DIS - Case Record for 05-0725-EL-UNC Skip to main content

Case Record For:


Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: UNC-Unclassified
Date Opened: 6/1/2005
Date Closed: 6/3/2013
Printable Docket Card Service List
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Date FiledSummaryPages
07/27/2012Case Status Form to close cases filed by Scott Farkas. 1
07/23/2012Confidential Document originally filed 2005 in this proceeding released to the public on July 23, 2012 on behalf of Cincinnati Gas and Electric. by Various Companies. 48
06/12/2012Service Notice5
06/11/2012Entry ordering Duke's Entities' motion for the continuation of the protective order for pages indicated on this order is denied and these pages be released to the public on July 22, 2012. (SEF)4
06/04/2012Motion to Extend the Protective Order Regarding Materials Filed June 22, 2009 and August 17, 2009 and memorandum in support electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC7
04/19/2012Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of counsel of record by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Patti Mallarnee on behalf of Sauer, Larry S.3
12/22/2011Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (Feb. 19, 2009) [Cite as Ohio Consumers’ Counsel v. Pub. Util. Comm., 121 Ohio St.3d 372, 2009-Ohio-605.] electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio2
06/30/2011Notice of withdrawal of counsel for Ann M. Hotz filed on behalf of OCC by A. Hotz.2
03/29/2011Confidential release for documents filed on June 22, 2009 and August 17, 2009.77
02/24/2011Service Notice5
02/23/2011Entry ordering that Duke's application for interlocutory appeal is denied as set forth herein and that on March 28, 2011, the Docketing Division release specific confidential documents to the public.5
02/07/2011Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s Cinergy Corp.'s, and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC's Notice of Interlocutory Appeal electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC and Cinergy Corp.19
01/31/2011Service Notice5
01/31/2011Entry ordering Duke's motion for the continuation of the protective order of those pages specified in this Entry is granted; the redactions remain under seal for those pages specified in this Entry until July 21, 2012; Dukes motion for continuation of the protective order for those pages specified in this Entry is denied and these pages be released to the public on February 8, 2011.(SF)11
01/06/2011Additional comments on Duke Energy, Ohio Inc., Cinergy Corp and Duke Energy Retail Sales December 29, 2010 specific identification of pages to remain under a protective order by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.9
12/29/2010Reply of Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC to the memorandum contra motion to extend the protective order and specific identification of pages to remain under protective orders of Duke Energy, Ohio Inc., Cinergy Corp., and Duke Energy Retail Sales by the OCC electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales LLC and Cinergy Corp.10
12/21/2010Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to the Office of the Consumers' Counsel's Memorandum Contra Motion to Extend the Protective Order and Specific Identification of Pages to Remain under Protective Orders of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp., and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC and Cinergy Corp. electronically filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio Inc., Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.6
12/14/2010Motion for extension of time and memorandum in support to respond to the Office of the Consumers’ Counsel’s memorandum contra motion to extend the protective order and specific identification of pages to remain under protective orders of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp., and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC electronically filed by Mr. Michael D. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.6
12/07/2010Memorandum contra motion to extend the protective order and specific identification of pages to remain under protective orders of Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp., and Duke Energy Retail Sales by the OCC, filed by J. Small on behalf of the OCC.10
11/30/2010Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc.'s, Cinergy Corp's and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC's specific identification of pages that they request remain subject to the protective orders of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by M. Dortch.6
11/19/2010Service Notice5
11/18/2010Entry ordered that Duke follow the procedures set forth in finding (5) filed by (SF). 3
11/12/2010Motion and memorandum in support to extend the protective order regarding materials filed June 22, 2009 and August 17, 2009 filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC by M. Dortch.5
08/17/2009Supplemental response to the Commission Entry of June 1, 2009 filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio and M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC and Cinergy Corp.67
06/22/2009Response continued. (Part 2 of 2)198
06/22/2009Response to the Commission's June 1, 2009 Entry filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. (Part 1 of 2)204
06/01/2009Service Notice5
06/01/2009Entry ordering that the parties shall follow the procedures set forth in finding 4. (JK)3
05/22/2009Letter providing a complete update to events in the United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. 2
05/21/2009Notice to the Commission regarding action by the Federal Court filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales LLC by M. Dortch. 12
04/16/2009Reply to memorandum contra motion to modify protective order by The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.10
04/09/2009Memorandum Contra the office of the Consumers' Counsel's motion to modify protective order filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 26
03/27/2009Entry ordered that the motion by Duke be granted to allow it to file its responsive memorandum no later than April 9, 2009, ordered that to terminate the expedited schedule ordered in these proceedings on February 18, 2004. (JWK)2
03/27/2009Service Notice5
03/24/2009Memorandum contra motion for extension of time to respond to OCC's motion to modify protective order filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. 6
03/19/2009Motion for extension of time to respond to the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to modify protective order and motion to modify and set aside the expedited time frame established in this case for responses to filings and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp, and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC by M. Dortch.5
03/13/2009Motion to modify protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC.11
11/17/2008Confidential document in these proceedings released to the public per Entry dated November 17, 2008. 2
11/17/2008Entry ordering that the Commission's docketing division release into the public domain the unredacted version of page 372 as described in this entry. (JWK)2
11/17/2008Service Notice.5
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 17 of 17)182
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 16 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 15 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 14 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 13 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 12 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 11 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 10 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 9 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 8 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 7 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 6 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 5 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 4 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 3 of 17)200
11/10/2008Released confidential documents continued. (Part 2 of 17)200
11/10/2008Confidential documents in these proceedings released to the public per Entry dated November 10, 2008. (Part 1 of 17)200
11/10/2008Entry ordering that the Commission's docketing division release, into the public domain, the redacted documents addressed by the Commission in these proceedings as referenced in this entry. (JWK)2
11/10/2008Service Notice.5
11/06/2008Service Notice5
11/05/2008Third entry on rehearing ordering that the Duke entities' application for rehearing be denied.4
11/04/2008Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing of Duke-Affiliated Companies filed by L. Sauer on behalf of OCC.5
10/31/2008Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC and Cinergy Corp.6
10/31/2008Notice of withdrawal of counsel of Daniel J. Neilsen filed by J. Clark on behalf of Industrial Energy Users- Ohio.3
10/01/2008Service notice.5
10/01/2008Second entry on rehearing ordering the application for rehearing by OCC be granted in part and denied in part.10
09/12/2008Memorandum contra OCC's September 2, 2008 application for rehearing submitted on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Cinergy Corp. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC filed by M. Dortch.13
09/02/2008Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. 40
07/31/2008Service notice.5
07/31/2008Entry on rehearing the applications for rehearing by OCC, IEU, and Duke be granted in part and denied in part; that Duke's July 17, 008 motion for a protective order be denied; that Duke's July 21, 2008 motion for continuation of protective orders be denied as moot.28
07/21/2008Joint motion for continuation of protective orders and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch and R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Cinergy Corp., Duke Energy Retail Sales LLC and Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc.5
07/17/2008Memorandum contra the application for rehearing of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel for Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by J.M. Clark. 5
07/17/2008Memorandum contra joint application for rehearing of the Duke-Affiliated Companies and application for rehearing of IEU-Ohio by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J.L. Small 22
07/17/2008Confidential target for attachment to memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing filed by R.Parsons on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc. 1
07/17/2008Motion for the entry of a protective order of their attachment to their memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing and memorandum in support by Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc. Cinergy Corp's and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, filed by M.D. Dortch and R.O. D'Assenzo. 4
07/17/2008Joint memorandum contra to the application for rehearing of the Office of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, and Cinergy Corp's filed by M.D. Dortch and R.O. D'Ascenzo. 14
07/07/2008Application for rehearing by the Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel and memorandum in support filed by J. Small. 24
07/07/2008The joint application for rehearing of Duke Energy-Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, and Cinergy Corp. and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch and R. D'Ascenzo. 27
06/04/2008Entry ordered that all of the findings in the May 28, 2008, entry, other than finding 14, be re-adopted consistent with finding 3.3
06/04/2008Service Notice5
05/28/2008Entry ordering that the motions for protective orders be granted in part and denied in part and that the parties comply with the requirements in this entry.7
05/28/2008Entry ordered that the Commission's docketing division release, into the public records, OCC Remand Exhibit 6, docketed on April 3, 2007. (JK)2
05/28/2008Service Notice5
05/28/2008Service Notice5
05/28/2008Released from confidential status: OCC Remand Exhibit 6, originally filed April 3, 2007.4
05/02/2008Letter to acknowledge concerns raised by some of the parties over the timing of the filing filed by S. Meyer, President on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. ("Duke Energy Ohio").2
04/02/2008Supreme Court No. 08-0466 Transmittal Papers.36
03/11/2008Notice of appeal of appellant, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney.7
03/03/2008Notice of appeal of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. (S. C. # 08-0466)51
01/29/2008Joint motion for extension of time and memorandum in support filed by A. Hotz on behalf of OCC, by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.10
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 7 of 7)54
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 6 of 7)200
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 5 of 7)199
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 4 of 7)200
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 3 of 7)200
01/23/2008Redacted documents continued. (Part 2 of 7)190
01/23/2008Redacted documents filed pursuant to the October 24, 2007 order by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (Part 1 of 7)200
01/23/2008Confidential document: Motion for protective order filed by J. Small on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (1473 pages)1
01/23/2008Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by J. Small on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (Public Version)13
01/16/2008Entry ordering that applications for rehearing be denied.13
01/16/2008Service Notice5
01/02/2008Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by P. Colbert.5
12/31/2007Confidential document: memorandum contra OCC"s and OPAE's application for rehearing filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (27 pages)1
12/31/2007Duke Energy Ohio's memorandum contra the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's application for rehearing filed by P. Colbert.27
12/20/2007Application for rehearing of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney. 23
12/20/2007Confidential document; application for rehearing filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC. (44 pgs)1
12/20/2007Application for rehearing and memorandum in support by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. (public version)44
12/20/2007Motion for protective order regarding portions of an application for rehearing and memorandum in support by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. filed by J. Small.6
12/07/2007Redacted exhibits continued. (Part 3 of 3)125
12/07/2007Redacted exhibits continued. (Part 2 of 3)150
12/07/2007Redacted exhibits filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (Part 1 of 3)150
12/03/2007Cinergy Corp.'s and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC's memorandum contra the application for rehearing filed by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by M. Dortch.14
12/03/2007Industrial Energy Users-Ohio's memorandum contra the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing filed by D. Neilsen.11
12/03/2007Dominion retail, Inc., memorandum contra applications for rehearing of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., and Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, filed by B. Royer.11
12/03/2007Memorandum contra of the Ohio Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff.13
11/29/2007Service notice. 5
11/28/2007Entry ordering that the deadline for Duke to file proposed tariffs reflecting the terms of the Commission's order on remand be extended until such date as the Commission establishes. (JWK)2
11/21/2007Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.19
11/20/2007Service Notice5
11/20/2007Opinion and order approving and adopting the stipulation; that the motions to strike filed by PWC and OPAE be denied; that Duke work with staff to determine reasonable period over which the amounts authorized by this Order should be trued-up and collected; that Duke file revised tariffs to reflect the terms of this Order.31
11/16/2007Comments on Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s notice as to confidential protection filed by A. Hotz on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Council.8
11/13/2007Notice of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. as to which portions of the record of the April 10, 2007 hearing should continue to be treated as confidential, filed by R. D'Ascenzo.6
11/06/2007Service notice.5
11/06/2007Entry ordered that Duke file a notice regarding the confidential portions of the record in accordance with finding (2).(SF)2
09/24/2007Letter stating that the requirement that the OCC respond on an expedited basis would be prejudicial to the OCC and any other party who would like to address Duke Energy's pleading filed by J. Small.2
08/30/2007Response to the letter dated August 17,2007, from Mr. Stanley M. Chesley filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.10
08/29/2007Letter that was mailed to Mr. Alan Schriber at the Public Utilities Commission with regard to the above rider adjustment cases filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.5
08/20/2007Correspondence letter regarding Waite, Schneider, Bayless & Chesley's position with respect to its July 26, 2007, public records request filed by S. Chesley and P. DeMarco.5
08/16/2007Memorandum regarding the modification of the protective order filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of Ohio Hospital Association. 8
08/16/2007Memorandum in response to the attorney examiner's August 8, 2007, entry regarding public records request filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Duke Energy. 17
08/16/2007Memorandum regarding modification of the protective order by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by L. Sauer. 10
08/16/2007Memorandum opposing modification of the protective order granted by the attorney examiners on March 19, 2007, filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 13
08/16/2007Memorandum opposing the modification of the protective order granted on March 19, 2007, in response to public records request and renewing objections to admissibility filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio. 9
08/16/2007Letter stating OPAE supports the release of materials currently under seal, filed by C. Mooney.2
08/09/2007Service Notice5
08/08/2007Entry ordered that the memoranda must be filed no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, August 16, 2007. (JWK)3
06/18/2007Reply of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy to memorandum contra filed by C. Mooney.8
06/15/2007Memorandum contra Ohio Partner's for Affordable Energy's motion to strike, filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.12
06/11/2007Reply of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. to the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel memorandum contra People Working Cooperatively's motion for an extension of time to file reply brief, phase II, and memorandum contra renewal of motion to strike by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by M. Christensen.10
06/11/2007Reply of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. to Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's memorandum contra filed by M. Christensen.16
06/08/2007Motion to strike and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, by C. Mooney. 8
06/08/2007Memorandum contra of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by C. Mooney .6
06/06/2007Memorandum contra People Working Cooperatively's motion for extension of time to file reply brief, Phase II and memorandum contra renewal of motion to strike by OCC filed by L. Sauer.14
06/01/2007Motion for extension of time to file reply brief Phase II, of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. and renewal of motion to strike a portion of the brief of Ohio Partners For Affordable Energy by People Working Cooperatively Inc. filed by M. Christensen.14
05/30/2007Confidential document: Remand Rider Reply Brief filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo. (50 pgs)1
05/30/2007Reply brief submitted on behalf of the staff of the PUCO by S. Reilly.26
05/30/2007Reply brief Phase 2 filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.12
05/30/2007Reply post-remand brief, Hearing Phase II on behalf of OCC filed by J. Small.20
05/30/2007Remand rider reply brief on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio filed by R. D'Ascenzo.51
05/30/2007Confidential Document: Reply post-remand brief, Hearing Phase 2 filed by OCC.1
05/17/2007Initial post-remand brief, hearing phase II by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. (public version)39
05/17/2007Post-hearing brief of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio filed by Staff.17
05/17/2007Initial brief Phase 2 for Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy Public Version filed by C. Mooney. (public version)26
05/17/2007Confidential document: Initial Brief - Phase 2 filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. (24 pgs.)1
05/17/2007Notice of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen. 5
05/17/2007Confidential document: Initial post-remand brief, phase 2 filed by J. Small on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (38 pgs.)1
05/17/2007Remand rider merit brief filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.15
05/16/2007Entry ordered that the Commissions docketing division file the April 9, 2007 stipulation as directed in finding (5) and that these cases have been consolidated and the parties are directed to docket any briefs in all of the consolidated cases. (JWK)2
05/16/2007Service Notice5
05/14/2007Reply of People Working Cooperatively Inc. to OPAE's memorandum contra PWC's motion to strike a portion of the phase initial brief of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by M. Christensen on behalf of PWC.11
05/07/2007Memorandum contra motion to strike filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy.7
05/04/2007Memorandum contra motion to strike of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)8
05/03/2007Transcript continued. (Part 2 of 2)72
05/03/2007Transcript with exhibits for hearing held on Thursday, April 19, 2007 before Jeanne Kingery and Scott Farkas, Hearing Examiners. (Part 1 of 2)202
04/30/2007Reply brief filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.20
04/27/2007Confidential document: Reply Brief filed on behalf of Cinergy Corporation by Kravitz, Brown & Dortch LLC. 1
04/27/2007Reply Brief filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio, by D. Neilson.7
04/27/2007Reply brief filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Cinergy Corp and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC.23
04/27/2007Confidential target: Reply Brief filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney. 1
04/27/2007Confidential target: Reply Brief filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, by P. Colbert.1
04/27/2007Reply brief filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, by C. Mooney.20
04/27/2007Reply brief on remand submitted on behalf of the staff of The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by W. Margard.17
04/27/2007Reply brief of People Working Cooperatively, Inc. and motion to strike a portion of the brief of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by People Working Cooperatively, Inc., memorandum in support filed by M. Christensen.44
04/27/2007Reply brief filed on behalf of Duke Energy by R. D'Ascenzo. (public version)71
04/27/2007Reply post-remand brief, hearing phase I, filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. (public version)43
04/27/2007Confidential target for document filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (42 pages)1
04/24/2007Reply Brief filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by B. Royer.15
04/24/2007Exhibits filed with transcript for hearing held on 4/10/07 before Jeanne Kingery and Scott Farkas, Attorney Examiners. 89
04/24/2007Confidential target for excerpt from the Duke Energy Rider Remand hearing on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 and Commission ordered Exhibit # 1 filed on October 12, 2006.1
04/24/2007Transcript for proceedings held Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, in hearing room 11-C before Ms. Jeanne Kingery and Mr. Scott Farkas (Remand Rider Vol. I)57
04/24/2007Confidential document target of reply post hearing brief of The Ohio Marketers Group by H. Petricoff.1
04/24/2007Reply post hearing brief filed on behalf of The Ohio Marketing Group by H. Petricoff.25
04/23/2007Confidential, now public version of supplemental testimony of Michael P. Haugh on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel.13
04/17/2007Supplemental testimony of Michael P. Haugh on behalf of OCC by J. Small.13
04/17/2007Confidential document filed under seal supplemental testimony of Michael P. Haugh file by OCC. (12 pgs)1
04/13/2007Confidential target for Initial brief filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by C. Mooney.1
04/13/2007Confidential target for merit brief filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp and Duke Energy by M. Dortch.1
04/13/2007Public version of Merit Brief filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp's and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC by M. Dortch.32
04/13/2007Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy's Initial Brief filed by C. Mooney.22
04/13/2007Merit Brief of the Ohio Energy Group filed by D. Boehm.17
04/13/2007Initial brief on remand submitted on behalf of the Staff of the PUCO.22
04/13/2007Confidential document: Post-Hearing brief of the Ohio Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff. (31 pgs) 1
04/13/2007Confidential document: Initial post-remand brief, hearing phase 1 filed by OCC. (76 pgs)1
04/13/2007Confidential document: Merit brief of Duke Energy filed by P. Colbert. (49 pgs)1
04/13/2007Merit brief of Duke Energy Ohio filed by P. Colbert. (public version)49
04/13/2007Notice of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio filed by D. Neilsen.4
04/13/2007Initial post-hearing brief of the Ohio Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff. (public version)31
04/13/2007Initial post-remand brief, Hearing Phase 1, by the Office of Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. (public version)77
04/09/2007Direct testimony of Paul G. Smith on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. filed by P. Colbert.15
04/09/2007Prepared testimony of Richard C. Cahaan filed by Staff.7
04/09/2007Confidential document: Stipulation and recommendation filed by S. Reilly. (25 pgs) 1
04/09/2007Stipulation and recommendation filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.25
04/05/2007Notice of filing of deposition filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 2
04/05/2007Deposition of Michael P. Haugh on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. 116
04/04/2007Confidential target for Deposition transcript and exhibits of Gregory C. Ficke taken February 20, 2007 filed by OCC. 1
04/04/2007Confidential target of Testimony and exhibits of Beth E. Hixon, OCC Exhibit 2A, filed by OCC. 1
04/04/2007Confidential target for Correction sheet to the testimony and exhibits of Beth E. Hixon OCC Exhibit 2B, filed by OCC.1
04/04/2007Transcript and exhibits for hearing held March 21, 2007 before J. Kingery and S. Farkas Hearing examiner. Volume III (part 2 of 2)56
04/04/2007Transcript and exhibits for hearing held March 21, 2007 before J. Kingery and S. Farkas Hearing examiner, Vol. 3. (part 1 of 2)185
04/04/2007Confidential document: Transcript.1
04/04/2007Confidential document: Excerpts of Charles Whitlock deposition. (12 pgs)1
04/03/2007Confidential target for OCC exhibits #5 filed with transcript Volume I for hearing held on March 19, 2007.1
04/03/2007Transcript and exhibits for hearing held March 19, 2007 before J. Kingery and S. Farkas, Hearing Examiners. (Volume I)158
04/03/2007Confidential target for Settlement agreement - OCC Exhibits # 6 for hearing held March 20, 2007, before J. Kingery and S. Farkas Hearing Examiners. 1
04/03/2007Transcript and exhibits for hearing held on March 20, 2007 before J. Kingery and S. Farkas Hearing Examiners. (Volume II)251
04/02/2007Notice of withdrawal by Formica Corporation filed by C. Smith.3
03/26/2007Notice of Duke Energy Ohio to take deposition of Michael P. Haugh, witness for Ohio Consumers' Counsel, upon oral examination, and request for production of documents filed by R. D'Ascenzo.5
03/16/2007Confidential document: 1) deposition of Beth Hixon 2) stipulation and recommendation 3) exhibits (FILED UNDER SEAL) by OCC.1
03/16/2007Deposition and exhibits of Beth Hixon on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.109
03/16/2007Deposition of Neil H. Talbot on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.120
03/16/2007Notice of filing of the depositions of Beth Hixon and Neil H. Talbot of Ohio Consumers' Counsel with portions of these depositions to be filed under seal, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.2
03/16/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.8
03/15/2007Deposition of James E. Ziolkowski from Duke Energy.42
03/15/2007Return of service for Denis George of Butler County.2
03/15/2007Confidential Document: Reply of Duke Energy Retail Sales filed by M. Pahutski . (37 pages)1
03/15/2007Confidential Document: Reply of Duke Energy Ohio filed by M. Pahutski. (41 pages)1
03/15/2007Reply of Duke Energy Retail Sales to memorandum of Ohio Consumers' Counsel contra motions for protective order of Duke Energy Ohio, Duke Energy Retail Sales, Cinergy Corp. and Kroger and memorandum contra the motion for a pre-hearing conference filed by M. Pahutski. (public version)30
03/15/2007Motion for protective order of Duke Energy Retail Sales and memorandum in support filed by M. Pahutski.9
03/15/2007Reply of Duke Energy Ohio to the memorandum of Ohio Consumers' Counsel contra the motion for protective order of Duke Energy Ohio, Duke Energy Retail Sales, Cinergy Corp. and Kroger and memorandum contra the motion for a pre-hearing conference filed by P. Colbert. (public version)30
03/15/2007Motion of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. for protective order, memorandum in support filed by R. D'Ascenzo.9
03/15/2007Confidential document: Reply to OCC's memorandum contra Cinergy Corp's motion for a protective order filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Cinergy Corp. (15 pgs)1
03/15/2007Reply to OCC's memorandum contra Cinergy Corp.'s motion for protective order filed by M. Dortch on behalf Cinergy Corp. (public version)16
03/15/2007Reply to memorandum contra motions of Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, Cinergy Corp., Ohio Hospital Association, and Kroger for protective orders by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of IEU-Ohio.9
03/15/2007Return of service for subpoena served up Gregory C. Ficke, filed by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel .2
03/15/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support regarding portions of deposition transcript and exhibits, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.6
03/15/2007Deposition of Denis George from Kroger.10
03/15/2007Notice of filing deposition (transcript and exhibits) of Gregory Ficke, James Ziolkowski, and Denis George under seal, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.3
03/15/2007Deposition of Gregory C. Ficke, consultant to Duke Energy.18
03/15/2007Return of service for subpoena served upon James Ziolkowski by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.2
03/15/2007Confidential document: Deposition transcript, exhibits of James Ziolkowski, filed by the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (104 pgs)1
03/15/2007Confidential document: Deposition transcript, exhibits of Gregory Ficke filed by the Ohio Consumers' Counsel. (305 pgs)1
03/15/2007Confidential document: Deposition transcript, exhibits of Denis George, filed by Ohio Office of Consumers' Counsel. (125 pgs)1
03/15/2007Letter in response to letters dated March 7, 2007 that were filed by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC and collectively with Duke Energy Ohio, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.4
03/14/2007Return of Service for subpoena served on Mr. Charles Whitlock, filed on behalf of Ohio Marketers Group by S. Howard.3
03/14/2007Reply to OCC's memorandum contra OHA's motion for a protective order to prevent public disclosure filed by S. Bloomfield.8
03/13/2007Letter stating that the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel will be filing documents under seal along with Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, Cinergy Corp. the Ohio Hospital Association, and Kroger Company pursuant to Ohio Adm. Code 4901-2-24, filed by J. Small.1
03/13/2007Memorandum contra motions of Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc., Duke Energy Retail Sales, Cinergy Corp, Ohio Hospital Association, and Kroger's for protective orders and motion for rehearing conference, request for expedited ruling, argument and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by A. Hotz.28
03/12/2007Motion and memorandum in support for subpoena of Charles Whitlock, filed on behalf of the Ohio Marketers Group by S. Howard.7
03/12/2007Service Notice4
03/09/2007Prepared testimony of Richard C. Cahaan of PUCO staff.16
03/09/2007Supplemental testimony of L'Nard E. Tufts-PUCO staff.8
03/09/2007Supplemental testimony of Trisha J. Smith of PUCO staff.5
03/09/2007Notice to take deposition of Beth Hixon, witness for Ohio Consumers' Counsel, upon oral examination, and request for production of documents, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.5
03/09/2007Notice to take deposition of Neil Talbot, witness for Ohio Consumers' Counsel, upon oral examination, and request for production of documents, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.5
03/09/2007Entry ordered; that OCC's motion for an extension of time to file memoranda contra be granted; however, in light of the limited time prior to the start of the hearing, OCC shall file any memoranda contra by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, March 13, 2007; in addition, any replies shall be filed no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday, March 15, 2007. (JWK)4
03/09/2007Confidential document: Testimony of Beth E. Hixon filed by OCC. (495 pgs) (FILED UNDER SEAL)1
03/09/2007Service Notice4
03/09/2007Notification that the Ohio Marketers Group is contemplating calling as a witness, as on cross-examination, the designated spokesperson for Duke Retail Energy Services, LLC, Charles Whitlock, concerning certain information produced in discovery in order to place that information into the record, filed by M. H. Petricoff.1
03/09/2007Memorandum in response to motion for protective order of Kroger Company, filed on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy by M. H. Petricoff.9
03/09/2007Prepared testimony of Neil H. Talbot of Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.115
03/09/2007Prepared testimony of Michael P. Haugh on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.28
03/09/2007Prepared testimony of Beth E. Hixon on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small. (Public Version)79
03/09/2007Corrected supplemental testimony of L'Nard E. Tufts, PUCO staff.24
03/08/2007Motion for subpoena to James Ziolkowski and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.6
03/08/2007Motion for subpoena to Gregory Ficke and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.6
03/08/2007Motion for subpoena to Denis George and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.6
03/08/2007Motion for extension to file memorandum contra motions for protective orders filed by J. Small on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.5
03/07/2007Letter stating that OCC is in material breach of the protective agreements signed by DERS and OCC filed by M. Pahutski on behalf of DERS.1
03/07/2007Letter stating that OCC is in material breach of the protective agreements signed by DE-Ohio and OCC filed by P. Colbert on behalf of DE-Ohio.1
03/05/2007Letter opposing the change in position of OCC and to support DERS in its opposition to the disclosure of protective agreements, filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm.5
03/02/2007Response on behalf of the Kroger Company to OCC's notice and motion for protective order, memorandum in support, and affidavit of M. Kurtz, filed by K. Boehm.28
03/02/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Pahutski on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales LLC.37
03/02/2007Motion for protective order to prevent public disclosure and memorandum in support filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of the Ohio Hospital Association.27
03/02/2007Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch on behalf of Cinergy Corp.25
03/02/2007Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo. 62
03/02/2007Letter urging the Commission to immediately direct OCC to cease and desist from any efforts to make protected information public or to take actions which will increase the risk that such information will become public filed by S. Randazzo on behalf of IEU-Ohio.3
03/01/2007Service Notice4
02/28/2007Direct testimony of Sandra P. Meyer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.15
02/28/2007Supplemental testimony of William Don Wathen, Jr. on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.9
02/28/2007Second supplemental testimony of Judah Rose on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.26
02/28/2007Second supplemental testimony of John P. Steffen on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.43
02/28/2007Entry ordering that the motions to intervene for the limited purpose of protecting confidential information, by DERS and Cinergy, be granted and that the motions in limine by Duke, DERS, and Cinergy be denied.5
02/26/2007Ohio Hospital Association's response to Duke Energy Ohio's First Set Of Interrogatories and requests for production of documents filed by R. Sites.10
02/23/2007Return of service on behalf of OCC.4
02/22/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC.9
02/21/2007Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed by S. Bloomfield on behalf of the City of Cincinnati.4
02/21/2007Notice of withdrawal on behalf of Kroger's Co. Motion to Limit Scope of OCC deposition filed by M. Kurtz.6
02/16/2007Reply to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra Duke Energy Retail Sales' motions in limine and to intervene filed by M. Pahutski.12
02/16/2007Reply to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra Duke Energy Ohio's, Duke Energy Retail Sales' and Cinergy Corp.'s motions in limine and motions to intervene filed by R. D'Ascenzo.19
02/16/2007Return of service filed by B. Enneking.3
02/16/2007Reply to OCC's memorandum contra Cinergy Corp.'s motion to intervene and motion in limine filed by M. Dortch.9
02/16/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.10
02/16/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum for Lon Mitchell, CFO of Duke Energy Retail Sales, memorandum in support filed by L. Sauer on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.10
02/15/2007Notice of withdrawal of counsel and designation of trial attorney filed by J. Small on behalf of the OCC.3
02/15/2007Memorandum contra Kroger's motion to limit scope of deposition by The Office of The Ohio Consumers Counsel filed by J. Small.7
02/14/2007Reply to the Ohio Marketers Group's February 9, 2007 response to Cinergy Corp.'s motion in limine, filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by M. Dortch.8
02/14/2007Reply to OMG's memorandum in response to motions, motions in limine, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. by P. Colbert.13
02/14/2007Reply to OMG's memorandum in response to motions in limine, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales by M. Pahutski.10
02/13/2007Transcript for deposition of Charles R. Whitlock filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.100
02/13/2007Notice of filing of deposition, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.3
02/13/2007Confidential documents 1) Excerpts from disposition 2) Exhibit C, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small. (FILED UNDER SEAL)1
02/13/2007Memorandum contra motions to intervene by Duke Energy Retail Sales and Cinergy Corp. and memorandum contra motions limine by Duke Energy, Duke Energy Retail Sales, and Cinergy Corp., filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by L. Sauer.23
02/12/2007Memorandum in opposition to the February 1, 2007 application for rehearing by the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp. by M. Dortch.4
02/12/2007Memorandum contra the application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales by M. Pahutski.9
02/12/2007Memorandum contra the application for rehearing by the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by P. Colbert.21
02/09/2007Motion to limit scope of OCC deposition and memorandum in support filed by K. Boehm on behalf of The Kroger Co.8
02/09/2007Memorandum in response to motions in limine by the Ohio Marketers Group filed by M. Petricoff. 7
02/08/2007Motion for Subpoena Duces Tecum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.8
02/08/2007Subpoena Duces Tecum served upon G. Fickle, filed by PUCO staff..2
02/07/2007Memorandum in response to motions in Limine, filed on behalf of PUCO staff by T. McNamee-Attorney General Section.4
02/06/2007Letter stating that Duke Energy and affiliated companies failed to serve a copy of pleadings upon the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, therefore as a result, the deadline that would otherwise apply to the OCC's responsive pleadings is not in effect and the OCC does not consider, pursuant to Ohio Adm. Code 4901:2-5, that the pleadings are pending for a PUCO ruling, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.2
02/06/2007Return of Service for subpoena served upon M. Dortch-attorney for Cinergy Corp., filed on behalf of OCC by W. King.2
02/05/2007Redacted subpoena duces tecum filed by Ohio Consumers' Counsel.4
02/05/2007Confidential portion of the subpoena duces tecum filed on behalf of Cinergy Corp., Duke Energy by OCC. (2 pages)1
02/05/2007Motion for Subpoena Duces Tecum (Public Version) filed by J. Small on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.11
02/05/2007Motion for protective order regarding portions of a motion for subpoena to be issued to Cinergy Corp. and associated filings, memorandum in support by The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by J. Small.9
02/02/2007Cinergy Corp.'s motion to intervene for the limited purpose of allowing it to protect certain confidential information and memorandum in support of Cinergy Corp.'s motion to intervene filed by M. Dortch.13
02/02/2007Cinergy Corp.'s motion in limine to exclude irrelevant contracts and related documents from these proceedings and memorandum in support filed by M. Dortch.10
02/02/2007Duke Energy Retail Sales motion to intervene for the limited purpose of protecting its interest in contracts to which it is a party and memorandum in support filed by M. Pahutski.12
02/02/2007Duke Energy Ohio's motion in limine to exclude irrelevant contracts and related documents from these proceedings and memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert.13
02/02/2007Duke Energy Retail Sales motion in limine to exclude irrelevant contracts and related documents from these proceedings and memorandum in support filed by M. Pahutski. 20
02/01/2007Entry ordering that the schedule for discovery, the filing of testimony and depositions, and the hearing be established in accordance with this entry; that the parties comply with the schedule for filing of responses to motions, as set forth in finding (8); that the motion to intervene by DERS be considered as moot. (JWK)4
02/01/2007Service Notice4
02/01/2007Application for rehearing, memorandum in support filed by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.19
01/29/2007Return of service; Randolph Freking, filed by J. Small on behalf of OCC. 2
01/26/2007Motion for subpoena duces tecum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers Counsel by J. Small.11
01/04/2007Service Notice4
01/04/2007Entry ordered: that responses to any discovery requests made prior to January 3, 2007, shall be due no later than January 15, 2007; that any discovery requests made on or after January 3, 2007, shall be subject to the expedited discovery schedule ordered at the prehearing conference. (JWK)2
01/03/2007Service Notice4
01/03/2007Entry ordered; that the hearing in these consolidated proceedings shall include the presentation of testimony and introduction of evidence as set forth in this entry.3
01/02/2007Entry ordered; that the motion to strike the filing by lEU-Ohio be denied; that the motion by DE-Ohio for a protective order be denied; that the motion to strike the motion to quash be denied; that the motion to quash be granted in part and denied in part; and that the motion by DERS for a protective order be denied. (JWK)5
01/02/2007Reply to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's memorandum contra to Duke Energy Ohio's motion for protective order, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by P. Colbert.68
01/02/2007Memorandum contra to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel's motion to strike Duke Energy Retail Sales motion to quash the two subpoena duces tecum filed by the OCC and motion to intervene on a limited basis, filed on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales by M. Pahutski.19
12/28/2006Motion and memorandum in support to strike the motion to quash subpoenas filed by non-party Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC, memorandum contra Duke Energy Ohio's motion for protective order, and motion to strike Industrial Energy Users-Ohio's memorandum in support of motion to quash and motion for protective order, filed on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.28
12/27/2006Return of service for subpoena served, filed by office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.4
12/26/2006Reply to the Ohio Consumers' Counsel memorandum contra to Duke Energy's motion for clarification filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.28
12/26/2006Rider FPP-Fuel and Economy Purchased Power, Rider SRT-System Reliability Tracker, and Rider AAC-Annually Adjusted Component, effective January 2, 2007, filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.14
12/21/2006Memorandum in support of motion to quash and motion for protective order, filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by L. McAlister.7
12/20/2006Service Notice4
12/20/2006Entry ordered that DE-Ohio's motions and OCC's motions be granted in part and denied in part as discussed in this entry.8
12/20/2006Motion for a protective order and memorandum in support of the motion to quash filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales LLC.84
12/20/2006Objections and motion to quash, memorandum in support filed by M. Pahutski on behalf of Duke Energy Retail Sales.25
12/20/2006Memorandum contra filed by J. Small on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.18
12/18/2006Motion for Subpoena Duces Tecum and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.9
12/18/2006Reply to Duke Energy's memorandum contra motion to stay Duke Energy's rate increases and motion to render all rate increases after the market development period subject to refund on an ongoing basis on behalf of OCC filed by K. Bojko.18
12/18/2006Return of service filed by OCC.4
12/18/2006Revised page 2 to original reply to Duke Energy's Memorandum Contra motion to stay on behalf of OCC filed by J. Small.2
12/15/2006 Memorandum contra on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio's to the OCC motion to stay Duke Energy's rate increases, motion to render all rate increases after the market development period subject to refund on an on going basis, and Duke Energy Ohio's reply to the OCC's memoranda contra Duke Energy Ohio's motions to extend the annually adjusted component, to reconcile the annually adjusted component through true-up, and implement the 2007 system reliability tracker subject to true-up filed by P. Colbert.34
12/13/2006Motion for the entry of orders permitting appearances pro hac vice of Paul R. Newton, affidavit in support of motion, filed on behalf of Duke Energy-Ohio by R. D'Ascenzo.13
12/13/2006Motion for clarification, memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. 15
12/13/2006Return of service filed by OCC.4
12/13/2006Motion for subpoena duces tecum, memorandum in support filed by J. Small, K. Bojko, and A. Hotz on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.10
12/12/2006Motion to stay Duke Energy's rate increases, motion to render all rate increases after the market development period subject to refund on an ongoing basis, and memoranda contra Duke Energy Ohio's motions to extend the annually adjusted component, to reconcile the annually adjusted component through a true-up, and to implement the 2007 system reliability tracker subject to true-up, memorandum in support filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by J. Small.26
11/29/2006Service Notice.4
11/29/2006Entry ordered that the testimony in the FPP and SRT proceedings not be filed until further notice; that the hearing currently set for December 5, 2006 in the AAC proceedings is continued; that a prehearing conference be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 14, 2006, in the legal conference room on the 12th floor of the offices of the Commission, 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215; that Duke disclose to OCC the information requested in discovery with regard to side agreements. (JK)4
11/16/2006Confidential document: Unredacted version of supplemental testimony of Charles R. Whitlock filed by A. Schafer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (18 pgs)1
11/16/2006Motion for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in the supplemental direct testimony of Charles R. Whitlock, memorandum in support filed by A. Schaefer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.8
11/16/2006Supplemental direct testimony of Charles R. Whitlock filed by A. Schaefer on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio. (redacted)19
11/15/2006Service Notice3
11/14/2006Entry ordering that testimony be filed as set forth in finding (4); that the previously scheduled hearing be continued until a date be established by subsequent entry; that the motion to modify the audit period for the SRT be modified as set forth in finding (7). (JWK)3
11/14/2006Service Notice4
11/09/2006Motion of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to amend the period of the staff audit of the System Reliability Tracker (SRT), filed by Reilly-Attorney General Section.6
11/07/2006Service Notice2
11/06/2006Entry ordering that a hearing be scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2006, at 10:00 AM, in Hearing Room 11-C, 11th Floor at the Commission offices at 180 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (JK)8
10/30/2006Correction to October 12, 2006 Motion for a Protective Order filed by Duke Energy-Ohio by P. Colbert.1
10/24/2006Letter regarding certain errors contained in Chapter 5 of the report of the financial and management/performance audit of the fuel and purchased power rider of Duke Energy-Ohio filed on October 12, 2006, by R. Smith.8
10/12/2006Confidential Target; Financial audit report filed by Larkin & Associates PLLC on behalf of Duke Energy.1
10/12/2006Report of the financial and management/performance audit of the fuel and purchased power rider of Duke Energy - Ohio filed by Energy Ventures Analysis Inc. and Larkin and Associates PLLC.131
10/12/2006Motion for protective order to protect the confidentiality of information contained in the document titled Report of The Financial and Management/Performance Audit of the fuel and purchased power rider of Duke Energy Ohio filed by P. Colbert.7
10/02/2006Service Notice2
09/29/2006Entry ordered; that Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc. is granted a two week extension in the time to file the auditor's report, that report is now due no later than October 13, 2006; that the company's motion to consolidate be denied; that the company's motion for a protective order be granted for a period of eighteen months from September 1, 2006; that Exhibits A, B, and C attached to the testimony of Charles R. Whitlock and William Don Wathen, and the unredacted version of the testimony of Mr. Wathen, shall remain under seal in the Commission's docketing division for that eighteen month period. (JWK)7
09/11/2006Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed by M. Kurtz on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group.6
09/01/2006Application to approve the 2006 fuel, economy purchased power component and system reliability component of its market based standard service offer filed by P. Colbert on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company.66
09/01/2006Motion to consolidated cases, memorandum in support filed by P. Colbert on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.4
09/01/2006Direct testimony of Charles R. Whitlock on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company dba Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.17
09/01/2006Direct testimony of William Don Wathen, Jr. on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric dba Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.80
09/01/2006Motion for protective order, memorandum in support filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.6
09/01/2006Certificate of service filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Shared Services, Inc.2
08/10/2006Service Notice2
08/09/2006Entry ordering that Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc. be selected to perform the auditing activities as set forth in this entry; that Duke and Energy Ventures Analysis, Inc. shall observe the requirements set forth in this entry.5
06/20/2006Revised tariff PUCO No.19 filed on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio by L. Steinkuhl.2
05/30/2006Attachments containing the facts, data and other information pertinent to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. fuel, economy purchased power, and emission allowance component of its marked-based standard service offer filed by L. Steinkuhl. 21
03/31/2006Letter requesting that the Rider FFP, sheet No. 53.5 was subsequently filed in case number 05-724 when actually it was to be docketed in 05-725 filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric by D. Rottinghaus.6
03/24/2006Rider FPP, Fuel and Economy Purchased Power Rider the three months of April through June, 2006, filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company by R. Butts, Jr.2
03/02/2006Attachments containing the facts, data and other information filed by R. Butts on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company.16
12/05/2005Facts, data and other information pertinent to The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's fuel, economy and purchase power, and emission allowance component of its market-based standard service offer, pursuant to the Commission Entry dated June 29, 2005 filed on behalf by R. Butts. (Original)16
12/02/2005Facts, data and other information pertinent to The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's fuel, economy purchased power, and emission allowance component of its market-based standard service offer, pursuant to the Commission Entry dated June 29, 2005 filed on behalf of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by R. Butts. (FAX)15
10/20/2005Service Notice2
10/19/2005Entry granting CG&E's motion for a protective order with regard to the unredacted version of the audit report; that the docketing division maintain under seal the unredacted audit report filed on October 12, 2005 for a period of 18 months from the date of this entry; that any documents that were incorrectly filed in case 05-725-EL-UNC be corrected by appropriate filing in Case No. 05-806-EL-UNC. (JK)3
10/07/2005Notice of planned release of information marked confidential filed by S. Reilly on behalf of PUCO.3
10/05/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support by the Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by K. Bojko.5
09/22/2005Motion for continuance and expedited ruling filed by E. Stevens on behalf of PUCO.3
08/31/2005Facts, data, and other information pertinent to CG&E's fuel, economy purchased power and emission allowance component of its market-based standard service offer (FPP) filed by R. P. Butts, Jr.12
07/01/2005Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.8
06/29/2005Entry ordered; that the submission and filing requirements set forth in this entry be followed; that the Commission's docketing department shall transfer copies of the specified documents in Case No. 05-806-EL-UNC, as set forth in finding (3).4
06/29/2005Service Notice2
06/21/2005Entry ordering that the request for proposal No. U05-FPP-1 be revised to reflect that proposals are due by 5:00 p.m., June 29, 2005. (JWK)2
06/21/2005Service Notice2
06/14/2005Service Notice2
06/14/2005Entry ordering that the Commission's staff shall issue a request for proposal and evaluate all responses received as described in this entry.37
06/10/2005Amended application filed by A. Schafer on behalf of CG&E.13
06/10/2005Motion to intervene and memorandum in support of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by D. Neilsen.7
06/01/2005In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to modify its Fuel, Economy Purchased Power Component of its Market Based Standard Service Offer.14