of residential service and establishment of credit rules for residential service filed by S. Williams.
06/25/2008 Correspondence recommending changes to the service termination and credit rules filed on behalf of The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland, Organize Ohio, United Clevelanders Against Poverty, Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, May Dugan Multi-Service Center, Cleveland Tenants Organization, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless and ACORN by T. Walters.
06/25/2008 Entry ordering that public comments and reply comments to the Staff's proposed revisions to the Commission rules by filed by August 11, 2008, and September 12, 2000, respectively.
06/25/2008 Service Notice.
06/16/2008 In the Matter of the Commission's Review of Chapters 4901:1-17 and 4901:1-18, and Rules 4901:1-5-07, 4901:1-10-22, 4901:1-13-11, 4901:1-15-17, 4901:1-21-14, and 4901:1-29-12 of the Ohio Administrative Code.