DIS - Case Record for 04-0954-GA-GAG Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/24/2018 Renewal Certificate No. 04-085G (8) issued.
06/01/2018 Renewal application for certification renewal as a governmental aggregator of natural gas. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton.
09/15/2017 Opt-Out Notice (revised copy) to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the City's Natural Gas Aggregation Program. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton
09/15/2017 Opt-Out Notice to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the City's Natural Gas Aggregation Program. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton.
09/09/2016 Opt-Out Notice to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the City's Natural Gas Aggregation Program. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton.
07/22/2016 Renewal Certificate #04-085G(7) issued.
06/02/2016 Application for certification renewal as a governmental aggregator of natural gas. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton
09/12/2014 Opt-Out Notice to be sent to current and newly eligible customers in the City's Natural Gas Aggregation Program. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton.
05/05/2014 Renewal Certificate 04-085G (6) issued.
04/04/2014 Renewal application for certification as a governmental aggregator of natural gas electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton.
09/26/2013 Opt-Out Notice to be sent to newly eligible customers in the City of Norton's Natural Gas Aggregation Program. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton
10/09/2012 Opt-Out Notice Opt-Out Notices being sent to current customers in the City's natural gas aggregation program in the City of Norton. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton
10/09/2012 Opt-Out Notice Opt-Out Notices being sent to newly eligible customers for the City's natural gas aggregation program in the City of Norton. electronically filed by MARK R BURNS on behalf of City of Norton
05/11/2012 Certificate 04-085G(5) issued.
04/12/2012 Renewal certification application for Ohio Natural Gas Governmental Aggregators filed on behalf of the City of Norton electronically filed by Mark R. Burns on behalf of City of Norton.
09/26/2011 Opt-Out Notice of City of Norton filed by Mark R. Burns.
09/08/2010 Opt-out notice of the City of Norton filed by M. Burns.
06/30/2010 Certificate 04-085G(4) issued.
05/19/2010 Renewal certification application for Ohio Natural Gas Governmental Aggregators filed on behalf of the City of Norton by M. Burns.
10/07/2008 Opt out notice being sent to newly eligible customers in the community's natural gas aggregation program filed on behalf of the City of Norton by M. Burns.
08/05/2008 Certificate 04-085 (3) issued,
06/24/2008 Service Notice.
06/24/2008 Entry ordering that Norton's motion for and extension of its certificate's expiration date be granted; that the expiration date of Certificate No. 04-085(2) be extended from July 16, 2008 to July 17, 2008. (JWK)
06/20/2008 Motion for extension of certification expiration date, expedited ruling and memorandum in support filed by P. Kostoff on behalf of the City of Norton.
06/16/2008 Renewal application for the City of Norton as a natural gas governmental aggregator filed by M. Burns.
09/22/2006 Out-put notice sent to eligible customers for the scheduled period of September 26 through October 17, 2006 filed by T. Bellish on behalf of Buckeye Energy Brokers, Inc.
05/26/2006 Certificate No. 04-085(2) issued.
05/26/2006 Memo automatically closing case with the effective date of 5/26/06.
04/20/2006 Renewal application for natural gas governmental aggregator for the City of Norton filed by T. Bellish.
04/19/2006 Renewal application for natural gas governmental aggregator filed by T. Bellish on behalf of the City of Norton. (FAX)
09/10/2004 Opt out notice filed on behalf of The City of Norton, Ohio filed by T. Bellish.(FAX)
07/23/2004 Supplemental information for the City of Norton renewal application for natural gas governmental aggregator, filed by T. Bellish. (FAX)
07/23/2004 Supplemental Information for governmental aggregator application filed on behalf of Buckeye Energy Brokers for the City of Norton by T. Bellish.
06/15/2004 In the matter of the application of the City of Norton for natural gas governmental aggregator certification.