DIS - Case Record for 02-3069-TP-ALT Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
08/27/2007 Memo closing case with an effective date of 8/27/07.
06/13/2007 Service Notice
06/13/2007 Entry denying Ohio Consumers' Counsel's application for rehearing.
06/04/2007 Memorandum contra the OCC application for rehearing on behalf of AT&T Ohio by M. Fenlon.
05/25/2007 Application for rehearing of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel filed by D. Bergmann.
04/25/2007 Entry ordering that, in accordance with findings in this entry, AT&T Ohio is granted a waiver from the provisions of Rule 4901:1-4-06(B)(1)(c), O.A.C., until the Commission rules otherwise.
04/25/2007 Service Notice
04/06/2007 Notice declining to accept the Commissions proposed limited waiver filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
04/03/2007 Application for rehearing on behalf of Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc. filed by D. McKeever. (FAX)
03/07/2007 Entry ordered; that AT&T Ohio's request for waiver is denied as discussed herein; that AT&T Ohio is granted a more limited waiver in accordance with finding 10; that AT&T Ohio collect and report such data on a monthly basis to Commission staff and AT&T Ohio's Lifeline Advisory Board as set forth in finding 11.
03/07/2007 Service Notice
03/01/2007 Correspondence letter on behalf of the Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc. filed by D. McKeever. (FAX)
02/21/2007 Reply to OCC's memorandum in opposition to AT&T Ohio's request for waiver on behalf of Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc. by D. McKeever.
02/15/2007 Letter concerning allowing Lifeline Ohio customer the choice of selecting vertical features filed by D. Darby, TRI-STAR Consumers. (FAX)
02/12/2007 Comments on the waiver filed by AT&T to allow all Lifeline recipients easier access to Vertical Telephone features filed on behalf of Consumers for Fair Utility Rates, the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition and the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland filed by J. Meissner.
02/09/2007 Letter in support of request for and alternative form of regulation for the Lifeline Ohio program filed by J. Kazak on behalf of Owner's Management Company. (FAX)
02/09/2007 Comments about the waiver filed by AT&T to allow all lifeline recipients easier access to Vertical Telephone features filed on behalf of consumers for fair utility rater the Neighborhood Environmental Coalition and The Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland filed by J. Meissner. (FAX)
02/07/2007 Letter requesting increased special features as a part of the Lifeline Ohio discount program, filed on behalf of Consciously Aware Service that Empower, Inc. by L. Slatton and A. Holton. (FAX)
02/05/2007 Notice of an ex parte communication pursuant to Section 4901-1-09 of the Commission's rules in concern to the Lifeline customers and the request for waiver filed on behalf of AT&T Ohio by M. Fenlon.
02/05/2007 Reply in support of its waiver filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
02/01/2007 Letter supporting AT&T request for a waiver on the Lifeline program current restrictions filed by Rev. R. Davidson on behalf of Eastside Community Ministry.
02/01/2007 Letter supporting AT&T's request for a waiver on the Lifeline program's current restrictions filed by N. Pierce on behalf of Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group, Inc and Muskingum County Community Action Agency.
01/31/2007 Letter supporting the waiver for the Lifeline program filed by G. Ryan, Dr. George McCarthy on behalf of Friendship Foundation of American-Vietnamese.
01/30/2007 Correspondence letter in support of AT&T's Lifeline Ohio waiver for Lifeline Ohio customers filed by E. Sullivan on behalf of Cuyahoga County.
01/30/2007 Letter in support of the AT&T Ohio's request for waiver filed by V. Hill on behalf of Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority.
01/29/2007 Letter supporting AT&T's Lifeline customers option to purchase custom calling features filed by G. Brown on behalf of The Center for Community Solutions.
01/29/2007 Notice of substitution of counsel filed by D. Bergman on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/29/2007 Memorandum in opposition to AT&T Ohio's request for waiver, filed by D. Bergmann on behalf of the Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel.
01/26/2007 Correspondence in support of allowing AT&T's Lifeline customers to be given the choice of selecting vertical features filed on behalf of Lifecare Alliance by T. Dodge.
01/26/2007 Correspondence expressing support for AT&T's waiver request and the efforts to eliminate custom calling feature restrictions relating to Lifeline Ohio service filed on behalf of Oasis, by B. Tompkins.
01/25/2007 Letter supporting the efforts of AT&T to eliminate current restrictions filed by S. Gans, LSW and P. Wright on behalf of the Mahoning County Senior Center.
01/25/2007 Letter supporting AT&T efforts to eliminate custom calling feature restrictions of Lifeline Ohio services filed by A. Roth on behalf of West Side Ecumenical Ministry.
01/25/2007 Letter urging approval of AT&T's Lifeline waiver request filed by S. McNabb on behalf of Ohio Conference of NAACP.
01/25/2007 Letter supporting AT&T eliminating Lifeline Ohio's custom calling feature restrictions filed by J. Mickler on behalf of the Greater Toledo Urban League, Inc.
01/25/2007 Letter supporting AT&T Ohio's Lifeline program filed by K. Jenks on behalf of The Dayton Urban Ministry Center.
01/25/2007 Letter supporting AT&T's request for elimination of the restrictions to Lifeline Ohio, filed by J. Grize on behalf of Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.
01/25/2007 Letter in support of AT&T's Lifeline Ohio customers selecting vertical features filed by T. Dodge on behalf of Lifecare Alliance. (FAX)
01/25/2007 Letter supporting Lifeline's consumers right to choose other services filed by C. Flunoy on behalf of Love Inc. (FAX)
01/24/2007 Letter supporting AT&T to eliminate custom calling restrictions relating to Lifeline Ohio services filed by D. Porras on behalf of Hispanic Business Association.
01/24/2007 Letter supporting AT&T to eliminate current restrictions that prevent Lifeline customers from purchasing features such as Caller-ID filed by S. Pierson on behalf of Info Line.
01/24/2007 Letter supporting AT&T efforts to eliminate custom calling feature restrictions relating to Lifeline Ohio Services filed by C. Bretz on behalf on the Community Action Agency of Columbiana County, Inc.
01/24/2007 Letter supporting AT&T's Lifeline Ohio waiver of restrictions on access to vertical features for Lifeline Ohio customers filed by E. Sullivan on behalf of Cuyahoga County. (FAX)
01/23/2007 Letter regarding features for telephone communications by the elderly and impaired that assist clients in daily living, filed on behalf of Elderly United of Springfield & Clark County, Inc. by R. Marshall.
01/22/2007 Request for waiver filed by D. Makeover on behalf of Parkview Area wide Seniors, Inc.
01/22/2007 Letter expressing the opinion of University Settlement regarding the Lifeline Ohio Program filed by B. Gaglione.
01/22/2007 Letter stating that Ohio Lifeline customers would benefit by eliminating calling feature restrictions for seniors filed by Judy Seiber.
01/19/2007 Correspondence filed by T. Mendelsohn on behalf of the Empowerment Center of Greater Cleveland.
01/18/2007 Response to AT&T Ohio's request for waiver filed by D. McKeever on behalf of Parkview Areawide Seniors, Inc.. (FAX)
01/12/2007 Request for waiver filed by M. Fenlon on behalf of AT&T Ohio.
03/09/2005 Requisite notice of its fulfillment of the 24-month commitment to the commission, supporting documentation has been provided to the commission staff on a confidential basis filed by J. Kelly on behalf of SBC Ohio.
07/01/2004 Service Notice
06/30/2004 Entry ordered, that the protective order issued on January 6, 2003, in this proceeding shall be extended for an additional 18 months.
05/19/2004 Motion to extend protective order, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by J. Kelly.
03/09/2004 Requisite notice of its fulfillment of the 12-month commitment to the Commission and that the supporting documentation has been provided to the Commission staff on a confidential basis, filed on behalf of SBC Ohio by J. Kelly.
03/06/2003 Entry ordering that the process for elective alternative regulation is clarified in accordance with Finding 7; that OCC's December 18, 2002, comments are accepted as timely for this case only; that, aside from the clarification made herein, OCC's application for rehearing is denied.
03/06/2003 Entry ordered that the process for elective alternative regulation is clarified in accordance with Finding (7), that OCC's December 18, 2003 comments are accepted as timely for this case only, that aside from the clarification made erin OCC's application for rehearing is denied.
03/06/2003 Service Notice
02/14/2003 Memorandum contra OCC's application for rehearing, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Adams.
02/04/2003 Application for rehearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
01/09/2003 Revised final tariff filed on behalf of SBC by R. Wentz.(Part 3 of 3)
01/09/2003 Revised final tariffs filed on behalf of SBC by R. Wentz (Part 2 of 3)
01/09/2003 Revised final tariff pages filed on behalf applicant by R. Wentz.(part 1 of 3)
01/06/2003 Tariff revision, modifications associated with language in the Lifeline tariff pages and the identification of Call Trace as a Tier 1 Non-Core Service, filed on behalf of SBC Ameritech by R. Wentz.
01/06/2003 Finding and Order; Ordered that Ameritech's request for waiver is granted, ordered that the motion for protective order is granted for a period of 18 months; ordered that the joint motion to intervene filed by AT&T, CoreComm, LDMI, and WorldCom is denied; ordered that the request for hearing filed by AT&T, CoreComm, LDMI, and WorldCom is denied; ordered that the Commission will not consider the OCC December 18, 2002 comments; Ordered that the application for Ameritech for approval of a plan of alternative regulatory treament is approved and its plan and corresponding tariffs are approved and shall be effective January 9, 2003; ordered that Ameritechs request for approval of its tariff title page to reflect it new brand name, registered trade name, and logo is approved and shall be effective January 9, 2003.
01/03/2003 Letter regarding SBC Ameritech's response to OCC comments filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
12/31/2002 Response to comments of OCC, filed on behalf of applicant by D. Stinson.
12/23/2002 Letter stating that comments filed on December 18, 2002 by Ohio Consumers' Counsel, inadvertently omitted a citation, filed by J. Serio.
12/18/2002 Comments of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel on SBC Ameritech Ohio's Elective Alternative Regulation Plan filed by J. Serio.
12/12/2002 Memorandum contra AT&T, TCG Ohio, CoreComm, LDMI, and Worldcom's motion to intervene and request for hearing, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Adams.
12/12/2002 Memorandum in response to OCC's motion to intervene, filed on behalf of applicant by W. Adams.
12/10/2002 Motion to intervene of AT&T, CoreComm, LDMI, and WorldCom and request for hearing filed by D. Trabaris.
11/25/2002 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of OCC by J. Serio.
11/22/2002 Confidential information filed on behalf of applicant. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
11/22/2002 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by W. Adams.
11/22/2002 Application continued. (Part 4 of 4)
11/22/2002 Application continued. (Part 3 of 4)
11/22/2002 Application continued. (Part 2 of 4)
11/22/2002 In the matter of the application of SBC Ameritech Ohio for approval lf an alternative form of regulation. (Part 1 of 4)