DIS - Case Record for 06-1358-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/16/2016 Notification regarding the expiration of issued Certificates of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need electronically filed by Errin C. Harris on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
08/25/2014 Entry granting AMP-Ohio's motion to extend the term of its certificate for an additional period of 18 months to March 3, 2016.
08/25/2014 Service Notice
06/13/2014 Motion to Extend the Duration of American Municipal Power's Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Errin C Harris on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
12/18/2012 Service Notice
12/17/2012 Entry ordered, that AMP-Ohio's motion to extend its Certificate for a period of 18 months be granted; that AMP-Ohio's Certificate be extended until September 3, 2014, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
12/17/2012 Response from OPSB to Elisa Young filed by PUCO Staff, M. Butler.
12/07/2012 American Municipal Power, Inc. Reply to Sierra Club and Ohio Environmental Council's Joint Memorandum Contra Motion to Extend the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need electronically filed by Mrs. Barbara E Johnson on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
12/03/2012 Memorandum Contra To Motion to extend the duration of American Municipal Power's certificate of environmental compatibility by the Ohio Environmental Council and The Sierra Club electronically filed by Mr. Trent A Dougherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council and The Sierra Club.
11/16/2012 Motion and memorandum in support to extend the duration of American Municipal Power's certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mrs. Barbara E Johnson.
11/16/2012 Notice of appearance of counsel of Lisa G. McAlister for American Municipal Power, Inc. electronically filed by Mrs. Barbara E Johnson on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
09/09/2010 Receipt of NPDES Permit Revocation related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
08/19/2010 Notice of American Municipal Power Inc.'s receipt of final permit-to-install revocations related to the American Municipal Power Generation Station, filed by S. Doran.
01/11/2010 Report filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
11/19/2009 Request for approval to pour concrete for the Unit 1 Stack Foundation and begin erection of the Unit 1 Stack for AMPGS filed on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc. by S. Doran.
10/28/2009 Notice of submittal to Ohio EPA of its Voluntary Updated Control Technology and Emission Limit Analysis dated October 26, 2009 filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
10/20/2009 Notice of commencement of construction filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
10/13/2009 Notice of American Municipal Power, Inc. confirming Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife does not object to continued construction through Tupper Run Pool filed by S. Doran.
10/09/2009 Notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
10/02/2009 Notice of regulatory approval filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
10/02/2009 Notice of regulatory approval filed by S. Doran on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
10/02/2009 Correspondence letter responding to consumer letter, S. Kiesewetter, filed by PUCO Staff.
09/22/2009 Response letter sent to Mr. Scott Kiesewetter filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
09/15/2009 Notice of approval of construction, operation, and maintenance of AMPGS filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
09/11/2009 Correspondence letter notifying the PUCO that the Ohio Power Siting Board Staff has received a copy of the Wastewater Permit to Install filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
07/20/2009 Notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station, filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc.
07/16/2009 Letter providing notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station, filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
07/14/2009 Service Notice.
07/13/2009 Entry ordering that AMP's motion for modification of the conditions contained in its certificate be granted.
07/10/2009 Letter stating that Staff has been informed that AMP timely submitted the requested information and Staff no longer opposes the modification, filed by W. Wright.
07/09/2009 Letter stating that AMP has no objection to the positions of the Staff as set forth in the July 7, 2009 response filed by J. Bentine.
07/07/2009 Response to the Staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board to motion to modify and / or clarify conditions filed by W. Wright.
07/06/2009 Letter stating that earlier today, July 6, 2009, this firm filed a notice of withdrawal mistakenly withdrawing the wrong motion to modify, and desires that to clarify that the notice of withdrawal was intended to withdraw a different pending AMP motion to modify which was filed on August 11, 2008, filed on behalf of American Municipal Power, Inc. by J. Bentine.
07/06/2009 Notice of withdrawal of American Municipal Power Inc.'s August 11, 2008 motion to modify and/or clarify conditions filed on behalf of American Municipal Power Inc. by J. Bentine.
07/06/2009 Notice of withdrawal of American Municipal Power Inc.'s motion to modify and/or clarify conditions filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by M. White.
06/29/2009 Letter stating that a transmittal notice of Ohio EPA with the approval of Storm Water General Permit OHC000003 was issued on June 25, 2009 for American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by N. Orosz.
06/24/2009 Notice to clarify its June 23, 2009 certificate of service associated with its motion to modify and/or clarify conditions, AMP mistakenly did not list counsel for Ohio Power Siting Board, Staff, William Wright, John Jones, and Margaret Malone filed by N. Orosz.
06/23/2009 Notice of American Municipal Power that a certificate has been issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on June 22, 2009 filed by N. Orosz.
06/23/2009 Motion to modify and/or clarify conditions and memorandum in support filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
03/19/2009 Notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by N. Orosz.
02/12/2009 Notice of AMPGS Eastern Spadefoot Mitigation Plan filed by N. Orosz.
01/16/2009 Additional information filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
11/25/2008 Notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc., by N. Orosz.
11/10/2008 Letter providing notice of regulatory approval related to the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc. by N. Orosz.
08/21/2008 Correspondence informing that construction has been completed on all Eastern Spadefoot breeding pools and translocation was successfully completed filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by S. Kiesewetter,
08/11/2008 Motion for modification of condition and memorandum in support filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
05/02/2008 Notice to Staff that AMP-Ohio intends to commence limited earthmoving activities necessary for relocation of Eastern Spadefoot breeding pools beginning in early May 2008, filed by S. Kiesewetter.
04/28/2008 Entry denying the Citizens Groups' application for rehearing. (OPSB)
04/28/2008 Service Notice
04/15/2008 Response to Activist Groups Request for Rehearing electronically filed by Mr. Steven Feeney on behalf of Feeney, Steven Mr.
04/14/2008 Memorandum contra application for rehearing of the Natural Resources Defense Council Inc., Ohio Environmental Council and Sierra Club filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc. by J. Bentine.
04/02/2008 Application for rehearing of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. by S. Fisk, Ohio Environmental Council by T. Dougherty, and Sierra Club by S. Narayan.
03/21/2008 Notice on behalf of American Muncipal Power-Ohio of transmittals of Ohio EPA air permit-to-install and Federal Aviation Administration determinations, filed by N. Orosz.
03/21/2008 Response letter to Steve Feeney regarding the AMP-Ohio generating station project proposed in Meigs County, Ohio, filed by K. Lambeck on behalf of OPSB.
03/11/2008 Response letter to J. Halbedel re the AMP-Ohio generating station project proposed in Meigs County, Ohio filed by K. Lambeck, OPSB.
03/11/2008 Response to Jane M. Halbedel March 6, 2008 Letter to Chairman Schriber electronically filed by Mr. Steven Feeney on behalf of Feeney, Steven Mr.
03/06/2008 Correspondence in opposition to the proposed coal fired power plant in Meigs County Ohio filed by T. Halbedel.
03/04/2008 Service Notice
03/03/2008 Opinion, Order and Certificate stating that a certificate be issued to American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project; that the certificate contain the 34 conditions set forth in Section IV of this Opinion, Order and Certificate. (OPSB)
02/11/2008 Post-hearing reply brief filed on behalf of The Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Ohio Environmental Council, and Sierra Club by S. Fisk, T. Dougherty, and S. Narayan.
02/08/2008 Reply brief submitted on behalf of the staff of the Ohio Power Siting Board by W. Wright.
02/08/2008 Post hearing reply brief filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by J. Bentine.
01/31/2008 Response of Steve Feeney of The Babcock & Wilcox Company to the Initial Post-Hearing Brief of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Ohio Environmental Council, and Sierra Club. electronically filed by Mr. Steven Feeney on behalf of Feeney, Steven Mr.
01/28/2008 Post hearing brief submitted on behalf of Staff of Ohio Power Siting Board.
01/28/2008 Post hearing brief of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by J. Bentine.
01/28/2008 Confidential Document: excerpts of the initial post hearing brief filed by S. Fisk on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council, by T. Daugherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council and by S. Narayan on behalf of Sierra Club.
01/28/2008 Initial post hearing brief filed by S. Fisk on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., by T. Daugherty on behalf of Ohio Environmental Council and by S. Narayan on behalf of Sierra Club.
01/18/2008 Confidential document: Exhibit 18C to the transcript, (20 pages).
01/18/2008 Confidential document: Exhibit 16C to the transcript, (16 pages)
01/18/2008 Confidential document: Redacted portions of transcript filed 1/18/08, (15 pages).
01/18/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held January 4, 2008 before examiners G. Price and K. Bojko, Volume 6.
01/16/2008 Entry ordering that initial post-hearing briefs in this proceeding should be filed by January 28, 2008. Reply briefs should be filed by February 8, 2008.
01/16/2008 Service Notice
01/14/2008 Composite Index Volumes I through VI filed on behalf of American Municipal Power Ohio, Inc.
01/04/2008 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held December 19, 2007 before AE G. Price and K. Bojko, Franklin County.
01/04/2008 Motion and memorandum in support to present sur-rebuttal testimony and to continue hearing filed on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. by S. Fisk.
01/03/2008 Correspondence sent to public officials entitled to service of the application for the American Municipal Power Generating Station filed by N. Orosz.
01/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits, Volume IV continued. (Part 5 of 5)
01/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits, Volume IV continued. (Part 4 of 5)
01/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits, Volume IV continued. (Part 3 of 5)
01/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits, Volume IV continued. (Part 2 of 5)
01/03/2008 Transcript and exhibits for proceedings held at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 before Mr. Gregory A. Price and Kimberly W. Bojko, Volume IV. (Part 1 of 5)
01/03/2008 Transcript for proceedings held December 17, 2007, at 1:00 p.m., before Mr. Gregory A. Price and Ms. Kimberly W. Bojko, Volume III. (Part 1 of 2)
01/03/2008 Transcript, Volume III continued. (Part 2 of 2)
01/03/2008 Confidential document target, transcript AMP-Ohio, Hearing-Volume IV 12/18/2007, exhibits #10 and #15.
01/03/2008 Notice of letter describing the American Municipal Power Generating Station to each property owner within the planned site and to each property owner who may be approached by American Municipal Power-Ohio for any additional easement necessary for the construction, operation or maintenance of the AMPGS filed by N. Orosz.
01/02/2008 Natural Defense Council Inc.'s motion and memorandum in support to present rebuttal testimony filed by S. Fisk.
12/28/2007 Confidential document:Rebuttal Testimony of Ivan Clark filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. (16 pages).
12/28/2007 Confidential document: Rebuttal Testimony of P Meier filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. (20 pgs).
12/28/2007 Rebuttal testimony of Phillip E. Meier and exhibits filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
12/28/2007 Rebuttal testimony of Ivan Clark and exhibits filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
12/28/2007 Rebuttal testimony of Larry Marquis and exhibits filed by J. Bentine on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
12/27/2007 Confidential document Exhibits 7, 9, and 14, on behalf of American Municipal Power Ohio, Inc. (582 pgs)
12/27/2007 Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2)
12/27/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held December 12, 2007 before Attorney Examiner G. Price and K. Bojko. (Part 1 of 2)
12/26/2007 Transcript and exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 2)
12/26/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held December 11, 2007 before PUCO staff G. Price and K. Bojko, Franklin County. (Part 1 of 2)
12/19/2007 Motion to reconsider striking certain exhibits to the testimony of Richard C. Furman, memorandum in support filed by S. Fisk on behalf of Citizen Group.
12/12/2007 Notice of appearance of co-counsel filed by C. Grasseschi on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
12/11/2007 Certificate of service of the deposition of Richard C. Furman on December 4, 2007 filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
12/10/2007 Deposition of Richard C. Furman filed by N. Orosz on behalf of NRDC.
12/07/2007 Service Notice
12/07/2007 Entry ordering that the parties request to reschedule the hearing in this matter to December 11, 2007, be granted. (GAP)
12/07/2007 Notice of errata re: direct testimony of David A. Schlissel filed on behalf of the Natural Resource Defense Council, Inc. and the Sierra Club Filed by S. Fisk.
12/05/2007 Color version of figure in Ivan Clark's testimony and revised exhibit IC-8 filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc. by N. Orosz.
12/04/2007 Confidential document target: Direct testimony of David A. Schlisser filed on behalf of the Natural Resource Defense Council and The Sierra Club.
12/04/2007 Correspondence letter filed by A. Deem.
12/04/2007 Service Notice
12/04/2007 Entry ordering that the motions to intervene filed by the Citizen Groups and Ms. Young be granted; that the motion in limine and motion to strike filed by AMP-Ohio be denied; that the motions for admission pro hac vice filed on behalf of Shannon Fisk, Sanjay Narayan, Aaron Colangelo and Anjali Jaiswal be granted. (GAP)
12/04/2007 Testimony continued. (Part 2 of 2)
12/04/2007 Direct testimony of Richard C. Furman and David A. Schlissel filed on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. and The Sierra Club by S. Fisk. (Part 1 of 2)
12/04/2007 Additional testimony of Elisa Young filed on behalf of AMP-Ohio by E. Young. (FAX)
12/03/2007 The Natural Resources Defense Council's motion to compel responses, memorandum in support to discovery, and request for expedited ruling filed by A. Colangelo.
12/03/2007 Direct testimony of Evis Couppis filed on behalf of AMP-Ohio.
12/03/2007 Direct testimony and exhibits of Randy Meyer filed on behalf of AMP-Ohio.
12/03/2007 Direct testimony and exhibits of Scott Kiesewetter on behalf of AMP-Ohio.
12/03/2007 Direct testimony and exhibits of Ivan Clark on behalf of AMP-Ohio.
11/30/2007 Service notice.
11/30/2007 Entry ordering that the joint motion for a protective order be granted. (GAP)
11/30/2007 Agreed protective order between American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc. and the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Ohio Environmental Council and the Sierra Club filed by S. Fitch, S. Fisk, S. Narayan, and T. Dougherty.
11/29/2007 Notice of appearance of Aaron Colangelo on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council filed by S. Fisk.
11/29/2007 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Aaron Colangelo and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council by T. Dougherty.
11/29/2007 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Anjali Jaiswal and memorandum in support filed by T. Dougherty on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council.
11/29/2007 Notice of appearance of Anjali Jaiswal on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council filed by S. Fisk.
11/27/2007 Correspondence regarding depositions scheduled December 5, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. and December 6, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. filed by E. Young. (FAX)
11/26/2007 Citizen Group's memorandum contra to AMP-Ohio's motion in limine and motion to strike filed on behalf of Natural Resources Defense Council by S. Fisk; Ohio Environmental Council by T. Dougherty and Sierra Club Environmental Law Program by S. Narayan.
11/26/2007 Correspondence electronically filed on behalf and by Mr. Steven Feeney.
11/26/2007 Transcript for hearing held November 8, 2007 before Gregory Price, Franklin County.
11/26/2007 Reply to AMP-Ohio's memorandum to deny Elisa Young's petition to intervene filed by E. Young
11/19/2007 Reply brief in support of motion to intervene filed by S. Fisk on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Ohio Environmental Council and Sierra Club.
11/19/2007 Motion in limine, motion to strike, request for expedited ruling, and memorandum in support filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
11/15/2007 Supplemental memorandum of AMP-Ohio, Inc. in opposition to the motion to intervene of Natural Resources Defense Council, Ohio Environmental Council and Sierra Club filed by J. Bentine.
11/15/2007 Transcript and exhibits for hearing held November 1, 2007 in Pomeroy, Ohio before hearing examiners G. Price and K. Bojko.
11/13/2007 Memorandum contra Elisa Young's motion to extend time/ postpone testimony portion of adjudicatory hearing filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio by J. Bentine.
11/13/2007 Memorandum contra Elisa Young's petition to intervene filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. by J. Bentine.
11/09/2007 AMP-Ohio's memorandum contra Natural Resources Defense Council, Ohio Environmental Council, and Sierra Club motion to intervene, filed by J. Bentine.
11/08/2007 Letter in support of the American Municipal Power-Ohio's application for a certificate for an electric power generating station and related facilities in Meigs County filed by C. Wilson.
11/06/2007 Letter of support for American Municipal Power's application for a certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need in Meigs County, filed by state representative, J. Stewart.
10/31/2007 Notice of appearance filed by J.H. Jones, PUCO.
10/29/2007 Direct testimony and exhibits of Elisa Young, filed by E. Young.
10/29/2007 Motion to request service by fax and by electronic message and extend time/postpone testimony portion of adjudicatory hearing of Elisa Young, filed by E. Young.
10/29/2007 Petition to intervene, filed by E. Young.
10/29/2007 Motion to request extension of time to file petition, filed by Elisa Young.
10/26/2007 Notice of appearance given that April R. Bott of Chester, Wilcox & Saxbe LLP will appear as counsel in this matter filed by N. Orosz.
10/25/2007 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., filed by S. Fisk, Ohio Environmental Council, filed by T. Dougherty and Sierra Club, filed by S. Narayan.
10/25/2007 Service Notice
10/25/2007 Entry ordering that a prehearing conference be scheduled for October 31, 2007, at 1:30 P.M., at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, 11th Floor, Hearing Room 11-B, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
10/25/2007 Motion for admission pro hac vic and memorandum in support on behalf of Shannon Fisk, Natural Resources Defense Council filed by T. Dougherty.
10/25/2007 Motion for admission pro hac vice and memorandum in support on behalf of Sanjay Narayan, Sierra Club filed by T. Dougherty.
10/25/2007 Exhibits continued. (Part 4 of 4)
10/25/2007 Exhibits continued. (Part 3 of 4)
10/25/2007 Exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 4)
10/25/2007 Exhibits for the memorandum in support of the motion to intervene on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Ohio Environmental Council and Sierra Club filed by S. Fisk. (Part 1 of 4)
10/24/2007 Proof of publication. (Meigs County)
10/19/2007 Service notice.
10/16/2007 Staff report of investigation filed.
10/04/2007 Notice of appearance filed by N. Orosz on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
09/25/2007 Supplement No. 4 to AMP-Ohio's certificate application, the Indiana Bat Survey Report pertaining to American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.'s application for an electric power generating station and related facilities in Meigs County, Ohio to be docketed filed by N. Orosz.
09/19/2007 Proof of publication. (Meigs County)
09/05/2007 AMP Ohio's response continued. (Part 2 of 2)
09/05/2007 AMP-Ohio Response to Ohio Power Siting Board's August 2, 2007 Clarifications for Staff Investigations filed by N. Orosz. (Part 1 of 2)
08/03/2007 Service Notice
08/02/2007 Entry ordering that a public hearing be held on November 1, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., at Meigs High School, 42091 Pomeroy Pike, Pomeroy, Ohio 45769; that the adjudicatory hearing will commence on November 8, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., in Hearing Room 11-C, at the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3793; that notices of the application and hearing be published by AMP-Ohio in accordance with Finding (4). (GAP)
07/23/2007 Correspondence of application fee payment of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. for an Electric Power Generating Station and related facilities in Meigs County, Ohio filed by N. Orosz.
07/20/2007 Letters of service of the application of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by N. Orosz.
07/12/2007 Notice of substitution of Counsel on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. filed by J. Bentine.
06/29/2007 Response letter to Scott Kiesewetter filed on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board.
06/19/2007 Additional information filed by B. Singh on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
06/11/2007 Attachments to supplement response to OAC Appendix 07-2 and Appendix 07-4 filed on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio Inc. by B. Singh.
06/11/2007 Supplement American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.'s application for a certificate to construct an electric generation facility filed by B. Singh.
05/22/2007 Response letter to Elisa Young on behalf of Ohio Power Siting Board filed by K. Lambeck.
05/04/2007 Application continued. (Part 5 of 5)
05/04/2007 Application continued. (Part 4 of 5)
05/04/2007 Application continued. (Part 3 of 3)
05/04/2007 Application continued. (Part 2 of 5)
05/04/2007 Application of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc. (AMP-Ohio) requesting a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need for the construction of an electric generating facility filed by J. Bentine. (Part 1 of 5)
12/05/2006 Notice regarding fully developed information for any alternate site for its proposed electric power generating station and related facilities filed by J. Bentine, Esq. on behalf of American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc.
11/29/2006 Proof of Publication. (Meigs County)
11/20/2006 In the matter of the application of American Municipal Power- Ohio, Inc. for a certificate for an electric generation facility.