DIS - Case Record for 04-0169-EL-UNC Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/15/2007 Service Notice
12/13/2006 Tariff filing, PUCO No. 6, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Company by M. Resnik.
12/13/2006 Tariff filing, PUCO No. 18, filed on behalf of the Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
08/10/2006 Service Notice
08/09/2006 Entry ordered that AEP-Ohio is directed to file its plan for complying with the requirements of Section 4928.14, Revised Code, within 45 days of this entry.
12/21/2005 Consolidated compliance tariffs for CSP. (Part 2 of 2)
12/21/2005 Consolidated compliance tariffs of Columbus Southern Power Company filed in accordance with Commission's order for PUCO Tariff No. 6 filed by M. Resnik. (Part 1 of 2)
12/21/2005 Consolidated compliance tariffs continued. (Part 2 of 2)
12/21/2005 Consolidated compliance tariffs filed in accordance with Commission's order PUCO Tariff No.18 filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Ohio Power Company. (Part 1 of 2)
11/29/2005 Finding and order ordering that the proposed tariff revisions of CSP and OP are approved to the extent set forth in Finding (4): that the applicant is authorized to file in final form four complete copies, one copy shall be filed with this case docket, one shall be filed with the Applicant's TRF docket and the remaining two copies shall be designed for distribution to the Rates and Tariffs Division of the Commission's Utilities Department. The Applicants shall also update their tariff previously filed electronically with the Commission's Docketing Division; that the effective date of the new tariff shall be for bills rendered in billing cycle 1, in 2006, and for each applicable subsequent year of the Applicants' RSPs; that the Applicants shall notify all affected customers via bill message or via a bill insert within 30 days of the effective date of the tariffs; that nothing in this Finding and Order shall be binding upon this Commission in any future proceeding or investigation involving the justness or reasonableness of any rate, charge, rule or regulation; that the motion to withdraw from this proceeding filed by the City of Upper Arlington is granted and it shall be removed from the service list; that this case be closed as matter of record.
11/29/2005 Service Notice
09/02/2005 Motion to withdraw of The City of Upper Arlington filed by J. Hummer and T. Lindsey.
08/22/2005 Service Notice
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions; tariff PUCO #18 2006 Opened Access Distribution tariff - redlined continued. (Part 8 of 9).
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions; tariff PUCO #18 2006 Opened Access distribution tariff - clean continued. (Part 7 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions; tariff PUCO #18 2006 Std. tariff - redlined continued. (Part 6 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions; tariff PUCO #18 2006 Std. tariff - clean continued.(Part 5 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions continued. (Part 4 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions continued. (Part 3 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions continued. (Part 2 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions filed by M. Resnik on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company. (Part 1 of 9)
06/30/2005 Compliance tariff revisions; tariff PUCO #18 - 2007 Std. tariff - clean; 2007 Std. tariff - redlined; 2008 Std. tariff - clean; 2008 Std. redlined; 2008 OAD tariff - clean; 2008 OAD tariff - redlined. (Part 9 of 9)
05/16/2005 Supreme Court Transmittal Papers (Case No. 05-656)
05/16/2005 Letter to Ms. Mengel of Supreme Court, other than the Notice of Appeal, the case record of proceedings before the Commission in this case is identical to that filed earlier today with the Court in Industrial Energy Users-Ohio v. Pub. Util. Comm'n, in Case No. 05-656 and asking that this letter as the Commission's filing of the record in Case No. 05-767, filed on behalf of PUCO by Secretary of Commission.
04/29/2005 Notice of Appeal filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney. ( S.C. No. 05-767)
04/19/2005 Service Notice
04/14/2005 Notice of Appeal (S.C.Case No. 05-656) filed on behalf of IEU-Ohio by D. Neilsen.
04/13/2005 Proof of publication (Morgan County)
03/30/2005 Service Notice
03/23/2005 Entry on Rehearing stating that the applications for rehearing filed by IEU-Ohio, LIA, OCC, OEG, and Marketers/Suppliers are denied.
03/23/2005 Service Notice
03/07/2005 Memorandum Contra all applications for rehearing filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
02/25/2005 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers Counsel by C. Mooney.
02/25/2005 Application for Rehearing filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group by M. Kurtz.
02/25/2005 Application for rehearing filed by D. Neilsen on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio.
02/25/2005 Application for rehearing filed by H. Petricoff on behalf of The Ohio Marketers Group and PSEG Energy Resources & Trade, LLC and Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc.
02/24/2005 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support of Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, and WSOS Community Action filed by D. Rinebolt, M. Smalz, J. Maskovyak and E. Jacobs.
01/27/2005 Service Notice
01/27/2005 Service Notice
01/26/2005 Opinion and Order ordering that OCC's motion to dismiss is denied and that AEP's application is approved, subject to the modifications set forth in this decision and that AEP work with PUCO Service Monitoring and Enforcement staff to work out the details for the allotted low-income and economic developement dollars.
10/01/2004 Notice of withdrawal of counsel, Bruce J. Weston for Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson.
09/08/2004 Correspondence letter opposing AEP's proposed rate plan filed by J. Baumgartner..
09/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Meigs County)
08/31/2004 Proof of publication filed. (Pike County)
08/25/2004 Proof of publication (Huron Co.)
08/25/2004 Proof of publication. (Richland Co.)
08/10/2004 Proof of publication. (Adams County)
08/05/2004 Proof of publication (Review Times)
08/03/2004 Proof of Publication (Perry County)
07/30/2004 Reply post hearing brief filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
07/30/2004 Reply brief filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson.
07/30/2004 Reply brief filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm.
07/30/2004 Reply brief of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smalz, LIMA/ALLEN Council on Community Affairs, and WSOS Community Action by E. Jacobs and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (original)
07/30/2004 Reply brief filed by C. Mooney on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
07/30/2004 Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO by W. Wright.
07/30/2004 Reply brief of MidAmerican Energy Company, Strategic Energy LLC, WPS Energy Services, Inc., Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. and The National Energy Marketers Association filed by M. Petricoff and C. Goodman.
07/30/2004 Reply brief filed by S. Randazzo on behalf of IEU-Ohio.
07/29/2004 Reply brief of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smalz, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs and WSOS Communication Action by E. Jacobs and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
07/26/2004 Proof of Publication. (Richland County)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication (Harrison Co.)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication (Madison Co.)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication (Fairfield Co.)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication (Fayette Co.)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication (Hocking Co.)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication. (Monroe County)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication. (Seneca County)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication. (Holmes County)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication. (Coshocton County)
07/21/2004 Proof of publication. (Muskingum County)
07/16/2004 Transcript of hearing held July 1, 2004, continued.
07/14/2004 Proof of publication. (Crawford County)
07/14/2004 Letter brief in lieu of a formal initial brief filed on behalf of PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC by S. Leyden.
07/14/2004 Proof of publication.(Ross County)
07/14/2004 Proof of publication (Marion)
07/13/2004 Initial Brief filed on behalf of MidAmerican Energy Company, Strategic Energy LLC, WPS Energy Services, Inc., Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., Constellation Power Source, Inc. and National Energy Marketers Association by H. Petricoff.
07/13/2004 Main Brief filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group filed by D. Boehm.
07/13/2004 Main Brief of the Ohio Energy Group, Inc. filed by D. Boehm.
07/13/2004 Post Hearing Brief of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo.
07/13/2004 Initial post-hearing brief of the Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed by M. Resnik.
07/13/2004 Brief filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson.
07/13/2004 Initial Brief filed on behalf of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by C. Mooney.
07/13/2004 Proof of publication. (Wayne County) (Holmes County)
07/13/2004 Proof of publication. (Huron County)
07/13/2004 Post hearing Brief submitted on behalf of the staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by W. Wright.
07/13/2004 Initial Brief of Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, and WSOS Community Action filed by M. Smalz, J. Maskovyak, E. Jacobs, and D. Rinebolt.
07/13/2004 Transcript for hearing held Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at the Canton City Council Chambers, 218 Cleveland Avenue Southwest, Canton, Ohio.
07/09/2004 Proposed Transcript Corrections filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power and Ohio Power Company's by M. Resnik.
07/08/2004 Correspondence letter opposing AEP's proposed plan filed by F. Forrester.
07/07/2004 Proof of publication. (Columbiana County)
07/07/2004 Proof of publication (Morrow County)
07/07/2004 Proof of publication (Wood County)
07/07/2004 Letter in opposition of AEP's proposed rate plan filed by consumer.
07/07/2004 Letter in opposition of AEP's proposed plan filed by C. Evans.
07/07/2004 Proof of publication (Summit Co.)
07/06/2004 Proof of publication (Morrow Co.)
07/06/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by B. Auker.
07/02/2004 Correspondence in opposition of AEP's proposed plan filed on behalf of a consumer.
07/02/2004 Correspondence in opposition concerning AEP's proposed plan filed on behalf of a consumer.
07/02/2004 Correspondence in opposition concerning AEP's proposed plan filed on behalf of a consumer.
07/02/2004 Correspondence letter concerning AEP's proposed plan filed by B. Damico.
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Defiance County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Carroll County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Darke)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Van Wert County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Franklin County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Vinton County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Athens County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Jackson County)
07/02/2004 Proof of Publication. (Henry County)
07/01/2004 Correspondence in opposition of AEP's proposed plan filed by D. McDonald.
06/29/2004 Proof of publication (Knox Co.)
06/28/2004 Transcript w/exhibits cont'd Vol. IV-(Part 2 of 2)
06/28/2004 Transcript w/exhibits of hearing held before Attorney Examiner G. Petrucci at the Commission on 6/14/2004. (Vol. IV) (Part 1 of 2)
06/28/2004 Letters from various consumers opposing the AEP rate increase.
06/28/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase filed by B. Jackson.
06/28/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase filed by T. Strahs.
06/25/2004 Letter opposing the American Electric Power rate increase filed by consumers.
06/25/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by L. Smith.
06/24/2004 Supplemental filing of deposition of Michael G. Morris, filed on behalf of OCC.
06/24/2004 Supplemental filing of deposition of Philip J. Nelson, filed on behalf of OCC.
06/24/2004 Supplemental filing of deposition of J. Craig Baker filed on behalf of OCC.
06/24/2004 Supplemental filing of deposition of David M. Roush, filed on behalf of OCC.
06/24/2004 Transcript w/exhibits cont'd (Part 3 of 3) (Vol. III)
06/24/2004 Transcript w/exhibits cont'd (Part 2 of 3) (Vol. III)
06/24/2004 Transcripts w/exhibits of Hearing held 6/10/04 before Attorney Examiner G. Petrucci. (Part 1 of 3) (Vol. III)
06/24/2004 Proof of publication (Guernsey Co.)
06/23/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase filed by H.Knodt.
06/23/2004 Transcript and exhibits of proceedings before G. Petrucci, Hearing Examiner held on June 9, 2004. (Vol. II)
06/22/2004 Transcript and exhibits cont'd (Part 2 of 2) (Vol. 1)
06/22/2004 Transcript and exhibits of proceedings before Attorney Examiner G. Petrucci, held 6/8/2004. (VOL. I) (Part 1 of 2)
06/21/2004 Proof of publication (Pickaway Co.)
06/21/2004 Letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed on behalf of Tuscaroras Affordable Housing Services Corp. by C. Duerr.
06/21/2004 Proof of publication (Sandusky Co.)
06/21/2004 Proof of publication (Licking Co.)
06/18/2004 Proof of Publication (Wyandot County)
06/18/2004 Proof of publication (Allen Co.)
06/18/2004 Proof of publication (Putnam Co.)
06/18/2004 Proof of publication. (Paulding Co.)
06/18/2004 Correspondence letter opposing rate increase, filed by T. Whuler.
06/16/2004 Letter opposing the Columbus Southern Power/Ohio Power Co. rate increase, filed by W. Kettering.
06/16/2004 Letter opposing Columbus Southern Power Co./Ohio Power Co. rate increase filed by K. Hill.
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Washington Co.)
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Stark Co.)
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Hardin Co.)
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Wayne Co.)
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Noble Co.)
06/16/2004 Proof of publication (Brown Co.)
06/15/2004 Transcript of proceedings held before Attorney Examiner G. Petrucci, at the Commission on June 14, 2004, (Vol. IV)
06/15/2004 Proof of publication (Scioto Co.)
06/15/2004 Proof of publication (Noble Co.)
06/15/2004 Proof of publication (Holmes Co.)
06/15/2004 Legal notice filed.
06/14/2004 Proof of Publication (Harrison Co.)
06/14/2004 Proof of Publication. (Huron County)
06/14/2004 Proof of Publication (Morgan Co.)
06/10/2004 Proof of publication (Belmont Co.)
06/09/2004 Proof of publication. (Medina Co.)
06/09/2004 Proof of publication. (Ashland Co.)
06/09/2004 Proof of publication (Delaware Co.)
06/09/2004 Proof of publication. (Logan Co.)
06/04/2004 Correspondence opposing the AEP rate increase by T. Walker.
06/04/2004 Deposition of Craig Baker on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/04/2004 Deposition of Michael G. Morris on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/04/2004 Deposition of Philip J. Nelson on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/04/2004 Deposition of David M. Roush on behalf of Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
06/02/2004 Service Notice
06/02/2004 Correspondence letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by D. Skaggs.
06/02/2004 Correspondence opposing AEP rate increase, filed by D. Houtchens.
06/01/2004 Direct Testimony of Robert Pitts on behalf of The Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and WSOS Community Action. (original)
06/01/2004 Entry ordering that AEP's request to shorten the time period for expedited responses to its motion to defer is denied; that AEP's request for an expedited ruling on its motion to defer the time to response to OCC's motion to dismiss is granted; that AEP's request to defer the time to response to OCC's motion to dismiss is granted; that the motion to intervene of OHA is granted; that the local public hearings in Canton and Columbus, Ohio be rescheduled so that members of the public have an opportunity to voice their opinions about AEP's proposal; that a hearing be held 7/1/04, 10:00 a.m. in Hearing room 11D at the Commission offices in Columbus; that a local public hearing be held at 5:30 on 7/7/04 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1st floor, 218 Cleveland Ave. S.W., Canton, Ohio; that the Commission will publish notice of the local hearings one time in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in the service area affected by the application. (GP)
05/28/2004 Prepared testimony of F. Ross Pultz filed on behalf of OCC by K. Bojko.
05/28/2004 Correspondence in opposition of AEP's proposed rate plan filed by A. Toczynski.
05/28/2004 Response in support of OCC's motion to dismiss and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of PSEG Energy Resources & Trade, LLC by S. Leyden.
05/28/2004 Direct testimony and exhibits of Lane Kollen, filed on behalf of Ohio Energy Group, by D. Boehm.
05/28/2004 Direct testimony of Robert Pitts, on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy and WSOS Community Action, filed by D. Rinebolt. (FAX)
05/28/2004 Prepared testimony of Randall J. Corbin filed on behalf of Office of Consumers' Counsel.
05/27/2004 Memorandum contra motion to defer time filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
05/27/2004 Response to Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co. memorandum contra the OHA's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of Ohio Hospital Assoc. by R. Sites.
05/27/2004 Correspondence letters opposing AEP rate increase.
05/26/2004 Memorandum in support of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Co.'s motion to defer time for responding to OCC's motion to dismiss, request for expedited ruling, and request to shorten time for filing memorandum contra the instant motion to Friday, May 28, 2004, filed on behalf of IEU-Ohio by D. Neilsen.
05/26/2004 Correspondence letters from various consumers opposing the AEP rate increase.
05/25/2004 Correspondence letters opposing the AEP rate increase filed on behalf of various consumers.
05/25/2004 Motion to defer time for responding to OCC's motion to dismiss, request for expedited ruling, and request to shorten time for filing memorandum contra the instant motion to Friday, May 28, 2004 and memorandum in support filed on behalf of AEP by D. Conway.
05/24/2004 Various correspondence letters opposing AEP rate increase.
05/24/2004 Motion to dismiss and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
05/24/2004 Correspondence letters opposing the AEP rate increase.
05/24/2004 Memorandum contra to the Ohio Hospital Association's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. and Ohio Power Company by D. Conway.
05/24/2004 Correspondence letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by C. Schwing.
05/21/2004 Prepared Testimony of Richard C. Cahaan, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Financial Analysis and Audits Division.
05/21/2004 Prepared Testimony of L'Nard E. Tufts, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Electricity Division.
05/21/2004 Correspondence letters from various consumers opposing AEP's plan to increase rates.
05/21/2004 Transcript for hearing held 5/19/04 at the Canton City Council Chambers, Canton, Ohio, concluded
05/20/2004 Correspondence letters from various consumers opposing the AEP rate increase.
05/19/2004 Correspondence letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by R. Halsey.
05/18/2004 Motion to intervene and motion in support filed on behalf of The Ohio Hospital Association by R. Sites
05/18/2004 Correspondence letter opposing AEP rate increase filed by J. Rarick.
05/18/2004 Correspondence letter opposing AEP rate increase filed by E. Kagy.
05/18/2004 Correspondence letter opposing the AEP rate increase, filed by S. Beilbacher.
05/17/2004 Letter opposing AEP rate increase, filed by J. Spurlock.
05/17/2004 Correspondence letter filed by consumers opposing the AEP rate increase.
05/14/2004 Direct Testimony of Michael G. Morris on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
05/14/2004 Direct Testimony of J. Craig Baker on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
05/14/2004 Direct Testimony of David M. Roush on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
05/14/2004 Direct Testimony of Leonard V. Assante on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
05/14/2004 Direct Testimony of Philip J. Nelson on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company.
05/14/2004 Certificate of Service for the Direct Testimony of M.Morris, C. Baker, L. Assante, D. Roush and P. Nelson on behalf of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company by M. Resnik.
05/12/2004 Correspondence in opposition of American Electric Power proposed rate plan filed by R. Salmons.
05/12/2004 Correspondence in opposition of American Electric Power's pending plan proposal filed by E. Pierce.
05/11/2004 Letter opposing AEP rate increase, filed on behalf of Wyandot Co. Council on Aging, Inc. by J. Everhart.
05/11/2004 Letter opposing AEP rate increase filed by E. Rau.
05/10/2004 Letter opposing AEP rate plan, filed by D. Spires.
05/10/2004 Letter opposing AEP application filed by R. Williams.
05/10/2004 Letter opposing AEP application filed by M. Schwartz.
05/07/2004 Correspondence in opposition of AEP's proposed plan filed by D. May.
05/07/2004 Correspondence in opposition of AEP's proposed plan filed by N.M. Richmond.
05/07/2004 Correspondence in opposition of American Electric Power's proposed plan filed by R & V Flint.
05/06/2004 Notice to take deposition upon oral examination and request for production of documents filed on behalf of OCC by K.Bojko.
05/06/2004 Letters opposing AEP rate increase, filed by various consumers.
04/28/2004 Service Notice
04/27/2004 Entry ordering that the motion for a change in the procedural schedule in this case is granted in part, for the reasons detailed in the entry, that AEP's expert testimony is now due by May 14, 2004; discovery request may not be served after May 17, 2004; staff's expert testimony is now due by May 21, 2004, and the other parties' expert testimony is now due by May 28, 2004, the evidentiary hearing will begin at 10:00 a.m., on June 8, 2004, and be held in Hearing Room 11-C, at the offices of the Commission; that the 15 motions to intervene are granted; the five motions pro hac vice are granted. (GP)
04/22/2004 Memorandum Contra of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company interveners' joint motion for an extension of the procedural schedule filed by M. Resnik.
04/19/2004 Correspondence in support of the April 16,2004 joint motion for extension of procedural schedule and request for expedited ruling.
04/16/2004 Joint motion and memorandum in support for extension of the procedural schedule and request for expedited ruling of Appalachian Peoples Action Coalition by M. Smalz, City of Dublin by C. Miller , City of Upper Arlington by T. Linsey, Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson, Kroger Company by M. Kurtz, Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs by M. Smalz, The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by E. Stephens, The Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm, The Ohio Manufacturers' Association by S. Bloomfield, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt, Wheeling Pittsburg Steel Corp. by P. Brickfield, WSOS Community Action Commission.
04/13/2004 Motion for leave to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of PJM Interconnection, LLC by C. Glazer.. (original)
04/09/2004 Objections filed on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smalz, for Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs and WSOS Community Action by E. Jacobs and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy by D. Rinebolt. (original)
04/08/2004 Objections filed on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition, Lima/Allen Council of Community Affairs, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, and WSOS Community Action.(fax)
04/08/2004 Objections to the application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company filed on behalf of The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel by C. Mooney.
04/08/2004 Objections filed on behalf of The Kroger Company by M. Kurtz.
04/08/2004 Objections filed on behalf of the Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Lima/Allen Council on Community Affairs and WSOS Community Action by E. Jacobs.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support filed on behalf of Wheeling-Pittsburg Steel Corp. by P. Brickfield.
04/08/2004 Objections to the application and motion for leave to intervene, memorandum in support filed on behalf of National Energy Marketers Association by C. Goodman.
04/08/2004 Objections filed on behalf of IEU-Ohio by D. Neilsen.
04/08/2004 Objections to the application and motion for leave to intervene, memorandum in support, filed on behalf of MidAmerican Energy Company, Strategic Energy LLC, WPS Energy Services, Inc., and Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. by H. Petricoff.
04/08/2004 Motion for admission pro hac vice of Peter J.P. Brickfield and Emily W. Streett, and memorandum in support filed by H. Petricoff.
04/08/2004 Motion Pro Hac Vice to admit Craig G. Goodman and Stacey L. Rantala to practice before the Commission, filed by H. Petricoff.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene memorandum in support and objections filed on behalf of Constellation Power Source, Inc. by H. Petricoff. .
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. and Buckeye Power, Inc. by K. Helfrich.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of The City of Upper Arlington by J. Amid and T. Lindsey.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of the City of Dublin, Ohio by C. Miller.
04/08/2004 Motion to admit Shawn P. Leyden Pro Hac Vice before the Commission, filed by J. Einstein, IV.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene memorandum in support filed on behalf of PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC by S. Leyden.
04/08/2004 Objections to the application of AEP applicants, filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by B. Weston.
04/08/2004 Motion to intervene, memorandum in support and a motion to admit Janine Durand to practice Pro Hac Vice before the Commission filed on behalf of PJM Interconnection, LLC by C. Glazer.(fax)
04/05/2004 Motion for admission Pro Hac Vice and memorandum in support of Joseph D. Condo to appear as counsel for Calpine Corporation filed by S. Bloomfield.
04/05/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Calpine Corporation filed by J. Condo.
03/31/2004 Entry ordering that motions to intervene be granted and that the motion pro hac vice to allow David C. Rinebolt to appear on behalf of OPAE in this proceeding be granted.
03/15/2004 Legal notices faxed to: Adams, Allen, Ashland, Athens, Auglaize, Belmont, Brown, Carroll, Coshocton, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Gallia, Guernsey, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Highland, Hocking, Holmes, Huron, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lawrence, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Medina, Meigs, Morrow, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Paulding, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Putnam, Richland, Ross, Sandusky, Scioto, Stark, Summit, Tuscaroras, Union, Van Wert, Vinton, Washington, Wayne, Wood, and Wyandot Counties newspapers of general circulation.
03/11/2004 Entry ordering that the schedule for filing intervention, objections, prefiled testimony and for serving discovery, as set forth in finding 2 be observed, that a technical conference be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 2004, in Hearing Room 11-D, 11th fl, at the offices of the Commission, that a local hearing be held on May 19,2004 at 6:30 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1st fl. 218 Cleveland Ave., S.W., Canton, Oh, and another local hearing will begin at 10:00 a.m. on May 24, 2004, in Hearing Room 11-D, 11th fl. at the offices of the Commission, the evidentiary hearing will commence following the public comments on Monday, May 24, 2004, that notice of the hearing be published in accordance with finding 3.
03/11/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson and B. Weston. (original)
03/10/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by E. Robinson and B. Weston. (FAX)
03/05/2004 Motion to intervene filed on behalf of Ohio Manufacturer's Association by S. Bloomfield.
02/20/2004 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Appalachian People's Action Coalition by M. Smalz.
02/20/2004 Motion to Intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio by S. Randazzo.
02/20/2004 Motion to Intervene, Memorandum in support, and motion to practice pro hac vice before the Commission of Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy filed by D. Rinebolt.
02/19/2004 Motion for leave to intervene filed on behalf of Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. filed by J. Airey.
02/17/2004 Petition to intervene filed on behalf of The Ohio Energy Group by D. Boehm.
02/17/2004 Petition to intervene, filed on behalf of the Kroger Co. by M. Kurtz.
02/11/2004 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of OCC by C. Mooney.
02/09/2004 In the matter of the application of Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company for approval of a Post Market Development Period Rate Stabilization Plan.