DIS - Case Record for 03-1965-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/02/2005 Opinion and order stating that complaint is dismissed and that this matter is closed of record.
03/02/2005 Service Notice
03/19/2004 Transcript of proceedings before Attorney Examiner Douglas Jennings on March 3, 2004, at the offices of the Commission. (submitted)
03/17/2004 Supplemental brief filed on behalf of the Dayton Power & Light Company by T. Rice.
03/01/2004 Certificate of service stating documents delivered by hand to Timothy G. Rice as requested at deposition on 2/16/2004 filed by E. Santos.
02/24/2004 Expert testimony of Kathlene West, filed on behalf of DP&L Co.
02/19/2004 Last maintenance check on loose connectors, filed by complainant, Mr. Santos.
02/12/2004 Amended notice of deposition, filed on behalf of The Dayton Power & Light Co. by T. Rice.
02/02/2004 Notice of deposition of Edward J. Santos to take place 2/16/2004 at 9:00 a.m. filed by T. Rice on behalf of DP&L.
01/29/2004 Correspondence letter of complainant requesting certain information from DP&L Company filed by E. Santos.
01/26/2004 Service Notice
01/26/2004 Entry ordering that a public hearing be set for Weds. March 3,2004 at 10:00 AM at the offices of the Commission in hearing room 11-B and that any party intending to present direct expert testimony comply with rule 4901-1-29(A)(1)(h), O.A.C. (DJ)
01/14/2004 Memo to Mr. Rice of DP&L Company requesting copies of Maintenance records and or inspection dates on problem of loose connections, filed by complainant (Mr. Santos).
01/06/2004 Letter requesting information reports to circuit AK1215 before power surge incident filed on behalf of Edward Santos.
12/12/2003 Correspondence letter to Mr. Timothy G. Rice, filed on behalf of complainant by E. Santos.
12/04/2003 Requesting all relevant reliability reports and power outages for DP&L from June 2002 to January 2003 involving circuit on 119 Murray Dr. Dayton, Ohio 45403 filed by E. Santos.
10/28/2003 Entry scheduling a settlement conference on 11/18/2003 at 10:00 am in the legal conference room on the 12th floor of the Commission. (LDJ)
10/28/2003 Service Notice
10/09/2003 Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by E. Santos.
10/07/2003 Answer, motion to strike, motion to dismiss and request for mediation, filed on behalf of The Dayton Power and Light Company by T. Rice.
09/18/2003 In the matter of the complaint of Edward J. Santos (vs) The Dayton Power & Light Company relative to the alleged unjust and unreasonable damages caused by an electric power surge.
09/18/2003 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Timothy G. Rice, DP&L.