DIS - Case Record for 04-1931-EL-AAM Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/03/2005 Service Notice
09/30/2005 Supreme court transmittal papers filed.
08/31/2005 Notice of appeal of The Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by C. Mooney.
07/06/2005 Service Notice
07/06/2005 Entry ordered; that FirstEnergy's motion to strike OPAE's application for rehearing is granted; that the applications for rehearing filed by the Ohio Consumers' Counsel and FirstEnergy are denied.
06/27/2005 Memorandum contra of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel, filed by C. Mooney.
06/27/2005 Memorandum contra applications for rehearing, filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company by H. Liebman.
06/23/2005 Motion of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison and Toledo Edison Company to strike application for rehearing of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and memorandum in support filed by H. Liebman.
06/20/2005 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt.
06/17/2005 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company filed by H. Liebman.
06/16/2005 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy. (FAX)
06/16/2005 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney on behalf of The Office of The Consumers Counsel.
05/18/2005 Finding and order, ordering the motions to intervene filed in this proceeding by Ohio Consumers' Counsel, OPAE and IEU-Ohio be denied, that the motion filed by IEU-Ohio to consolidate this proceeding with 04-1932-EL-ATA is denied.
05/18/2005 Service Notice
03/17/2005 Supplemental application filed by H. Liebman on behalf of applicants.
02/10/2005 Reply to FirstEnergy's memorandum contra, filed on behalf of The Office of The Consumers' Counsel by C. Mooney.
02/10/2005 Reply memorandum to FirstEnergy's memorandum contra IEU-Ohio's motion to intervene, motion to consolidate and request for hearing filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of IEU-Ohio.
02/04/2005 Motion for an extension of time to file pleading and memorandum of support and reply to the memorandum contra of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company, filed on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt.
02/03/2005 Memorandum of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company contra the motions of the Office of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel to intervene and dismiss filed by K. Kolich.
02/03/2005 Memorandum contra to IEU-Ohio's motion to intervene and to consolidate and request for hearing filed by K. Kolich on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and The Toledo Edison Company.
01/24/2005 Memorandum contra the motion of Ohio Partners Affordable Energy to intervene filed by H. Liebman on behalf of Ohio Edison, CEI, and Toledo Edison.
01/19/2005 Motion to intervene and motion to dismiss the application, memorandum in support filed by C. Mooney on behalf of Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/19/2005 Motion to intervene, motion to consolidate and request for a hearing, and memorandum to support filed by L. McAlister on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
01/11/2005 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and motion to practice pro hac vice filed by D. Rinebolt on behalf of Ohio Partners for Affordable energy.
12/30/2004 In the matter of the application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company for authority to modify their accounting procedures.