DIS - Case Record for 02-2895-GA-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/27/2007 Revised Exhibits A and B to the Notice of Amendment filed by R. D'Ascenzo on behalf of Duke Energy Ohio.
03/22/2007 Notice of amendment to DE-Ohio's Credit Worthiness Standard Components and Credit Collateral Formula filed by P. Colbert.
07/15/2005 Rate FRAS, full requirements aggregation service, rate SAC, retail natural gas supplier and aggregators charges and rider DRR, default recovery rider filed by D. Rottinghaus on behalf of CG&E.
06/14/2005 Service Notice
06/14/2005 Entry on rehearing that CG&E's application for rehearing is denied.
05/26/2005 Application for rehearing filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company by P. Colbert.
04/27/2005 Entry approving stipulation with the exceptions stated in this entry; that this case be closed of record.
04/27/2005 Service Notice
06/10/2004 Amended application for approval of language and text revisions to gas Rate FRAS and approval of related new tariff schedules Rate SAC and Rider DRR, filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.
03/29/2004 Reply Comments on behalf of Stand Energy Corporation by J. Dosker.
03/16/2004 Reply to comments of the OCC, Stand Energy Corp. and Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. filed on behalf of CG&E Co. by P. Colbert.
03/02/2004 Comments in response to the stipulation and recommendation, filed on behalf of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. by J. Migden.
02/25/2004 Comments in opposition to the stipulation and recommendation filed on behalf of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel by C. Mooney.
02/24/2004 Comments filed on behalf of Stand Energy Corporation filed by J. Dosker.
02/10/2004 Stipulation and Recommendation filed on behalf of applicant by P. Colbert.
09/12/2003 Entry scheduling a status conference at 10:00 a.m. on September 29, 2003, Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (GLP)
09/12/2003 Service Notice
05/14/2003 Second Finding & Order that DEO's motion to strike the November 1, 2002 report of the Ad Hoc Group filed in Case No. 01-1371-GA-ORD is denied; that the motions to intervene in Case No. 01-1371-GA-ORD filed by ProLiance and the Ad Hoc Coalition are denied; the motions to intervene in Case Nos. 02-2895-GA-ATA and 02-2903-GA-ATA filed by ProLiance and the Ad Hoc Coalition are denied; the motions to intervene in Case Nos. 02-2895-GA-ATA and 02-2903-GA-ATA filed by Stand are denied; the motions to permit John M. Dosker to appear on behalf of Stand in Case No. 02-2895-GA-ATA and 02-2903-GA-ATA are granted; that the motion to consolidate Case Nos. 01-1371-GA-ORD, 02-2895-GA-ATA, and 02-2903-GA-ATA is denied; the request for mediation of the disputed tariff provisions in Case Nos. 01-1371-GA-ORD, 02-2895-GA-ATA and 02-2903-GA-ATA is denied; the motion for a hearing is denied; that DEO incorporate the required revisions set forth in this decision and file newly revised tariffs for Commission consideration.
12/26/2002 Memorandum Contra motion to consolidate proceedings request for a hearing presentation of tariff issues on behalf of the ADHOC Coalition of gas suppliers filed on behalf of CG & E by P. Colbert.
12/26/2002 Motion to Intervene and Memorandum in support and motion for admission pro hac vice of John M. Dosker and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of Stand Energy by J. Borchert.
12/11/2002 Motion to consolidate proceedings request for a hearing presentation of tariff issues on behalf of The ADHOC Coalition Of Gas Suppliers, filed by J. Migden.
12/06/2002 Motion to intervene, on behalf of the ADHOC Coalition of gas suppliers and memorandum in support filed by J. Migden.
11/29/2002 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of ProLiance Energy, LLC by S. Sherman.
11/01/2002 In the matter of the application of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company for approval of its revisions to rate FRAS gas tariff Schedule in response to H.B.9.