DIS - Case Record for 02-2548-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
05/20/2004 Service Notice
05/19/2004 Entry denying application for rehearing as set forth in entry.
05/06/2004 Memorandum contra application for rehearing filed on behalf of respondent (Buckeye Rural Electric Co-op) by R. Miller.
04/23/2004 Request for rehearing filed on behalf of complainant Warren Jay Yerian.
03/30/2004 Entry ordering that this case be closed of record.
03/30/2004 Service Notice
03/19/2004 Comments relating to Steve Ellliots affidavit filed on 3/15/2004, filed by Warren Jay Yerian (complainant).
03/19/2004 Drawing of existing transformer pole and disconnect switch information filed by complainant Warren Jay Yerian.
03/15/2004 Report filed on behalf of Buckeye Rural Electric Co-op filed by C. Fain.
02/24/2004 Inspection report filed on behalf of Stewart Electric Company to the Commission filed by W. Yerian.
02/04/2004 Entry ordering that within 60 days of the date of this entry, Buckeye (a) shall contact Mr. Yerian to arrange for reasonable access to the locked disconnect box on his property and inspect the loop to insure that it is compliant with all code requirements, Mr. Yerian may file a report signed by a licensed electrician stating the transformer is larger than 100 amps. Buckeye shall file a supplemental report no later than 60 days from the date of this order.
02/04/2004 Service Notice
01/12/2004 Report filed on behalf of respondent (Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc) by R.Miller.
10/15/2003 Opinion & Order that Buckeye inspect the loop on Mr. Yerian's premises to ensure that it complies with applicable code requirements and, if it does not so comply, to correct such failure; that Buckeye shall file with the Commission a report of the work done at Mr. Yerian's premises pursuant to this order no later than 90 days from the date hereof.
10/09/2003 Exhibits filed on behalf of complainant.
07/24/2003 Transcript of hearing held July 10, 2003, at the Commission. (JK) (submitted).
07/03/2003 Notice of filing of expert testimony and affidavit of Jeffery E. Tackett, filed on behalf of respondent, Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative by R. Miller.
07/02/2003 Notice of filing of expert testimony, filed on behalf of respondent by R. Miller (fax)
06/05/2003 Entry scheduling this matter for public hearing at 10:00 a.m, July 10, 2003, Hearing Room 11-B, 11th fl., at the Commission. (JK)
01/09/2003 Service Notice filed.
01/08/2003 Letter filed on behalf of AEP to R. Miller concerning boundary change, filed by M. Resnik.
01/08/2003 Entry ordering that a telephonic conference be held on February 25, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. be held. (JK)
11/22/2002 Entry scheduling a conference at 10:00 a.m. on December 9, 2002, Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (JK)
10/24/2002 Answer for filing of Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. filed by R. Miller.
10/03/2002 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.
10/03/2002 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to Buckeye Rural Eclectic Cooperative, Inc.
10/03/2002 In the matter of the complaint of Warren Jay Yerian against Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. complainant alleges that the company will not give release.