DIS - Case Record for 07-0100-AU-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
01/17/2008 Returned mail.
01/17/2008 Returned mail.
01/15/2008 Cancellation of Certificate no. 90-9135.
01/14/2008 Cancellation of Certificate no. 90-5571 and 90-5935.
01/14/2008 Cancellation of Certificate no. 90-6100.
01/14/2008 Cancellation of Certificate no. 90-6109.
01/14/2008 Cancellation of Certificate no. 90-6364.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-5697.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-9126.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-6069.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-5994.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-9008.
01/11/2008 Cancellation of Certificate No. 90-5575.
01/10/2008 Revised cancellation of Certificate No. 90-9215.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-6056.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-5545.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-9251.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-6352.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-6196.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-5983.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-9219.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-9228.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-5703.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate no. 90-9215.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate No. 90-9042.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate No. 90-5153.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate No. 90-9281.
01/07/2008 Cancellation of certificate No. 90-6051.
01/04/2008 Certificate Number 90-5545 cancelled as of December 19, 2007.
12/19/2007 Service Notice
12/19/2007 Entry ordered that the certificate and tariffs of utilities listed are cancelled and the companies are removed from the Commission's rolls of public utilities.
05/11/2007 Entry denying motion for protective order to CGI Globalcom and that the annual report be made available to the public on Wednesday, May 16, 2007. (JRJ)
05/11/2007 Service Notice
04/25/2007 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of GCI Globalcom, Inc. by C. Roesel.
02/28/2007 Entry ordered; that the secretary of the Commission send to all railroad companies shown on the attached list, a copy of this entry (not including the attached list) with the appropriate form of the annual report to be completed by the railroad; that the secretary of the Commission send to all CRES providers, gas marketers and governmental aggregators shown on the attached list, a copy of this entry (not including the attached list) with the appropriate form of the annual report to be completed by the provider; that each listed public utility, CRES provider, gas marketer and governmental aggregator complete and return the appropriate annual report to the Commission no later than April 30, 2007, and send a copy to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel; that each railroad complete and return its annual report to the Commission no later that April 30, 2007.
01/25/2007 In the matter of the application of the filing of Annual Reports for calendar year 2006 by regulated public utilities.